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Vau's Second Inquisitorius VCMDR Application (Eighth Brother)


Should I become IQ VCMDR? (Eighth Brother)  

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    • You should! :D
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Vau's Inquisitorius Vice Commander Application (Eighth Brother)

1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

Purge BAL LTCOL Vau EY35 | Lord X Vau

2. What Regiment are you applying for?
Inquisitorius VCMDR | Eighth Brother

3. Why do you want to be a Commander of this branch?
I want to become a vice commander of Inquisitorius because I love playing as an Inquisitorius/Purge on this server. I'm already LTCOL so I am thinking why not go further. I want to help rudolph fill the recently vacated slots in the inquisitorius command team by becoming the eight brother. Another reason is to help build the new NCO's into either future officers or Trusted NCOs. I want to help the command team with stuff like Roster updating, hosting simulations and helping improve Inquisitorius. I always like to help out in whatever I do so I want to help out with commanding the Inquisitorius so that it thrives in activity and positivity. I want to prove to myself and others that I can move up the ranks and hold the responsibilites that they have without cracking under pressure.

4. How much game time do you have on the server?
8 Weeks Total = https://gyazo.com/b0f7a0d1598550c1ac9de2594f5198d9
Battle Metrics = https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/977675464

5. What is the Main Purpose of a Commander for a branch?
A commander is to represent how those who want to go further in need to be. A commander is supposed to be able to take the issues that the beattalion has and try to make them small or non-existant at all. A commander is meant to be reachable at all times and nobody should be afraid to message them should the time come that they are needed. Commanders are expected to keep their rosters updated, keeping their NCOs and Officers active and hitting their quotas, and be able to punish when need be. A commander should also be able to take criticism and not react in a way unfit for that position. A major thing a commander should do is to create something fun like a lore system or a weekly simulation that is fun and inclusive for all.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :
I have not broken any server rules as of returning to Gaminglight Imperial RP. I usually have no problem with any other people and if I do have a problem with someone I directly talk to them rather or speak to a few people than letting everyone know. I have no strikes as of now in any of my Battalions. I can bring ideas to the command team that everyone may or may not like. I made it to LTCOL/Lord X so that proves that those that promoted me trust me enough to hold the rank I am currently at. I am always looking to improve as a person and criticism is feedback towards me. I can always hit my quota and look for new ways to make it fun while doing what I need to.

7. How often can you be Online? :
Everyday for about 5+ hours as long as nothing big happens IRL that day.

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :


Edited by Vau


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  • Vau changed the title to Vau's Second Inquisitorius VCMDR Application (Eighth Brother)


Major improvement than previous application.

Wants what is best for his branch.

Always does his best when he can.

Always answers questions from NCO's and Enlisted.

Great activity.


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