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Medical Squad Shield Update

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Other Suggestion Format: What do you want to see?: Addition of 2 Features to the Squad Shield in use by medical personnel.

1st) the ability to turn off the squad shield. This is extremely helpful for when we need to move up, stop obstructing an area and allow friendlies to shoot past, bring it down so vehicles can pass and to make it easier to take it down if we accidentally place it or misposition it. It also just makes sense for us to be able to manually turn it off instead of having to wait the timer out. The cooldown would still work how it does normally by taking the Up time and doubling it as the cooldown. for example if you have it up for 10s then take it down there's a 20s cooldown

2nd)  add a menu for selectable duration times, for example have the base be the 30s it is now, then 45s then 1m being the max.

Why should we add it?: increases the funtionality and appeal of the squad shield and adds quality of life features that improve how we can use it in the day to day events etc.

What are the advantages of having this?: Increases the versatility and uniqueness of our equipment aswell as opens more possibilities for how we can/do use these.

Who is it mainly for?: Medical and Associated Squad Medics. (Positively Affects All Other Battalions Though)

Links to any content: N/A?

DT Vice Commander XO1||Purge NCO Spectre 03||GM-III Salt

Reserve(s): MC COL/Pararescue Salt

Former: MC Commander, DT SC01 XXIII (First Tick 23 SC01), SCT NCO
Into The Fires of Battle,Unto The Anvil of War

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+1 W Suggestion. This would bring some Versatility into the squad shield and open up new tactics for battalions who have squad shields.

Current: DT M36 | Imperial RP GM III | ImperialRP Moderator
Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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+ Support
- Time System is cool for the Different Environments they face such as open areas, hallways, and those sorts of things.
- Turning off the Squad Shield would be great for things such as forward pushes and anything movement related 

Imperial RP | Lead Admin | Assistant Head Gamemaster | 501st Vice Commander

Former | IC VCMR Sev | DT LTCOL SV02 | SHG SHGO Vacander Jax

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