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Waltan's Application to Vice Admiral

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name): Waltan Dorn.

2. What Regiment are you applying for? Navy.

3. Why do you want to be an Admiral of this branch?

          I was originally the Vice Commander for the 501st legion, I left on great terms as I only left so as to come to Naval and assist in recruiting efforts and increase overall activity for the Battalion. As I promised the 501st, I promise the same here. I will do everything for The Navy as I did for them. Recruiting will increase, activity will increase and the quality of the members of Naval and the roleplay they engage in will increase with the others. 501st went from what it was months ago to a greatly active battalion with new quality Commanders that I personally trained and watched go from private to Vice Commanders. I want to be one of the Vice Admirals so as to further the career I've so far built on GL, specifically in The Imperial Navy. Naval RP has always been my favorite above all others and I feel like not only could I bring assistance but also provide a certain pleasure in the work I'd help my would-be command team which I can guarantee would be apparent.

4. How much game time do you have on the server? 

         795 hours and 20 minutes.

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

          To ensure the behavior and image the battalion projects is a positive one and that the SOPs set in place are followed. It is also the duty of a Vice Admiral to communicate with their monthly Overseer and determine what if any changes need to be put in place or worked towards such. A Vice Admiral is also meant to be one of the closest advisors to the Admiral themselves on top of receiving orders and delegate them about the Officers and Crew. In the absence of the Admiral it is the duty of the Vice to assign weekly orders to those who need them or aren't aware of such.

6. Why should we trust you to be an Admiral?:

          My work in the server since I've joined has proven that I can not only handle the tasks of a Vice Admiral or Captain, but also excel at them too. Naval has already grown and shown progress since I've joined. I personally see no reason as to why I shouldn't be granted the same chance here as I was just a few months ago in the 501st Legion. I also feel like I would be a great pick as our second Vice Admiral due to the time zone restraints of our current one, it would also greater benefit the Navy as the work load would be more evenly spread amongst command staff rather than 2 people handling it all. If accepted into the Admiralty in The Navy I would make it my first and immediate goal to get in touch with the Higher Admiralty and my months Overseer and get any revisions if any, made to the Naval Documents as many of them have gotten outdated and are in dire need of updating. I did such with 501st and will do so here.

7. How often can you be Online?:

          I am online Daily.
8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : No. *THE STRIKE I HAD WAS APPEALED AND REMOVED.*

Thank you to my peers and Command at the Battalion and Grand Levels for the time you've taken to read and consider my application. 

Edited by C l o u t l e s s J o s h u a
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  • Has impeccable activity, something very good for a vice admiral
  • Show's he is able to move past things and improve by appealing his strike and joining SO again
  • Is competent and knows how to be a leader
  • Has previous vice commander experience
  • More than likely one of my favorite people to rp with
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Amazing Activity
does great work in Naval
i know from him being a Vice Commander in the 501st that he has what it takes to be in a command team

 CURRENT: 501st Commander Mox

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