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Staff report - Ion davis -- Denied


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Your In-Game Name: Vanguard

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:0

Staff member's In-Game Name: Ion Davis

What did they do? Told someone they checked logs when they seem to not have, they stated that a SWAT officer didn't shoot at them, when in the video you hear gunshots from the SWAT's rifle of some sort.

Evidence (REQUIRED): 


What do you think is an acceptable punishment? A calm talk, or strike. If thats a thing of course.

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Posted (edited)

-Support this video doesn't show anything note worthy there is someone who shoots which you can't tell whoit is based off the video at all

Edited by Ganta


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A gun firing and hitting nothing wouldn't be visible by checking logs, so not knowing about a gunshot doesn't mean he didn't check logs.

Deputy Commissioner of Police

Former SCO19 Chief Constable | Reserve HRT Commander | Reserve FBI Assistant Director

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As others have said this clip shows nothing note worthy towards the story you provided.

Also as stated if the shots fired did not hit a player within a vehicle or a player themself no logs would be provided.

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logs only show combat when you have  been shot/hit, this doesn't mean he didn't check logs it just means you haven't been hit which in the clip you can hear gunshots that sound distanced away and you didn't get hit once proving the fact logs wouldn't show anything.

Health at the start:image.png.5a205d93dd528405d08593349482c1fe.png

Health at the end:image.png.a353200a2ac1a262c8fca546f0e12f2e.png


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So what happened and I didn't fully explain, Ion said in chat, I didn't catch it though, he checked logs and it would show if someone shot, Cole in this moment shot, and Ion said that he didn't.

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