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Miscellaneous Changes/Additions to Royal Guard


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What do you want to see?: The disabling of the burn damage on our sabers (weapon_saber_guard_lightsaber and weapon_royal_guard_saber).

Why should we add it?: This would allow Royal Guard to focus more on defending our VIPs and killing attackers rather than having to worry about accidentally hurting our VIP/innocent bystanders/each other. 

What are the advantages of having this?: The amount of friendly fire would significantly decrease, and would allow us to operate in closer groups without having to worry about accidentally stabbing someone. This shouldn't decrease the amount of damage that we do. (For those not aware, burn damage for lightsabers is the damage done by the blade when not swinging).

Who is it mainly for?: Royal Guard.

Links to any content: N/a


What do you want to see?: A keypad added to our bunk's door, along with a 4 digit code. By keypad I don't mean the face scanner, but instead the keypad variant from billy's keypads (the addon used by the server for the face scanners).

Why should we add it?: This addition addresses an ongoing issue involving the Royal Guard Cadet whitelist, that being the fact that anyone with the proper donation rank is instantly granted one of the strongest weapons on the server for them to abuse. This also addresses the less serious but still prevalent issue of untrained cadets using the whitelist to gain access to the skill machine.

What are the advantages of having this?: It stops people from abusing the whitelist in ways that were not intended. The code to the keypad would only be given to cadets following their training, and would be pasted into our information channel and handbook, ensuring that only people who have access to these are able to leave bunks. It also stops people from entering our bunks, something that similarly classified battalions already have. 

Who is it mainly for?: Royal Guard

Links to any content: N/a



Battalion Name: Royal Guard

Job/Class Name: Royal_Senior
- Current loadout: bkeycard activity_logger rw_sw_bino_dark weapon_royal_guard_saber Keys rw_sw_westar35 wos_inventory garde_a_vousv1.1 cross_arms_swep dradio
- Add: Datapad (the one that defuses bombs)
- Remove: N/a
Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): We wish to make this change to allow Senior Guards to defuse bombs. The reason we want this change is because Senior Guard is used by both the Royal Guard and Shadow Guard, as is evident by the ability to swap between the two models. In the past, we've gotten the senior guard whitelist access to the hacking tool on the same premise, so I see no reason for it not to apply here as well.


Battalion Name: Royal Guard

Job/Class Name: royal_cadet

Model Addition: models/player/starwars/mistersweetroll/imperialguard.mdl

Reason for change: This change is being made to better distinguish royal guard cadets from royal guard NCOs. As it currently stands, both the royal guard NCO and cadet share the same model, something that we feel needs to be changed. The reason we want this as a model addition rather than a model swap is because of concerns regarding uniformity during ceremonies or other scenarios where matching uniforms are preferred, during which the cadets will be granted permission to wear their robes.

Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?: Yes. The model is already on the server so this addition would require no additional workshop content to be added. This change also helps motivate cadets to reach the higher ranks.


Edited by Stage
Edited to include a change I forgot to add initially.


| Sovereign Protector Kir Kanos |

| Shadow Guard VII Stage (2020) || Shadow Guard Lead Ren Blackstar (2023-2024)|

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