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Mortar damage Rework


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What do you want to see?: 
I would like the mortar HE round on the server to get a buff to 1,000 damage. b/c the current one does like 100 damage very hard to hit and very slow moving. Making it very useless.


Why should we add it?:
It would make the mortar actually useful and usable on the server.


What are the advantages of having this?:
it will add more uses for the mortar overall and more thing tank can do besides there vehicles.


Who is it mainly for?: Tank

The path to the mortar:  mortar_constructor_dark

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  Current: Genral SeniorDeer 
R. Right Hand R. COL Tank
Ex. First Ever Tank CMDR EX. 3RD Ever Gov. Ex. Senior CMDR
Ex. Storm Trooper VCMDR / Ex. Shore LD / Ex. Scout Captain / Ex. STRM Commando Captain

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