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Blue's Shock Vice Commander Application- Denied


Should Blue be a Vice Commander  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Blue for Shock Vice Commander?

    • Yes (+support)
    • No (-support)

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

   #: Shock ERUVL Major Blue / TomBrady

2. What Regiment are you applying for?

   #: Shock

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

   #: Why I want to become/obtain the position of vice commander within shock. I feel I have a very good understanding on how to conduct oneself as a leader, preaching our core values, leading/instructing our troopers and making sure everyone within Shock knows what they are doing at all times and rules to follow. Managing our enlisted and NCOs for future promotions so they too can guide those below them, going beyond my normal responsibilities in hopes to lighten the load of my superiors duties, so they may have more time to do other Shock commitments and tasks. I feel being held in a higher position such as Vice Commander, I will pave a more direct path for Shock in a better and cleaner direction. Before I became a Senior Officer, I made sure to keep in constant contact with my superiors following the chain of command as to what I can and can’t do; such as updating the roster and giving feedback on changes to the SOP and/or other documentation. I was given permission at CSM and made sure if I started updating the roster, I was going to finish all of them. This is the first battalion I have ever stuck with for the long haul and dedicated all my time into perfecting, wanting to improve myself within the Gaminglight Community, spend all my free time to better something other than myself and teach those below me on how to conduct themselves as a Shock Trooper. Becoming Vice Commander would greatly improve my vision as to how Shock will be in the future to come. If I were to become Vice Commander, I feel I would be able to appraise Shock to a higher standard.

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

   3+ weeks

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

   #: To my understanding, the main function of a Vice Commander is to not only be the right hand to the Commander but also doing as much as possible so the commander has more time to complete there responsibilities. Having a happy commander means having a happy life. Commanders are the final decision makers when important information has been delegated up through the chain-of-command. Being the face or image of the battalion, always welcoming and open arms to those who wish to join us. Making sure the branches' ranks have well disciplined, active, decisive, good communication skills and leader-like qualities. Always being available for those in need of help, making sure the battalion is a single unit, and ensuring everyone is having fun while being professional on the job.   

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

   #: I feel through my hard work and dedication, I have obtained and gifted much within the Shock Community. I always make sure when interacting with someone that respect, trust, professionalism and fairness is given. I always make sure that not only myself, both others within Shock are meeting their quota, making proper arrests with documentation and following the rules to the T. Been playing on Imperial RP since February 19, 2021 and have given/donated over $1100+. Over the years, I have held a Moderator role, with zero strikes or warnings on the server. Becoming Vice Commander, I will promote my core values that I hold and try to instill within Shock. These core values are as follow, having strong communication skills, a strategic mind, organizational skills, honesty, empathy, integrity, accountability and vision. Shock is the way!

7. How often can you be Online? :

   #: I try to commit as much time as possible on the server by being online everyday. I hardly ever AFK on the server and if I do it’s really quick. I’d say I give 5-8 hours each day Monday through Friday, and on weekends I am online all the time. 

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

   #: I have zero Warnings or Strikes on the server.

             ||  Former: Shock Vice Commander Blue || 

             ||  FormerTank/Shore SHL CPT TomBrady || 

             ||  Former: Shock ERUL, K2S0 DT EX2/PI3, IC SPCNova MSGT, Moderator ||

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-I always see him on

-I gave had nothing but good interactions with Blue

-I think he'd be a good fit for a command position

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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+ support blue is good at his job and also cool and stuff

hi im jimmy

current: coolest guy around

former: Tank SHC CSM (and also enlisted) IC DME CPL 501st HVYAL, (coolest) ARCAL Hammer, COL for 10 mins, & VCMDR | DT Sarlacc SPC SF Onyx WO © 4568 Blu © 4457 Reaper 1207 Sev

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  Current: None
R. Right Hand R. COL Tank
Ex. Genral, Ex. First Ever Tank CMDR, EX. 3RD Ever Gov. Ex. Senior CMDR
Ex. Storm Trooper VCMDR / Ex. Shore LD / Ex. Scout Captain / Ex. STRM Commando Captain

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  • Head Admin


Thank you for your interest in joining the Army Command Team.
You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Highest General Resin

Head Admin



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