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Daks State Resignation


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Title: Dak (State, DOC, SPMU, CERT) Resignation
Steam ID: 76561199548503894
Reason for Resignation: Unfortunately, ive been dealing with some IRL issues that i wont go into detail about, but im hoping in the near future i can be back and things will be alot better for me. 

Any notable mentions you would like to-do: I just want to give a warm shoutout to former command, current command and all of our troopers for making this place a time for me to really enjoy myself. All of you have played a part in where im at today, and where i leave off. The guidance and the patience doesn't go unnoticed here. Ive made tons of memories and i hope that they will be everlasting for me! Thank you again everyone for making this journey so special 🙂


Trooper MAJ Dak 1H01 10-7 

State Major | PD MSGT | CERT SGT | HRT SPC Sniper | DOC LC


Dak \ Dakington 

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Really sad to see you go Dak, thanks for all the hard work you've put into State! It's been amazing working alongside you in the command team o7
Wish you the best of luck with everything, and hope to see you back in State in the future!


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This is a sad day. I know you got shit going on and responsibilities so it's all good. Just know you did an amazing job in state with hosting the trainings and being a great role model for everyone.
You will be greatly missed. ❤️

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