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Rework of the passive engineering system.


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  • Head Admin
Posted (edited)

What do you want to see?:
I would like to see ship maintenance and repairs to have actually in game implications and be more interactive (like tasks in among us) were for example the turbolasers are damaged then they wont work or door breaking and not working anymore and SF and Tank need to repair them or maybe life support systems go down and everyone slowly takes damage similar to when we are out of rations or when the EC/Reactor aren't repaired the lights go out or fuel leaks that increase the rate at which fuel goes down.

Why should we add it?:
I think this would be a great addition because it will give Tank and SF some actual tangible reason within RP to use the parts and ship maintenance system it will actually require people to NEED engineers instead of kinda pushing them of to the waist side. 

What are the advantages of having this?:

Giving engineers more to do and hopefully encourage more people to stay in those battalions and enjoy it more aswell as give them more significance to the rest of the server.

Who is it mainly for?:

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Edited by Resin

Highest General Resin

Head Admin



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^ I also would like to add to this that would be cool is for Pyke to have the Slicer tool to also be able to slice open the TL lasers and for any engineers to be able to repair it with pairs instead of just a normal teleporter. 


+ Support

- I believe there is many more things Tank and any other engineers could do for RP, and would help with moving to a more semi-serious server. 

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 -- Gives those with fusion cutters more usage with the item

 -- Increases RP within those battalions

 -- Could possibly make it so if a certain section of the ship which needs to be repaired isn't repaired, fuel leaks and the fuel on the supply system goes down.

Current: General Harry, MC R COL Harry, R Pyke Enforcer

Former: Shock CQCS CPT James, naval lieutenant Harry, IC CSE DMS (former DMVL) SSE 1SGT Maroon/Harry, IF Agent Shoto stark, 501st SSGT LENG, DT LCPL AJ8, Nova SGT Conqueror, ST CPL ENG SCT Shore HVY Harry, Deputy Director of Research, MC COmmander Harry 8900, Pyke Sentinel HoR Harry

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+ Support
Make Engineering Great Again

  Current: None
R. Right Hand R. COL Tank
Ex. Genral, Ex. First Ever Tank CMDR, EX. 3RD Ever Gov. Ex. Senior CMDR
Ex. Storm Trooper VCMDR / Ex. Shore LD / Ex. Scout Captain / Ex. STRM Commando Captain

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