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Chat GUI Update Suggestion - Accepted

Aaron Faustin

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What you want to see? - The chat box updated to be a bit more comprehensive.

1. I would like to see the ability to left click and drag to select text. Currently you have to select the line of text in it's entirety, including the persons name and then delete what you don't need.

2. Currently, If you are scrolling up in chat and a new line of text is submitted at the bottom, It will automatically pull you back down. I would like this disabled.

Why should we add it? - These are just a couple things I noticed could be improved with the chat.

What are the advantages of having this? - Small QOL update for users.

Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

Links to any content - N/A

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- Support

i think this is a great idea but the amount of effort for a small inconvenience is not worth it. would probably need someone fluent in lua with time on their hands wanting to play with the source code of the text box adding input handlers, rendering functions, event listeners, etc

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  • Manager

Accepted! Management have reviewed this and will start looking at getting this added into the server! Updates on the progress of the suggestion will be announced on this post! 🙂

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

〖  Lead Account Manager  〗

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