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Brand's Officer Application



  1. 1. Should I be made an Officer?

    • Yes (Please state why)
    • No (Please state why)

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What is your name?


What is your rank?

     Operations Pilot

How long have you been a NCO?

     10 Days.

What rank are you applying for?

     Aviation Officer

How many strikes do you have? And if you do why?

     I have no strikes currently.

Why should we trust you with an Officer rank?

     I can be trusted with the officer rank for many reasons, but one of the main ones is my experience, being Marshall and having as much playtime on SF alone as I do. I have gained the trust of many people and have proved to many that I am worthy of this rank, I worked hard to do a good job and I plan to do it again. I believe I am a very social person and I believe the members of SF trust me to help lead them to be the best they can. Another reason would be that I work hard, I have hosted numerous tryouts and have way surpassed the quota as I am doing my best as an NCO to help revitalize this battalion.

What can you do to assist command with this rank?

     I will assist Command by giving my best advice on how to better the Starfighter Corps. I will work with Command and my fellow officers to work on making Starfighters the best that It can be. I will also use my experience to help Command with any issues that might arrise within Starfighters. I will make suggestions for Command to bring up to the higher ups, and host SIMs and Trainings to help increase player retention.

What is the point of being an officer?

     The point of being an officer is not only to assist command, but to also make sure NCOs are doing what they should be. Officers oversee the NCOs and make sure they are acting properly and not breaking rules or making the battalion look bad, they are also to help the NCOs with their quotas by requesting that they do a tryout if someone wants to join. Officers are examples to Enlisted, NCOs, and even the entire ISD. They represent this battalion therefor they must show responsibility and accountability. 

What would you do if you see a fellow officer messing around and then commanding NCOs to mess around with him?

     If I were to see another officer messing around and telling Enlisted And/or NCOs to join him I would try to tell him to stop and warn him before he gets in any trouble, If he does not listen and continues I will go to a Wing Commander+ and report the Officer to them. 

Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to the NCO rank?

     Yes, I understand.

Last Real Starfighter Marshall Brand


High Five Tom Cruise GIF by Hollywood Suite


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-SF could use some officers

- Knows what he's doing as he is a formal Marshal


                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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