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Smaug's - Assistant Chief Application - On Hold - Denied



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Rank You are Applying For: Assistant Chief


In-Game Name: Smaug/Desk Lamp

SteamID: 76561198157809427

Current Rank: DF Co-Commander

How long have you been in your current rank?: 80 weeks (7/23/2022)

What timezone are you in?: EST

How many Warns do you have?: 2

Permission: Miniepic

Why should you be promoted (251 words Minimum): 

     I believe that I am a strong candidate for the position of Assistant Chief, as I have years of experience in both low and high command, I've been active in the community for years, and I have a good reputation throughout the community.

     I have extensive experience in command in multiple departments including SWAT TL, PD Low command, and currently Delta Force Co-Commander, being in command in those departments I've dealt with almost every situation imaginable, having done such I have learned how to properly handle those situations properly and fairly. While working with Ecott in Delta Force for over a year we have been able to bring Delta Force up to a high standard and have maintained that standard, as Assistant Chief I will help bring PD up to a higher standard and maintain that standard.

     Having been in the server since late 2016 and being active since 2019 I've been through the servers many highs and lows and I hope to help bring back those old highs in PD that were once here by being a strong command member. While being a long-time community and command member I have learned how to adapt to the server's changing environment.

    While being in the community I've been able to create many friends in the community some of which have expanded outside of the community. As a command member, I strive to provide the most inclusive environment I can provide to all players, to ensure they feel welcome into the community.

    In conclusion, I feel I am a strong candidate to become Assistant Chief due to my, command experience, being a long-time member, and having a good reputation in the community.


You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

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A Highly experienced person in the Community with Years of experience(Together with me 😉 )
A person that knows the community PERFECTLY, understands how it functions, and is Exceptional when it comes to working with people
Exceptional when working or anything, be it training, document work, ideas or simply chatting with someone
This person earned his respect and honor through his years of service, giving a good name to his rank and his name


Additional Notes:

Smaug is something who I personally served alongside for years on end, I have seen him grow to a level I have never expected.

With the amount of effort that he puts in, I would be glad to serve alongside him as Assistant Chief.

I have only utmost respect for him when it comes to both him on the server, and him personally.

The ONLY thing that you will need to be sure to do, is learn and understand PD. 

As much as you already know it, the community changes, and you being in TAC, will require you to turn on a different switch, which is PD.


🔵S.W.A.T Commander ChipDail 1K15🔵

“You need to beaware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.” – Jim Stovall 

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This Position is perfect for you As you have been there for PD and for DF For as long as I've known you and I have known you for a while you have been Active and there constantly you are an amazing person and one of the coolest people I have met on PRP you are severely competent and have the know-how for this position I hold the upmost respect for you and your abilities as HCMD and Department head of your branch and find this to be the Perfect position for you as it plays to your strengths and with your severe activity and how you are an amazing Driver lmao. I must say this will be a great choice for Assistant Chief I find this application thorough but unneeded as you are a constant in everyone's minds for a promotion. 

o7 Good Luck I wish you well and get the position it was basically made for you.

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+/- neutral 

+ Smaug, is a great leader in many other departments, he is well collected + level headed when it comes to decision making, i personally think you are a great member of this community & I wish you the best!

- Sadly Smaug you don’t seem to put enough effort into the department, I rarely see you on PD, Nor hosting pd meetings etc. I feel if you put more effort into the department from the beginning this would be 100% positive!


Good luck Smaug !

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+Support for all of the reasons above

btw jack you don't need to be in pd command to get asst chief it is opened up to dept heads and col, therefore he is currently incapable of hosting more pd meetings..


 O                                                  O 


        (this is supposed to be a police car)        

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Hard Working!

Super Leadership!

Very Professional!

I have nothing much else to say on you Mr Smaug! Great guy in general and helped me a lot as my CO - Commander in Delta Force ALOT! As well as which you have all the leadership qualities and skills of what it takes and I wish you the best of luck on your application!



DF Commander | CERT CO Commander | Gaming Light Legend Mr Top Donator




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