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Chief Petty officer Kreese Senior Officer Application


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What is your in game rank and name: Chief Petty Officer | Kreese

What is your STEAM ID: 76561199022920064

Names of both Lieutenant Commander+ (MAJ+) that gave you permission to apply: Admiral Coolnic, Vice Admiral  Pink

How long have you been in Naval: 9 Days

Why do you wish to become a Senior Officer: I Believe that my activity should be 1 of many reasons i should be a naval senior officer, and my ability to follow orders without hesitation and the discipline i carry. i also with to be senior officer to plan events in team speak and be of good value to the empire.

What are the duties of a Senior Officer: Oversee and carry out the same roles as Non-commissioned officers. and most dedicate their leadership skills and prove themselves to the empire

How will you assist the battalion as a Senior Officer: tryouts, or plan with people higher then me within the navy. and when i get to Commander i will start doing Roster Updates (if The admiral requests) and help out with any future goals that we must accomplish, whether it is to carry out or help supervising events in the navy or do simulations/checkpoints or Naval roleplay and increase it as much as i can.

What qualifies you to be a Senior Officer: Dedication, discipline, following orders. within the past 8 days i have 58 hours on gmod and that is all gaminglight counted. besides 2 dark rp servers which i spent 5 hours on but that isn't the case. i believe that my ability to inspire others like crewman (azure) to join naval is also 1 of many reasons i qualify for senior officer. and i am easily Recognizable throughout the entire server.

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+ Active

+ good application


In my opinion, Kreese will be a good officer, at this moment naval definitely needs more officers!

Quoted Sam

Retired: Star Fighter Group Captain Chief Aviation Officer Inferno Squad Lead | Naval Senior Officer x3 |
Imperial Staff Member

Current: Imperial Commando Officer | 501st Officer | First Ever IC Hazmat LeadImperial Senior Moderator | 
Forum Diplomat

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+ support

+ Active

+ good application


In my opinion, Kreese will be a good officer, at this moment naval definitely needs more officers!


-Quoting sam

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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