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Staff Application- Denied


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What is your in-game name?: Henderson

What is your steam name?: [GL] Henderson

What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:102756866

Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain): yes, on ImperalRP & SCPRP (staff side) and Gamemaster on ImperialRP Gaminglight. I do not counting my own but I was on multiple Big Network that are DarkRP, CWRP and one small ones that was ImperalRP


What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly): Gaminglight Community March 22nd 2021

What date did you make your forums account?: March 22nd, 2021

Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?: Gamemaster


How many warns do you have on the server?: 0 (still) but funny enough logs of old warnings I gave.

Have you Donated: Yes, Many things including Apprentice (dono) rank

What rank are you applying for?: GM Moderator (due to my current GM tags)

Have you read the staff guidelines at

You will be tested on it: Yes


Timezone: PST/PDT (Western USA)


Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A


Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length):


I want to be part of the staff team to help other people within the server from duties that I am already doing on my multiple jobs. Currently Naval Senior Crewman, Former Officer in Imperial Commandos. Want to join the staff team because I feel that by doing so I would be of use to the other staff as well as being of aid to the people of the server and others that I may encounter. Many changes require me to when I become staff, including reading the rules, training, and taking tickets/staff sits.


I was a part of a lot of communities before, all big networks and very popular servers, I have many skills including sit watchers on their DarkRP or staff on their Clone Wars Server. the active stuff I am doing in the research and Epsilon-11 right now learning all I can to get better on this very server, working my hardest to get better in them; and the server as well. doing this server learning SCRP Roleplay and getting good at it. I have experiences from a different server. Being on so many different servers, both clonewars,ImperalRP and DarkRP all the different types of servers out there happen to take interest in this one that in the many different branches with. been a staff of many different types of servers before. I am good at what I do, on the server and roleplay, I keep coming back to do more role-playing and have fun doing it. I was busy with all kinds of things but I had enough time out of my day to come out and rank up in different battalions.


Rules Knowledge

there might be a ton of oddball rules I still have to get or the times down but I am still looking at them and reading the punishment. If I have any questions, I want to make sure that I am not overdoing it and consider abusing or under-doing it and be considered a soft staff member.



As far as leadership, I was helping out other mods with offenses while as a donator and report rule breaker. Call to be a leader and help. I will say I have been very good and very helpful, funny and damn straight friendly to the other staff. I have shown leadership to other staff members both Moderators & Administrator or higher, although I did some things I was not proud of in the past I kept my head down and stayed out of trouble.



Some people said I was not mature when I did my application for Staff (in ImperalRP) the last time and want to say sure but I aim to change that now if I get GM Moderator but joking around having fun isn’t being immature. maturity is a tricky subject as I did a few things while being today. I look back when I was not on the best terms with a certain someone of the upper management (on a different server) and I said to that person I am sorry and I was having a rough day early in the morning.   As far as approachability I was inactive yes when applying for moderator.


Dedication To Staff

 Besides personal and family stuff I am very much dedicated to staffing, Although  I take up a lot of time for personal things I have been active on the teamspeak and server. I have been getting and giving useful insight to some staff and helping them out and helping me out. Currently, as a gamemaster already trusted to make & host events and take GM tickets when they are requested.


Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

Bring them, (try to) calm them down and get the story of what happened. If they refuse to calm down then I have to gag them. Then proceed to say who I am and where they are (custom from a person on youtube to be courteous). As for the MRDM I’ll get both sides then get video for evidence if it is valid then issue a formal warning for MRDM, disrespect is verbal warning as they just got a warning for MRDM. I would then jail them for 600 seconds and get an admin on that can ban him for MRDM for Five (5) days. No admin then I will send the request in the discord.

SCP-RP | Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" Former CE LCPL | Former Medical RFM Ex-Medic | Former Senior ResearcherFormer Maintenance Journeyman | Former CI PVT | Guest General Security Officer | Former Guest MTF Nu-7 Guest Agent

ImperialRP | Former Gamemaster I | Former Moderator | Current MC SFC, Senior Research & AUO | Navy Former Mideshipman | SF Former Senior Pilot | Purge HVY Former CSM & SPC | IQ Former Lord I, Former Apprentice II | Former Royal Guard IV, Royal Guard CDT I | Havoc Former LCPL | Former Shock Specialist | Former IC 2LT & Gren

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-has experience

-is active 

  • Thanks 1

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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10 hours ago, Saam said:

+ Support

+ Active

+ Respectful


In my opinion, Henderson could get a chance to become a Trial Moderator, he is doing good work as Gamemaster.

I agree with what Sam said, as well as the fact that the application does have a lot of effort put into it.

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  • Head of Staff


At this time, SMT does not find you suitable for our staff team. Please reapply in 2 weeks.

ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

Head Forums Diplomat

Former High Admiral | Former DT Commander | Former State LTCOL | Former SPRT Commander

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