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DDOS CMDR Manobx Vice Admiral application


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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name): DDOS CMDR Manbox


2. What Regiment are you applying for? Naval


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I wish to become a Vice Admiral to help better the battalion. I want to help naval become a more active and fun battalion for people to join. I want to make people interested in the battalion so Naval and SF can have more people within. Since we are looked up to by the rest of the ISD I want the Naval to have good relations with them. 


4. How much game time do you have on the server? 

11 weeks



5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?: The main purpose of a commander is to help with any problem within the battalion now and in the future. They should also be doing the roster up to date with the latest information.They must also make sure to have an active battalion and to keep their battalion Interesting. They Also take on the role of keeping documents up to date and the roster. They also must be a good listener and take criticism very well. Other people might see problems they might not see so it will help improve the battalion.


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

I think I would be trusted with the rank of Vice Admiral because of the past experience I have in the past with other battalions and servers. I have been the Commander for Military Navy, Death Troopers, 327th, and 104th. Even when I am not online I remain active in discord and am able to help anytime with anything. I understand the expectations and responsibility that will come with being the Vice Admiral. I will give out punishments to the people that deserved it even if they could be my friend. 


7. How often can you be Online? : i Can online past 3 pm est for about everyday, unless a holiday is coming up


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have 0 warnings

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Massive +support

- As a shock VCMDR I’ve had the unique privilege to work very closely with manbox and I can confidently say he would make an EXCELLENT vice Admiral 

- He is super kind

- Great DOS

- Well liked by SO’s and most naval


[  Shock Vice Commander |  Imperial Admin | Imperial Gamemaster ]


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- Support

• as it stands this app isn’t long enough and would barely be an officer app. I’d change my response if you expanded upon things in this app


Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

First ever No Helmet Second Sister 

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Denied (You can apply again now btw)

(This was meant to be denied on October 14)

Currently: DT WO TP9 | Pyke Right Hand JSR | Grand Saboteur Epsilon
Former: High Admiral "WR Senior Commander Any%" JohnDT Commander TP9|UN0|SCO | AHGM | ST VCMDR for 10 minutes | Shock CSM | K2S1 STRM Lead SC47|Whiskey 01 | Nu-7 SSGT | CI SGMSuper Administrator

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