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Locus's Police GPS Tracker - Denied

[GL] Locus

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What you want to see? - I would like to see the posibility of adding GPS Trackers like with the old CAD to ethier the person or the car.

Why should we add it? - We should add it because irl at-least most federal and state and some local police departments have trackers on the police car that can be disabled.  We could even make it so criminals if we do let them be able to steal police cars can disable the GPS Tracker. Maybe having it take 60 to 120 seconds to fully disable since they tend to be near the engine or somewhere else within the car.

What are the advantages of having this? - Would add RP and would allow for more interesting RP for kidnaped officers and if we allow cop cars to be stolen would add a way to make it more of a challenge and even more risky to steal one. 

Who is it mainly for? - Gov and Criminals

Links to any content -  N/A

Previous Positions: Ex-Death Trooper | Ex- Inferno Squad Leader | Retired HRT LT | Retired FBI DCOS | Retired FBI FTO DD | Retired PD Major 

Current Positions: SRT Member spacer.png


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