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Illusions Staff Suggestion- Denied


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Your In-Game Name: Bartholomew

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96150107

Staff member's In-Game Name: Illusions

What did they do? Untrained/illogical use/lack of knowledge on use of staff commands. I DO NOT WANT HIM REMOVED. I WANT HIM RE-TRAINED. We began a money silo, the guy didnt look at logs and immediately teleported to storm (who spawned it in). Then began beratting storm telling him he's not waited the 15 minute cooldown.( low and behold we were past it.) Storm told him that he didn't and the dude just sent him back. Then he randomly teleported locus to him and locus told the guy that he wants a actual staff member because in tab he was event team. we found out after having brucey come to the sit, told locus he was a mod. after some talking they returned locus (who was unaware it was code 4) began shooting because he was in the middle of shooting when he was teleported originally. All in all this was a huge waste of time he was teleporting ems in the middle of them ressing crim without warning. it makes no sense. Please re-train him on how to use logs. this could have been avoided if he just looked at logs.

Evidence (REQUIRED):  https://gyazo.com/72a0670ec0151a993de12fd361815048







What do you think is an acceptable punishment? Re-train him for the love of god.

Ex FBI DCOS | Ex FTO Director | Ex HRT 1LT | Ex PPD Overseer | Forum Diplomat | PoliceRP Admin | Ex Event Team Co-Leader | SL Capo | Negev abuser

Former | State 1T | Lord III | PO2 | Imperial Senior Mod | GM3

Barret Deleter 28-7

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First off, 3 of those teleports have nothing to do with the situation regarding the money silo, second off the time that the silo was destroyed does not appear in logs. I was trying to make sure that people were following cool down timers because there was two silos spawned within a time frame that seemed a tad close to not being after cooldown. Zack175 was a separate RDM/ARDM sit that I had taken and me teleporting Keuka was also completely unrelated. You also used the same screenshot multiple times. !motd comes as a priority over anything else going on, you cannot say otherwise, especially being a former staff member yourself. Let's level here, I was trying to do my job as staff, and Locus completely disregarded me as staff, that's why he got TP'd and Crow was TP'd because he was the one spawning the silos. I don't see anything wrong with my actions. I'll leave the rest of the community decide what should happen from here on.

Edited by Illusions 1A31


Senior Moderator | Platinum Donator | PD CPL | EMS AEMT | SWAT Sharp Shooter | Blaze Firebrand Sergeant

Former: State Trooper First Class | CERT Private

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1 minute ago, Illusions 1A31 said:

First off, 3 of those teleports have nothing to do with the situation regarding the money silo, second off the time that the silo was destroyed does not appear in logs. I was trying to make sure that people were following cool down timers because there was two silos spawned within a time frame that seemed a tad close to not being after cooldown. Zack175 was a separate RDM/ARDM sit that I had taken and me teleporting Keuka was also completely unrelated. You also used the same screenshot multiple times. !motd comes as a priority over anything else going on, you cannot say otherwise, especially being a former staff member yourself. Let's level here, I was trying to do my job as staff, and Locus completely disregarded me as staff, that's why he got TP'd and Crow was TP'd because he was the one spawning the silos. I don't see anything wrong with my actions. I'll leave the rest of the community decide what should happen from here on.

To begin, you dont start teleporting multiple people out of a active situation. Its not immediatly Guilty until proven innocent. you took 15 minutes out of the raid. Caused the entire situation to spiral down and only made the entire thing more complicated than it had to be. We thought you were event team initially which is why we were talking in chat.  Those are all different screenshots I was just holding the med screen so some may have lined up with the previous screenshot regardless you still took players from an active situation. You could have started off with purchase history or took a look at logs from previous deaths from the end of the previous situation if its that deep.

Ex FBI DCOS | Ex FTO Director | Ex HRT 1LT | Ex PPD Overseer | Forum Diplomat | PoliceRP Admin | Ex Event Team Co-Leader | SL Capo | Negev abuser

Former | State 1T | Lord III | PO2 | Imperial Senior Mod | GM3

Barret Deleter 28-7

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No sit got made at all he just decided to teleport to me while I was in the middle of a shoot out and tried to fight me. 
Keep in mind after asking a staff member no sit was made at all so he was just interfering in what I believe was an attempt to give gov an unfair advantage by taken away multiple members during a money silo. 
I asked him for a higher staff member as he was to my knowledge just abusing his powers as an event team member as if you look at the tab menu it'll just say event team not Mod/Event Team.  

I believe that illiusion was putting him self into a situation that he didn't need to be in and was trying to get back because I told him off for an issue related to SL early that day. 

Previous Positions: Ex-Death Trooper | Ex- Inferno Squad Leader | Retired HRT LT | Retired FBI DCOS | Retired FBI FTO DD | Retired PD Major 

Current Positions: SRT Member spacer.png


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46 minutes ago, [GL] Locus said:


No sit got made at all he just decided to teleport to me while I was in the middle of a shoot out and tried to fight me. 
Keep in mind after asking a staff member no sit was made at all so he was just interfering in what I believe was an attempt to give gov an unfair advantage by taken away multiple members during a money silo. 
I asked him for a higher staff member as he was to my knowledge just abusing his powers as an event team member as if you look at the tab menu it'll just say event team not Mod/Event Team.  

I believe that illiusion was putting him self into a situation that he didn't need to be in and was trying to get back because I told him off for an issue related to SL early that day. 



Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

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