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Scp 457 suggestion - Denied


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What are you suggesting: Bring 457 back with a few changes to fix his main issue. 457 was removed from the server due to lag from his swep, this makes sense and was done because it made sense. A simple fix would be to change his swep into something like 280, he would punch and on landing a punch the sound would be sizzling to mimic the burning that it would do. Fire causes lag so theirs no need to add fire, his model can simply be 457 or something that looks like it. The swep will be a custom one like 280's. In the new map 457 has a chamber anyways so their wont be much actually added, I feel like alot of people miss him somewhat and thats why I am making this suggestion. It will be contained by a fire extinguiser as it was before, like 280 it will be escorted back to its chamber in cuffs.

How will this help out the server: Adds another unique scp, would add to RP with new tests and fun containment breaches as always.

How will this harm the server: Other than like 1 teaspoon of strain I dont see how this would harm the server.

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plz let me burn down the site 😞

Freedom at last.

Former: Assistant Inspector, Head of Longshot, Research Assistant Supervisor & Operations Supervisor, G.O.C. Officer & Head of bulldozers, CI COL, EOI D-2, DJ

Former: Scout Captain, Second Lieutenant, Senior Crewman, Storm Commando Captain.

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