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Nemsis/Reaper's Imperial Commando Vice Commander 1262 Scorch Application


1. Am I fit for the position of Vice Commander?  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. 1. Am I fit for the position of Vice Commander?

    • Yes (Please explain why)
    • No (Please explain why)

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : 

IC CSLD Major 4457 Reaper [ This is my current lore name ]

Steam name: Dr.Offen

2. What Regiment are you applying for?

Imperial Commando, Vice Commander 1262 "Scorch"

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

I want to be a vice commander of this branch for many reasons, but the main ones are that I want to assist the command team and the battalion further and help with further decision-making for the future of the branch, and I believe with this position I would be able to do this much better and make sure Imperial Commandos keep being a great regiment. I want to also help with coming up with new ideas to make sure the regiment is still interesting and fix any current problems or any that may arise in the future. I am happy to complete any tasks given to me by the rest of the command team and to make sure I execute them right.
My reputation within IC is good, and I have become friends with a lot of people during my time in IC. I currently want to be able to do more to assist, as I mentioned, and make sure people are having fun but still know their duties and do not step over the line. I have grown over the past couple of months and have been trying to learn the necessary skill sets in order to become a vice commander, and I believe I have reached that point. IC has been like family to me for the time I have been part of this amazing regiment, and to this day, I always feel like IC is like a big second family.
Currently, the regiment is in a predicament as we only have one commander and one vice commander, so I want to put my heart into IC and assist them, yet make it fun for new and old people in the regiment by hosting various activities to make sure enlisted, NCOs, and officers have something to do.
The things I want to be able to do are help expand IC, and with my current position as a major and as a Squad Lead, I try to make sure IC is expanding and that all people within the regiment are having an enjoyable time when being apart of IC.

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

Currently, it is 931 hours, and it is estimated to be around 4 weeks or almost 5 weeks, according to the server, as my in-game time.


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

The main purpose of a commander for a branch is to lead and manage the members of that branch.
They are to ensure that they are following the rules and guidelines set by the server as well as their members. They are also responsible for organizing and executing missions or events within their branch. Another subject for which they are responsible is making sure the battalion is operating as best as possible. They are also the foundation within a regiment and are there to make sure the regiment is held together. The main problem is that without a command team, the regiment can't work, as they are to oversee the regiment and make sure the rules and guidelines, as well as the operations within the regiment, are followed. They also exist to manage the members and improve the regiment with their expertise. They are also meant to know the ins and outs of their regiment and how to complete certain tasks that may be given. Commanders are expected to lead, assist with any questions, and fix any problems within the regiment.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

I believe I can be trusted to become a vice commander because of many factors, but the main one is that I believe I have shown how to lead because I have prior experience as an officer and know how to lead. As well as my current position as a senior officer and as a squad leader of Crimson Squad, I still try to improve if there are any aspects missing or any ways I can improve my skills, but as with my current roles, I always try to make it as interesting as possible for new and old members of IC. I try to do this by hosting various fun activities or just talking and making sure they will always laugh or have fun when I am on.
Another reason why I could be trusted to be a vice commander is because I believe I have proven my leadership skills and want to be able to further assist with any decisions. Additionally, my ability to work collaboratively with others and effectively communicate ideas, which I believe would make me trusted to become part of the command team of IC and to be able to further assist with my expertise that I have gained over my years being apart of this community as well as Imperial Commando,
Overall, I am very committed to anything, and with this role, I would become even more committed than I currently am, but this does not mean I am not committed towards Imperial Commandos; instead, it would increase with this role. I have always wanted what was in the best interest of IC, and I want to put my best effort into the success of the battalion and any decisions that would have to be made. As I have mentioned before, I feel like IC is like a big family, or a second family, as you could call it, so this is another reason why I want to be able to further help. I also love the respect that everyone in IC has for each other, but at the same time, you can always communicate if you have a problem or if you have done something wrong. If you don't completely understand something, you can always expect to get a positive answer, and with this role, I would be able to do better.
With my previous or current roles, I have always put everything that I have into them, going above and beyond and going out of my way to do my duties better or do more than I need to. Overall, I believe I am a nice and helpful individual and somebody you can trust, as I always want to be somebody that people can come and talk to, either if they are in IC or in other battalions, and I can help them to my best abilities, or if they just need somebody to talk to with any current problems or if they are feeling unwell. As I mentioned, I am a nice individual, which is why I try to be polite and nice towards any individuals on the server. I believe I am ready for this huge responsibility to further help and lead the whole battalion as well as people outside of IC, and with this new responsibility, I will and can promise that I will make sure that anything that is asked of me or to be done is completed at all costs, and I can promise that I will not disappoint anyone if I get this huge responsibility and will strive to be a role model to anyone.

Here are more reasons why i believe i can be trusted with this responsibility.

1. As I mentioned with my current roles, but the main one is my lead position within the Crimson Squad as well as my position within IC, all my members in my squad are always expected to hold a high standard and be respectful towards other people, even if they are not in IC, and to act seriously, but this does not mean they can't have fun, as otherwise it will usually make people bored or won't have the same feeling when playing the game, which might be the case sometimes, but it is expected that they are to maintain being serious and be respectful towards other people. I always try to make sure they are improving their skills by doing trainings to test their certain skills and to make sure they are improving, not only in crimson but also outside crimson, to make sure they can complete their duties to the best of their capabilities, and I want my members as well as myself to be individuals that people can look up to and to be role models to other people. I believe myself and my squad currently fulfill these expectations, as we are expected to fulfill these expectations as one of the squads within IC.

2. I have always tried to work with other regiments as well as the current subbranches and squads within IC to be able to have better communication. I try to communicate with the command team as much as possible if there are any problems or mistakes, and to have good relations with the command team as well as IC and other regiments. As I mentioned, I want to be able to communicate as best as possible with other people within IC and fix any problems with my current positions, but if I can't, I will always talk to the command team and make sure the problems are fixed.

3. As I mentioned, I have had prior positions that required me to lead and communicate. One of my main prior positions was as an officer within Deathtrooper. I have not had any prior senior officer positions, but I can promise that I know what I am expected to do and my responsibilities. As of now, I have not had any problems with this prior position, but as this was a while ago, you can be assured that I have grown more as an individual and in my skills to lead effectively and make sure I can complete any hard tasks or decisions. With my current position, as I mentioned, as squad leader of Crimson as well as my current position within IC as a senior officer, I believe I am ready to take the next step within IC and on the server.

7. How often can you be Online? :
I can be on every 2 days or every day, depending on my schedule.


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

 I do not have any warnings on the server, strikes in IC, or any current regiment I am part of.

Current: IC © CPT 4560 Gren - Senior Operative Nemesis

Former: IC Vice Commander Scorch - IC © 4457 Reaper IC © 4561 Maroon - DT Officer -

- IF Head Agent - DT NCO - SO CPO - DT OFFICER - IC Officer -


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- I believe Reaper would be a Great Scorch, as well as I know he is dependable, and very well suited for the position.

- I have seen him Run Crimson Perfectly, with no critique to give towards it, as well as Interacting with the enlisted corps.

-I respect the work he has done within Crimson, and his work towards IC.

Overall I would be glad to Serve under reaper if he gets scorch.


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On 4/24/2023 at 7:31 PM, Chain said:


- I believe Reaper would be a Great Scorch, as well as I know he is dependable, and very well suited for the position.

- I have seen him Run Crimson Perfectly, with no critique to give towards it, as well as Interacting with the enlisted corps.

-I respect the work he has done within Crimson, and his work towards IC.

Overall I would be glad to Serve under reaper if he gets scorch.


This man has shown nothing but dedicated!

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Current DT Commander AX4 

Fomer DT SC01/ Retired Rear Admiral/Naval LT/Tenn Graneet/Nova Maj/Havoc Maj/Naval SO/ DT NCO x2

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On 4/24/2023 at 8:31 PM, Chain said:


- I believe Reaper would be a Great Scorch, as well as I know he is dependable, and very well suited for the position.

- I have seen him Run Crimson Perfectly, with no critique to give towards it, as well as Interacting with the enlisted corps.

-I respect the work he has done within Crimson, and his work towards IC.

Overall I would be glad to Serve under reaper if he gets scorch.



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Previously: IC CSS 2LT 4568 Blu, Junior Operative Laser, Moderator Laser


Current: IC DME CPL 2437 Laser, Senior Crewman Laser

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+1 I’ve seen this dude he will do a amazing job

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| Current Naval  Deputy Director Of SO Commander | | Current Senior Moderator, Support Member, Game Master|  | Former Saber Guard Armatus |

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On 4/24/2023 at 7:31 PM, Chain said:


- I believe Reaper would be a Great Scorch, as well as I know he is dependable, and very well suited for the position.

- I have seen him Run Crimson Perfectly, with no critique to give towards it, as well as Interacting with the enlisted corps.

-I respect the work he has done within Crimson, and his work towards IC.

Overall I would be glad to Serve under reaper if he gets scorch.






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On 4/24/2023 at 7:31 PM, Chain said:


- I believe Reaper would be a Great Scorch, as well as I know he is dependable, and very well suited for the position.

- I have seen him Run Crimson Perfectly, with no critique to give towards it, as well as Interacting with the enlisted corps.

-I respect the work he has done within Crimson, and his work towards IC.

Overall I would be glad to Serve under reaper if he gets scorch.




[  Shock Commander ]


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On 4/24/2023 at 6:31 PM, Chain said:


- I believe Reaper would be a Great Scorch, as well as I know he is dependable, and very well suited for the position.

- I have seen him Run Crimson Perfectly, with no critique to give towards it, as well as Interacting with the enlisted corps.

-I respect the work he has done within Crimson, and his work towards IC.

Overall I would be glad to Serve under reaper if he gets scorch.



Current: Retired Member
Former: Security SFTO 2LT Mork, WD-V Eqvites Cassius WRDN, Juggernaut Squire Mork NOG, Advanced Researcher Mork, PU-HAL-P.9.0.0, Purge 2LT Mork, Last Inferno Squad ID10, Nova LCPL Mark, Admin Mork, Deputy Chief Mork, First Ever Recruited ISB:IA Member

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On 4/25/2023 at 2:31 AM, Chain said:


- I believe Reaper would be a Great Scorch, as well as I know he is dependable, and very well suited for the position.

- I have seen him Run Crimson Perfectly, with no critique to give towards it, as well as Interacting with the enlisted corps.

-I respect the work he has done within Crimson, and his work towards IC.

Overall I would be glad to Serve under reaper if he gets scorch.



Former Grand Admiral Thrawn and the only High Sovereign ever


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Congratulations! Please speak with a Brigadier General+ within Army for training. 

Current: High General | IMPRP-Lead Admin | Head Gamemaster
Previous: Shock Commander | Pyke Senior Commander

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