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Everything posted by Andersfel

  1. GOOD im the first one to reply Love you Maximus!! I was always looking forward to seeing you pop your head into Medbay!! Stay safe
  2. HUGE SUPPORT +++ +Great person, has already become known in the community even if his time has been short, and has risen through the ranks fast +Application shows what he can bring to the officer team +His attitude is great and I think he can bring a lot to the officer team once given the chance +His activity and loyalty within Medical is great -Needs to enforce rules within the battalion more For the short while, Ganrik has proved himself to me as his Vice Marshal within Para, and I have seen and heard his dedication to our battalion, with his attitude of wanting to see us grow and how he already strives to do more than his quota and does SIMs, I think he has already proven himself to be more than qualified. With that being said, I believe he can struggle with understanding when to be serious during downtime, yet I believe that can easily be fixed once he joins the officer team and learns how to carry himself with that title. Overall, I believe he would make a great addition to the team and would welcome him with open arms!
  3. -support Application is very short Don't think they have enough time to be an officer Doesn't feel like someone who'd be an officer for too long from length of application Maybe keep working to or being an NCO for a bit
  4. I love you Jpackis!! Take care, I'll miss you a bunch
  5. MEGA SUPPORT +++ -Always extremely professional, never had any problems and is always respectful to all troopers -Extremely dedicated to his battalion, respects his troops and has always shown a lot of care and commitment to his roles/positions -Great app, proves his worth and gives solid reasons as to why he should be trusted
  6. +SUPPORT -Amazing guy, cool to talk to and knows when to take things seriously -Would be a great officer, knows what he's doing and is a great leader from what I've seen in-game -Has seniority within Purge, proving his loyalty (In all honesty, I thought he already was an officer with how he acts and is respected within the server!)
  7. + Support -Great application, good points, well written, ready to hold himself to mistakes and proving that he deserves his position -An awesome person! Never have heard anything bad of him nor had any bad experiences! -Has experience with this position -Great activity!
  8. HUGE SUPPORT!!! +++ This guy is absolutely dedicated to ST and he's an amazing, funny, cool person, I know if he's given the chance as officer, he'll do great, honestly with his activity and presence on both the server and discord, I thought he already was one! Would love to see him given that officer spot!
  9. 1: What's your in-game name and rank: MC PRVM 1SGT Terry 2649 2: What's your Timezone?: CDT 3: What's your SteamID?: STEAM_0:0:503868400 4: How long have you been in Medical?: I’ve been in Medical for almost 2 months, it’s been the only battalion I’ve been active in 5: Who were the 2 MAJ+ who gave permission for this application?: MC CMDR (was VCMDR when given perm) Harry, MC VCMDR Kavis And General Tuna! 6: Why should you be a Medical Officer? (100+ words): As an NCO, I feel I am not able to contribute as much as I would like to, I’ve only been active within Medical due to how much I have enjoyed my time within the battalion, I don’t have a second life because I have been wanting to prove myself within Medical and help the already enlisted officers with duties that they may find overwhelming with how few officers we have and due to how much I’ve grown and how active I am, I feel as if I was given the chance to be an officer, I would be able to contribute a lot more to my fellow medical and my officers. I have a ton of simulation/training ideas that I have been writing down for the past weeks for when I’m on and medical has downtime, I also wish to be able to speak up more about some issues within medical and give my opinion without speaking too out of place. I want to see Medical become more active and help new recruits have fun within our battalion, truly I love everyone within this battalion and want nothing but the best for it. I hope that if I am accepted that I can give nothing but positivity to the enlisted and NCOs and see us grow even more. 7: Why should we trust you as a Medical Officer? (100+ words): As an NCO, I feel I have shown both my loyalty, determination and dedication to my battalion. I respect my commanding officers and stay professional during events, making sure to follow our SOP positions, help new recruits with their positions and more. I do my best to treat everyone as kindly as I can and welcome the enlisted with open arms while also taking notes of situations that should be taken seriously. I am also not afraid to help with documents and any ‘paperwork’ that must be done for the battalion, as I am already attempting to better Pararescue by creating role play help/surgery documents to help the enlisted with a better understanding of what we do and how procedures are to be done. I wish to be the officer that enlisted are not afraid to come to if any problems occur and be an active member of our officers so that I can help our current Vice Commander and Commander when they aren’t on. I follow all rules and understand and better myself when mistakes happen, I am not afraid to hold myself accountable for any and all mistakes and would be happy to step down if I have shown to not be qualified. Yet, I feel I have proven myself and shown my dedication to the battalion and should be given the chance to do even more for us. 8: What do you bring to the Medical Corps? (100+ words): I know for a fact that I bring a genuine kindness to our battalion, everyone I meet, I treat them as kindly as I can and give them the respect they deserve. I am here for any and all members of the ISD, no matter the situation and help enlisted as often as I can, while still holding them accountable for any situations that arise. I also bring my passion for bettering our battalion. When I say that I truly want to help and improve Medical, I TRULY mean this with all my heart. I have already made documents and lists for ways that can help us grow, problems that I’ve noticed that have discouraged others, and ways for us to improve our RP. I’m also known for my art so I bring some silly art pieces to the corps as well 9: Why should we accept your application over other applicants? (100+ words): I truthfully cannot give you any real solid reasons for why you should accept me over others, yet I believe I have proven myself worthy for this position. Once I was given the chance to become an officer, I began this document with a lot of fear and anxiety on if I should even attempt this application, even now I am doubting myself, yet I know if I am given the chance as an officer, I will do everything in my ability to help every single person in medical, whether it be the new medical private who doesn’t understand how to do checkups, or my Commander asking me to look over new implemented rules and giving my honest opinion. I have helped communities I’ve cared for in the past, unafraid of handling situations that could easily turn ugly or that others can’t handle themselves. I have created rules for communities of 200+ people and have helped the people within it for years, I am not unknown to a role such as this. I know to keep an unbiased opinion and help wherever I can, while understanding my place and holding myself accountable. 10: Do you have any warns? If so what for?: I don’t! As an end note, thank you for reading and taking my application into consideration! MEDICAL GAMING!!!!
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