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Found 2 results

  1. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? MP NCS EliasQuickness 2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)? STEAM_0:0:108363217 3. What is your Rank? Maintenance Professional 4. What’s your time on the Server? 1 Week 5. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 0 6. How many warnings do you have on GL? 0 7. Who gave you permission to apply? Wagner 8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 8.5 9. Why do you believe you are fit for Mobile Mop Force (75+ words)? I believe that I am fit for MMF because I want to kill some of the D-class that's running about LCZ because since I'm a non-combatant I cant harm or injure them for trying to escape but if I'm MMF I could kill d-class that have scattered about in LCZ and help MTF with CI raids and much more. I've also wanted a weapon that's better with recoil and allows me to actually focus on the enemies. 10. What is the main purpose of MMF? The main purpose of an MMF is an combatant force who is tasked at cleaning and disposing bio-hazards that are deadly and help MTF Kill the CI, D-Class, And SCPs (If we are able to) 11. What would be your preferred pseudonym (name) if you are accepted (must be a name of a cleaning product/brand)? Dawn
  2. 1. What’s your In-Game Name?: Mapley 2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)?: STEAM_0:0:532165723 3. What is your Rank?: MA 4. What’s your time on the Server?: 1 week 5. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 0 6. How many warnings do you have on GL? 0 7. Who gave you permission to apply? Loaf 8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 9 9. Why do you believe you are fit for Mobile Mop Force (75+ words)? Mobile Mop Force was a sub-division I always wanted to join cause of the aspect of it. I love maintenance and medical RP a lot but MMF's own RP style is even more lovely, the whole decontaminating and disposing of a biohazard sounds hella fun. I have been with maintenance for a while now, almost 2-3 weeks now and so far, I love the community and people in it as well as the RP which is what keeps me active. I am a good active member of the community myself and on the job. I'm on at least almost every day for 2-3 hours or so. MMF is also a combatant which I have been in E11 and CI Military before which has helped me increase my fighting on the server a lot and right now, I say I'm decent at combat. When it comes to maintenance, I try to do my best at it and put effort into my RP and into the job itself, I work all day and, in the end, I always have fun. The reason why I should join MMF is cause I'm a loyal member, a good combatant, a hard-working guy, and a loyal and trustworthy guy. 10. What is the main purpose of MMF? The Main purpose of MMF is to clear out any leftover biohazard materials or messes really. Which means they'll filter the air and decontaminate everything inside the infected zone, throw all decontaminated stuff into the incinerator. This includes 008 instances and 049 as well as 610 instances on the site. 11. What would be your preferred pseudonym (name) if you are accepted (must be a name of a cleaning product/brand)? MMF Jan2 Windex will edit
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