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Found 5 results

  1. Welp. . . . Its been fun while it lasted but as Igneous states in discord ban appeal rules I can only request a unban once, if its declined you cant re-apply. Over a year of being Pie/Box, plenty of friends went and gone . . . all I can really say now is that il miss you guys, and I will be with blarg on ImpRP
  2. Well. I'm sure some of you saw this coming. It is time for me to take my leave, I think. I've got too much planned to be worrying about running meetings and taking care of MTF in the way that it needs to be taken care of. GamingLight was the first gaming community I ever joined, for the most part. Sure, I've been in communities before, but I never really tried to be an active part of a community before. I always always the type of person to try and make my own space rather than join someone elses. I also never spent much time on RP servers. I found SCP-RP by accident. And for some reason. I kept coming back. I've been with this community since February and I've had quite the meteoric rise. I've met a lot of great people (and some not so great) and made a ton of close friends, so I'll always be grateful to GamingLight for that. But there comes a time when you've got to look forward and start doing your own thing. This community has propelled me into a different place and I'm ready to start that new journey. Anyway. This is a global resignation, effective immediately. I'm leaving the community. I knew this would one day come, but I wasn't sure when. But now feels like a good time to do it. It's bittersweet but, ya gotta head out sometime. Even typing this now, I'm starting to have second thoughts. But... It's my time. I've got to go. Shout outs... Sorry in advance if you're not listed here. I can't get to everyone and I wanna get this over and done with. Though I will be writing a lot here, lmao... So, in no particular order: To Security: My home branch, I always defended you tooth and nail. I never let anyone disparage or talk badly about Security without a fight. It was my ONLY branch and it was where I met most of my friends. Security was always the underdog in my eyes, the bullied younger brother. So I made sure we got what we deserved. I like to think I made a huge difference in the way Security is seen. My main goal when I got DHOS was to change Security's image for the better, improve our reputation, let people know that we were strong. And by the time I left Security, I think I certainly achieved that goal. To MTF: I haven't spent a lot of time as DoTF. And I know I wasn't your favorite or the greatest DoTF. And I admit I probably could've worked harder for you all. Site Admin just isn't the same as running a branch. You feel detached and kind've indifferent. It's WAY less work, that's for sure. Either way, I know MTF is in capable hands, and whoever gets DoTF this time will probably do a much better job than I ever did. SMT in general: Thank you guys for all the opportunities. From Senior Admin, to Forums Diplomat, and Site Administration. I always felt like you guys were pushing for me and recognized all the effort I put in for this server. Rangiatea: Out of all the SMT, I felt like you were one of my closer friends. From playing shitty RTS's to running around Micro'ing anything that moves. Sorry we haven't played anything in a while. My fellow Site Admin: Thanks for the support guys. Killaz, Cryolast, Alpha: Y'all probably won't read this, but, thanks for believing in me all those months ago to move me up as much as you did. You were the platform I stood upon to move forward. Though I don't talk to you guys as much anymore, I really appreciate you guys. To all the friends I made, both retired and not: Mini: My right hand man. Always backed me up. Partner in crime. Ape: Hammer man. Great guy, cares deeply. I'm glad you finally got the chance you deserved in security. Mind: Furry man. You're a good guy. I'm glad you no longer play on a plank of wood. Saiba: Extremely passionate, cares deeply for his friends. Anime protagonist. Poptarts: My daughter. You make me proud every day. Bael: My boy. Always down for whatever adventure he's presented with. High as fuck. Drip: D-Class main. Great fucking guy with great taste in music. Jack II: Annoying little shit, but I love ya buddy. You're a great kid and you fight hard for your friends. Sixx: Who the fuck let this guy be DHOS? jk, you're doing a great job, regardless of how much you annoyed me to death. I'm glad you finally got to chance to show everyone how good you are. Benito: You care about the server, sometimes to a fault. Try to calm down a little bit and I know you'll go far buddy. Carl Wheezer: My son. Love ya buddy. Creamey: The last of the Security HCMD gang. You're a great guy and I know you'll continue doing great things for my favorite branch. Cogs: You're a good guy, you just need some more confidence. I think you'll do well in your future endeavors. Jack Crest: A jack of all trades, in his prime. Burnt himself out, but does incredible work. Cornbread: The king of all brooms. Incredibly supportive. Inaccurate: You're NEVER getting DSD, bro. Jk, good luck buddy. Crabbo: I hate you. Surge: My #1 simp. Thanks for cheering me on. Blackbeard: Big homie. You gotta love this guy. Simply built DIFFERENT. MattO: Keep on moving up buddy. You're doing great work. Bread: Don't let other people's opinions affect you so much. You're good at what you do. Work on your attitude a lil bit tho lmao Zeus: You're a good guy, but I feel like you changed when you got HCMD. Try to be a little less serious sometimes. Kilo: Remember, this is a game at the end of the day. It's okay if things don't go your way. I'm sure you'll do fine, though, Idk what you're gonna do now that you can't PM me all the time. LMAO Zerk: Extreme minge, but you've shaped up a TON from when I first met you. Doing great work in Omi9. to anyone who spammed that video that was supposed to be a funny video between my friends and I until Sixx leaked it: fuck you lmao I made the fucking video you idiots I know it was a thing, stop showing me it like I don't know about it LMAO Thank you all so very much. It's been fun. Feel free to hit me up on discord if you wanna chat or see what I'm up to. Good luck all.
  3. Well boys a lot of you knew this was coming. Sinnik: We both got WO at the same time, You are also the world's best boyfriend Creamey: You are a great friend and almost as good as Sinnik at running gensec "HELLO!" Bael: You are fun to be with and I love annoying you. Saiba: You was a great DHOS, I was sad when you left. I love the weird noises you make. Poptarts: The best artist I know. Drip: You are the king of d block and the king of my heart. Assassin: I want you to get LTCOL and hopefully HCMD. Thanks for the wedding Rang: You need to stop kidnapping people. Jack II: Little shit Ape: The melee king, you was fun to be around and never a dull moment. I would put more people but I am lazy. I love you all tho
  4. Ik this is the first resignation post, and the reason why I'm leaving is that I'm becoming inactive and that it's about time that I just resign because I have never been there and that it's the right choice for me, all I have to say is that I had a great time being with you all and that I hope I get to see you again soon, ik this text is not very long and that this is all I have to say, I will you miss you all, and one last thing, good luck.
  5. Hey there it’s Ramon. I’ll try to keep this short. For the past 9 months I have been playing policerp. Gaminglight was the first ever policerp server I joined and ever since then I have not left! About 2-3 months ago I also started staffing on policerp and recently got promoted to Senior Moderator! Unfortunately, tonight I was removed off staff, and permanently banned from policerp on Gaminglight. As much as I saw the staff removal coming, I did not see the ban coming. So it does pain me to think about the fact that I will not be able to play with my many friends on a server that I love playing so much. I have close to 1500 hours of play time on the policerp server and as you can imagine I’ve made a lot of friends throughout those days. I have a few words to each and everyone of you. BeHappy- When I was still Farley new to PoliceRP we would always get on at the same time at like 5 am my time when there’s only 2-3 players on the server. You took me under your belt. I met you when you just started as a Trail Mod. I love you brother you’re the reason I’ve had such an amazing time on Gaminglight, you showed me the ins and outs, helped me and Inspired me to become more known in the community and reach these milestones: SGT in Pd. Get into state trooper, ARU, EMS, DOC, SECRET SERVICE, SRT, FBI but most importantly, getting into King and Staff. I love you and appreciate everything you have done for me Fame- Although our altercation tonight was not ever what I hoped for, I still appreciate the opportunity you have given to me and so many other people. You work hard and you deserve head of staff more than anyone else. You take your position serious and not lightly at all. I also hereby apologize for my wrong doings and hope success on your career in Gaminglight and in life as a whole. Zeeptin- congrats on growing your community this big in just a few years. I appreciate your server from the bottom of my heart. Like I said for me to play a game 1500 hours in under a year is crazy to think about. The continuous entertainment on your server is like no other. I appreciate the work you have done and the community in which I’ve been privileged to play and staff on! Shmoopy- hey brother! Love you! Although me and you have not played together too much you’ve always been there for me when I needed you and you’re an amazing admin! #WeLoveBillie! Willy and Jeff- you guys were amazing and very inspirational leaders and mentors. I look up to you guys to this day. I thank you for helping me whenever I needed you, and helping me when ratio needed to be filled ? matthew- I have not know you long, but every time we have talked it’s been a blast! Love your little accent as well you’re very fun to talk to! You’re an amazing SRT commander keep up the crest work! To the king family! HANNAH, MIKEY, FELIX, HAPPY, FAME, JOHN, SHMOOPY, BILLY, CALAMITY, DEATHSTRIKER, RONIN, PENTAGON ZAGE, and many more! - You have really taught me what true friends are and what a family/brother good really is. The past months being in king was some of the best times! Weather we did money silos, bank raids or just based and made rounds on the 20 printers we had, I had an amazing time with you guys and for that I love each and everyone of you#Vivat Regas Dredgen- you sir ... are one unique character. We have never really talked to much but just wanted to say keep your head up I’m proud of you bud. SM in pd, and most importantly I talked you into joining staff. You have a lot of potential man keep striving and you will go places! (Loose your temper ? ) Familys and individuals I also want to recognize and show my appreciation to: Umbrella Corp, Juicy Boys, Tomato, Diamond , Cartel, Southern Brothers, DD. nucleus, Greg, Cheeto, Snar, JoJo, Simon, Moneybags AKA moneybags, Rick, YOBO, Naylor, and if I missed you I just can’t tnink of everyone’s name right now haha. I will hopefully be appealing my ban, but I will give it time. Love all of you! #GamingLightForLife
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