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  1. What are you suggesting? - That A1 should make a return to the server. Alternative Suggestion - I feel people are eh about this. So an alternative suggestion is still an addition of a new branch but one more related to what I'm actually suggesting this new A1 be. http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/list-of-foundation-s-internal-departments go to Internal Security Department and read there. It's basic description is to basically interrogate people but I feel like extending this to again internal affair issues. If this get's more + or people get interested then I'll add more to it, possibly shifting the suggestion to it. Another good Alternative - Read @Breadsuggestion on page 3 in the comments, this would be a good alternative. How would this change the server? - A1 would add some once lost RP to the server. With their removal a huge portion of RP on the server was lost. Them enforcing things that are REDACTED would remain REDACTED and not said every 5 minutes. Where some JR would shout 05 and just get a slap on the wrist and just go do it again, where A1 would interrogate them on how they knew that information and such. As the server right now is shoot shoot with a researcher here and there and a guy swinging at a pipe. A1 would be a bridge between combat and RP branches like it used to. It will also help with some issues where MTF have to choose between SCP's, CI, and people leaking information and just total chaos. Where E11 can handle CI, Nu7 SCP's, and A1 can protect high ranking officials as well as helping maintain other branches as the other MTF groups deal with everything else. With them there also won't be a need for SF to constantly deal with information leaks as again that is A1's main job, with even a class solely dedicated for torture and interrogations. This also gives people who love RP as well as some combat a chance to embrace MTF, instead of a combatant class which just isn't the same. Where someone from research or utility can feel important and badass while protecting their VIP from harm, or some security feeling important for passing the A1 tryouts, giving him a boost in his self pride and experience on the server. This is something almost anyone can enjoy and it molds the two parts of the server and gmod itself, combat and RP, and mixes it in unison. I never joined the branch and I miss it solely for the RP aspect it gave to the server, where it made me scared to say something that was even remotely REDACTED, just added a thicc layer of RP. Also it gave HCMD even more appreciation and a good warm fuzzy feeling inside when you get your own bodyguards. This will overall add an amazing experience for everyone, more in-depth RP for Utility and Research, a new MTF branch to give MTF something new-ish (old players will still know it), and Security enlisted something to look forward to. I had many friends join security and go through the ranks solely for A1, some will say that's bad but some stuck through security because they enjoyed it and it will overall boost activity. And A1 won't go inactive like omicron did sadly as it still had a huge player base when it was transferred to omicron. It still has many people who were once in the branch wish for it's return, I'm kinda one of them as I want the branch to return but never was in it. And with the addition of PK's or variants of it a real reason to follow more RP situations as well to follow the rules. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Advantages: -Can give knowledgeable and unknowledgeable, of SCP lore, satisfaction in RP situations or dealing with people internally. As no one has to be an expert in SCP loreto hold interrogations or deal with internal affairs but veterans on SCP related stuff can still be happy and express their RP knowledge while still enjoying combat. -More activity in MTF as A1 was, whenever I was on and my memory, the more active MTF group, generally speaking. -More RP is going to help research and utility become more active as it will switch the focus on the server from combat to more of a RP server, more so then it is as it's only shoot basically. -A way for minges to be firmly and quickly punished for doing something against RP, as I've never seen someone punished for doing/saying something redacted since A1. I'm also not just talking about "oh he said funny 05 time for a strike." but actually get dealt with in a RP scenario and if needed go through formal punishments. I'm honestly yet to see someone get formally interrogated besides a few slayers doing it in omicron, besides that never really seen a HSU do it or RRH. -An increase in activity in security. As security enlisted would want to reach SGT to attempt to join A1 and possibly stay if they like the branch. -Again with RP. The more RP the better the outlook is for the entire server as is shifts everything from holding M1 and crouch jumping to actually having to make stuff and be creative with your RP and server experience, what a lot of people find hard is to make your own fun, but with this it can help people do that. To which will be really good for the server to add something new to each individual player everyday. For people to express themselves creatively using their RP. Also you don't need much SCP knowledge to do this RP. It's just thinking of things to say and saying it. -It can help MTF deal with CI. As of recent CI has been kicking MTF ass. Just yesterday CI was spawn camping E11 base for around an hour or more with ease. This shouldn't happen to any combatant branch. Disadvantages: -It could be abused and can make people power hungry. This is what helped cause the removal of A1 in the first place but I feel if better management and keeping a close eye on enlisted and command would be an easy solution to this. -It can remove activity from other MTF branches or just fail like Omicron. But I feel like there is a strong player base of older members on the server who would join in a heartbeat and help run it and show enlisted what it used to be, removing the branches inactivity. But I feel E11 would be hit harder then A1 as E11 is suppose to be the big daddy of MTF but the addition of A1 could remove that feeling and make them more inactive, this will definitely show in the first week or so but I think E11 will be fine as long as they remain as the stronger class. -Their job is mainly to deal with RP scenarios in which may or may not happen to often. But again I feel if they are re-added it will bring back a new age of RP that the server lost. -It can impact CI activity in a negative way but I feel they have more than enough ability to counter this. Again I feel this will be like E11 where activity will drop the first week or so but will get back to normal after the initial surge of the new branch. Overall I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages as the disadvantages can be sorted out and fixed. Who would this change mostly benefit? - It would benefit foundation branches, mainly those in LCZ, while MTF gets something new and fun but another branch to compete activity and training with. While CI gets hit the hardest with a new MTF branch as well a new competitor for trainee's. Some information for those who weren't around for A1 - A1 was a heavy RP MTF branch whose main focus was escorting high ranking officials as well maintaining information protection. If information was leaked the person who leaked it will either be killed while running away or be interrogated for information. They were the elite of the elite and even with a code of silence, their names and ranks were REDACTED and could only be called by their callsign. They would walk around with their escort wherever they went and if they weren't doing that then they were patrolling HCZ and LCZ. They would also set up checkpoints to ask for peoples ID's to check for spies. They made sure SCP's were fed when Nu7 had to deal with something as well CI, mainly protecting LCZ from threats such as CI and such. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2166196354 - A1 interrogation specialist taking me somewhere, took a photo because of his eyes lol. https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/54451-alpha-1-branch-update-accepted/ - This is the last A1 branch update and would be used as reference if this were to be accepted. All the model paths and such will be the same but with some weapon changes for the new server meta and so on. End Note - I know this will probably not get accepted due to the recent removal of omicron and A1 was already removed once. But I feel it was a major mistake removing A1, as it removed so much that I loved about the server and I'm yet to see it return if not worsen, the RP I used to enjoy. I feel many people feel the same and want to see it return but I also know some are hesitant and some will denounce it with no chance of convincing otherwise but I feel this will be a major improvement on the server. It will give back our once lost RP and give more respect to those branches who do enjoy RP. Extra Note - Please actually go through and read this. It's not like the old A1 where you walk around guarding people. This new A1 is more focused on internal affairs. Such as keeping information secret, dealing with issues generally around the site, keeps mass test more secured, and anything related to internal affairs you can thing of. While still being able to guard if requested by high officials. Super Important Note - Omicron died because it was a rip off of Nu7. A1 was active even until it was replaced. It wasnt replaced due to activity issues it was replaced for their role. So saying "omicron died so this will to" doesnt mean anything. Omicron died because it replaced a good branch and didnt live up to A1.
  2. In Game Name: Nu7 LTCOL Novah Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:181694738 Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research - Researcher+): Red Right Hand. If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: 05-9, Rang. How many Strikes do you have: The Golden Zero. Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I'd like to join for any other reason that others would wanna join. I'm interested in guarding most of the 05 and hanging around them because all of them are chill and usually do things that are quite interesting. I'm also interested in guarding because of this new 05 system that has been put up with Researching, and Medical getting more attention so it's only natural that I'm interested in attempting this. A lot of people are naturally interested in this as well so I might as well be honest with it. I'd like to join it because of the gear and how they look as well especially because they're not exclusive and only a small amount will be accepted so it's nice to see that. The fact that this does not count as a life is very good to me as well because now I can get my time out or do other activities other than Nu-7 and focus on other things a bit more to not get myself bored or other which allows me to pass the time while under quarantine. I'm also interested in attempting to join the 05 Team because how organized 05 are attempting to be and change up the 05 Staff team. It's actually impressive on how much they changed A1, and added a whole new branch for more opportunities, new things are always very good and interesting. This isn't technically new but in a way it is so that's another small reason to why I'd like to join. Last reason is just trying to improve my reputation in things as well. Why should we accept you: I have experience as a A1 Operative but never stayed too long due to the activity I put in Nu-7 however because this is more of a sub-branch now and a small thing added I believe I can put in just the right amount of activity within the job and guard the people I need to guard. I also have experience with combat obviously since I am a LT-COL within Nu-7 and I am most likely in one of the branches who shoot the most while in the Facility due to how many SCP, D-class or other that we often deal with. I obviously also listen to orders very well and often don't question it unless it's a strange order or something unreasonable which in this case is most likely not gonna happen. I can make pancakes, that's a very nice thing to have even though I'd never get a chance to make pancakes for you. I haven't been apart of this community for years or long months but during this time I've been in the server I've managed to grow my reputation and rank within Nu-7, and Staff very quickly. It doesn't say much but it does say that I'm obviously doing something right. This server isn't the only experience I've had with roleplay and I've been roleplaying within Gmod, FiveM or other servers for a very long time over my life. I'm 19, I've been playing Roleplaying games for a few years now and have experience in a lot of different types of serious or semi-serious roleplays. For example, I've lead a S.W.A.T team in FiveM or, I was a crack head on the side of the road who had 911 called on him because quote on quote "He throw a bottle at my baby" or something along those lines. Those reasons aren't exactly supportive but it allows me to show you my experience in some of this stuff. I'm actually not aware if this is going to be a serious roleplaying type of job or if it's a Semi-Serious role-playing thing but either way it's worth naming these things off. I'm also extremely active because I have no life and often get on the server a lot but the only thing that can possibly get in my way for activity is staffing which I won't be changing or getting rid of so that'd be a downfall. However I'm usually on the server every day for a few hours of the day unless something important pops up but even then I manage to touch the server for a awhile and either lead Nu-7, staff or other things while within the server. I also have a lot of knowledge on how to protect 05 very well and understand the sacrifices I as a guard must commit if the 05 are taking fire or other, I'm willing to focus on getting myself killed or other instead of the one I am guarding. Extra reason: I also like DOOM.
  3. In Game Name: [GL]BadAimSam Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81238702 Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + | Red Right Hand - MTF OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research - Researcher+): Red Right Hand If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: O5-13 (Catsro), O5-1 (Igneous) if 13 is taken. How many Strikes do you have: 0 Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: SCP-RP has always held a special place in my heart, as it was the Garry’s Mod server that sparked my interest in RP servers. From my start on the server in Security, I always remembered seeing Rangiatea being guarded by A-1, and watching the fun they had. It became clear to me then that I didn't want to stop and be content with Security, I wanted to give MTF a shot. When I joined Nu-7, I realized that it definitely wasn’t the branch for me (*COUGH* Nimo as commander *COUGH*), and that I needed some change. So, I talked to my buddy Daedran, and I joined A-1 the next day. I have nothing but outstanding memories from guarding Site Administration. From helping Carpenter chase Blackbeard around surface to arrest him, to sharing a laugh with Igneous over him making an A-1 member 4 feet tall, to hanging out with Catsro and Randy in his Boomer DOC Office. I want to continue to make these memories, and also help O5 make them. I also want to join RRH because I’ve been looking for a way to come back to the server while not worrying about ranks, and while also engaging in RP, and this looks like a great way to do it. Why should we accept you: You should accept me because in my 1 year on Gaminglight I have gotten a lot of experience under my belt. In MTF, the lowest rank I left as was Sergeant Major in Nu-7, and I had also gained a lieutenant position in E-11, Security, and most importantly A-1. I know the guarding game pretty well, and now from my experience on IMP-RP, I also know what it is like to be guarded. I'm currently holding a High Command (equal to Site Admin over here) position on Imperial-RP, which will help me out tremendously on my RRH job, as I will be able to understand what my VIP is thinking, what they dislike about being guarded, and how I can minimize that issue while still remaining effective at my job. I also understand how to properly engage in the SeriousRP that would be required out of me, as shown by my previous A-1 2LT spot, my position in Clan Imperium on IMP-RP (the hardest special forces to get into, I was the only non-JMT that made it in when they held tryouts), and other current [REDACTED] positions here. Overall I think I would be a great choice for this position due to my previous experience as an A-1 CMD member, my recently gained experience in High Command on Imperial-RP, and because of my multiple special forces positions that would help me remain serious and professional while on the job. I hope to work with the O5 team soon! EDIT: In case there are concerns on my activity, do note that I have been back on the server for about a month as an SM in security and as a LCPL in E11, but both jobs are under different names.
  4. In Game Name: MTF Omi-9 CPT Camo CN26 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:155730208 Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research - Researcher+): Red Right Hand If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: Igneous How many Strikes do you have: 0 as of Right now...……….. I blowed up 05 and got a strike, just feel I needed to stat that Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I feel like it would be neat Why should we accept you: Alright, esorting skills, good command skills
  5. Name: Daedran Status on Roster: Active Reason For LOA(If Private then put as N/A): PC issues which I am fixing, assisting with my aunt moving due to an eviction, need to find a job. Life stuff atm. I won't really be in game, but I will be able to assist with documents and whatnot when I am able. It is not often that I need to take a Leave of Absence, but I do need to put one in due to it's necessity. Duration of LOA: 7/28/2019 to 8/1/2019
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