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Everything posted by ARG

  1. ARG


    I am pretty upset to see EMS acting as FD (Deputy Connortwos) the only time FD would Assist EMS if it was asked for and it wouldn’t even be a RIT truck only a ENG. Also where do I post this to make this idea happen.
  2. ARG


    Cool I just got my laptop back maybe it could be worked on with the new map
  3. ARG


    Adding them is what I meant Yes but that was a long time ago maybe it is smoother
  4. ARG


    RFFD stands for Rockford Fire Department as we are aware there is a Fire Station in the game but it's EMS base in real life I'm a First Responder (Firefighter) and for EMS they already have a RIT (Rapid intervention/Rescue) Truck but for firefighters they'd have an engine and ladder so three types of truck in total. A fire could be started when a car blows up or printers. Houses can catch on fire after a while and maybe have something as dispatch for fires so we know what units to use. FD units will share the radio with EMS so if dispatch sends out a AMB00RV to assist or FD can assist EMS. There are lots of stuff to add but it's only a game but I would like to be able to RP as much as possible Like in real life we have Gas meters and CO meters but we wouldn't need that in game and we could just use the CO extinguishers or AFFF, PW and DryChem extinguishers (AirPacks would be available too within tools like closet hooks and ladders) For FIreFighters, there would be normal firefighters and FireFighter Officers whereas they would sit in the passenger seats and there also could be Fire Police if you guys would like to add later on. If you get into the FD or FP whatever you sign up for and then taking a vote at the meeting to confirm that you're in. APPS would work like background checks and us getting to know you a bit. Please DM me if you can make this happen. I will be more descriptive if you guys would like me to see this in game
  5. ARG

    ARG's LOA

    Name:ARG Rank:SA LOA Time:5-20-18 Reason (Private if needed):I need to work as much as I can so I can buy supporter 0
  6. As you may see where I get into a conflict with Hafner but I was wanted so I asked for a head start because I thought I had died so I got one I tried to hide and as you may see he broke FearRP when I had a gun out and he only a taser (please do not warn him) so then he pulls out a shotgun and shoots me when I am saying I won't shoot about to surrender so I put down my gun and run because I care about my life and I wanna live so I try to get away and then my game crashed when he tazed me but I was alive so I did not FearRP because of my instinct to run. Proof I didn't break FearRP and my game crashed I was using Geforce ingame to record: https://youtu.be/s03pzimLDhg (Skip to like two minutes) @Mikedanoobgamer
  7. Update CloseMan also gave me a minge two minutes after Mike and Mike said he gave me a 30 min one so http://gaminglight.com/bans/profile.php?profileid=76561198265506134
  8. Questions Your In-game:ARG Your SteamID:STEAM_1:0:152620203 The admin's name in-game:Mikedagamer The admin's steam name (If you know it): What warning did you receive:LTAP/MINGE Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):I joined back the second I did the game crashed so I joined right back Why do you think this warn was false:My game crashed so it was BS and unfair especially with the minge Any extra information:
  9. ARG

    New map

    What you want to see? - The old new map Why should we add it? - New hella hella old map is tiny and annoying What are the advantages of having this? -We get a bigger facility Who is it mainly for? -ALL Links to any content -
  10. In real life you'd get 5-40 years for Meth depending where and, Illegal Weapons are fines depending on what state. Still +Support
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