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Boonie McBone

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Everything posted by Boonie McBone

  1. As soon as you put a space, it's invalid. You cannot use spaces in the ULX unless you're using console.
  2. What you want to see? - Staff be required to go into console and use ULX from there. Why should we add it? - I see this happening several times a day. https://gyazo.com/974cc020c30b3312e4c8de8569dd1a97 What are the advantages of having this? - Using ULX bring in the console, it'll make sure you have the right name, even if names are similar. Who is it mainly for? - Staff Links to any content - Not needed. Using ULX in console, you're able to target ONE player, it will not let you target multiple, and with chat lag, this is a lot faster. Typing: "ulx bring" into console, it'll start to list player names under, unfortunately I can't showcase it because if I type it, it won't do anything as I don't h ave perms. This prevents situations where there are several family members named BlahBlah SA, Nerd SA, Dork SA, and some admins type !bring SA and it brings all 3 of the dorks. Either implement that Administrative Staff must use console, or make sure that they're smart about bringing people... Just a suggestion, as I see it happen a lot.
  3. I was LCPL for a little over a year playing actively. I was just recently given SGT... I used to have millions of dollars like yourself, and had basically every car in the game, then I left for around 6months and came back to $50,000. I haven't complained about the reset, I now have 16 million in my wallet over the course of about 3-4 weeks
  4. Nobodies arguing. It's a discussion, hence the "General Discussion" tab :l
  5. Neutral Don't know who you are 1 hour in-game hours (don't know what that's about) Become more active before applying Good application Been here for a good amount of time...
  6. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm suggesting that said. What I've said is that I haven't personally seen a command of any sort weither it be a Lieutenant or a Commisioner roleplay on PD. I'm on daily for up to 12 hours... So yes I'm suggesting that I'm so active that I can judge it on that scale. I'm not inclining to be rude, I'm just stating what I've witnessed personally. No need to create a fuss, just stating what I feel and have seen.
  7. Maybe the PD command deserves it. Most PD command are only command for the title. Nobody actually plays PD as command, they just do it for their rank. The thing with PD is that they're restricted as apposed to lots of more "fun" departments that are able to take care of the high crime, and the guys with guns. That's why I think that the PD command needs to be revamped to the low command (like SGT's and SM's that are seen on PD every day). I, myself, have never seen a PD high command member roleplaying as PD. They are either not seen in-game, or in another department. In conclusion, maybe PD Command needs to be restricted to only PD to allow for more development within the department. (maybe I'll blow up the suggestions forum again haha)
  8. Mate, I've been a LCPL for 2 years, just recently got promoted to SGT.... I don't think I deserve to be just a Sergeant, all I play PD for is for the chases, and the sexy cars
  9. Bro, I've been up all night for the past 3 days... There was 1 PD meeting, and it was a minge fest. I know what PD meetings are meant to be, but it's definitely not the timezone.
  10. I haven't seen a PD meeting in the past 2 weeks since I got back on the server.... What's up with that? I haven't seen any promotions in the past 2 weeks either. There needs to be a serious revamp of the Police High Command...
  11. +Support I don't see why not. You know when a teacher pulls you aside because you did something wrong, teachers never pull you aside for the good things you do, so you have my support.
  12. You guys are looking at positives as negatives. Making the attachments for said weapons overpriced can help fix the economy. People loosing old guns, another plus to the economy. I dunno, I thought it was a good suggestion.
  13. What you want to see? - An advanced government computer Why should we add it? - Realism What are the advantages of having this? - More quality roleplay (Website shows all features of this computer, and in the scripts next update, it'll add a license plate lookup, so then we could have license plates) Who is it mainly for? - PD Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/2828/update-advanced-government-computer-mayor-police-agc (I will gladly pay $5 for this)
  14. No, it'd be a whole new weapons system. Although this is a big step, I believe it'd be a necessary step if this addon is considered.
  15. Attacks an officer because he was shot for no reason by an officer, started getting shot at, so I put my weapon away as an act of surrender, continues to get shot at, then runs, hides from danger, enters police driving seat because that's what it automatically puts you in, goes to back seat for safety, they continue to shoot. No reason I should be warned for this. The PD should. You denied talking to me after 30 seconds of debating, and flew away after warning me. I continued to approach it from OOC, to which you did not respond, so I stopped, attempted to save the video, figured out that I didn't save it, screenshotted the logs, then came straight to here. I've been in this community for almost 2 years now, and this is my first "warn". Seems like a pretty BS warn to me. I tried to capture the last 2 minutes of my gameplay with ShadowPlay, but by then it was too late. The last video clip I have from that event is about 30-45 seconds after I was killed. Wafel was on PD, and switched to Staff so he could warn me, let that be said.
  16. What you want to see? - Staff be able to sell house doors Why should we add it? - That way staff can sell AFK person(s) doors so RP can continue (Has happened to me multiple times) What are the advantages of having this? - ^^^ Who is it mainly for? - Staff Links to any content - N/A
  17. Both are almost identical with a few bodygroup differences. They both are slow so....
  18. That's the point, make everything stricter. Make people have a need to be in TeamSpeak.
  19. Ah, yes, that one looks much better. Edited post.
  20. Highest I'll go is 2mil, and I'll give you a price after I see it.
  21. Your In-game: Boonie McBone Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79829712 The admin's name in-game: Wafel The admin's steam name (If you know it): STEAM_0:0:58755884 What warning did you receive: FearRP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/107b9eee12421501a5d248e2d7f2b895 Why do you think this warn was false: After talking with Wafel (For about 30 seconds before he stopped listening to my argument and put me back down and warned me) we spoke about how I ran from the Police, who were actively shooting at me. His claim was that I broke FearRP by running from the Police. But the Police were shooting at me, with no intention of stopping. My argument was "why would I stand there while getting shot at". Chat logs show the rest... Any extra information: #1: https://gyazo.com/ec105e353418b130a06c163512c42161 #2: https://gyazo.com/445b0725d11c4f104ec86ba830376371
  22. What you want to see? - Customizeable Weaponry. Why should we add it? - You're able to customize your weapon... I'm sure people would love to be able to customize their weapon. Of course, this suggestion would involve a new weapons pack, which I'm sure loads will appreciate. What are the advantages of having this? -Better weapons, and customization options for all. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=358608166&searchtext= https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=349050451
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