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Posts posted by CeCe

  1. +/- Support

    When put in high stress situations you seem to not have full control of your emotions. This can be a big issue. I would much rather see you walk away from somthing rather than yelling or saying things you would mabye regret afterwards. 

    On the good side of things your active, friendly in general, and always helping people when you can.

  2. @Simpington

    Whoever was asking crim to do crimes because their bored is in the wrong. In no way is it appropiate to encourage crime simply because their bored, i have always been against that. I dont change anything for anyone if you do somthing your getting put in for what you did and the time that my SOP and Penal code say you should be in for. Y'all had no chance getting a lesser sentence from me. Y'all didnt even attempt to get a lesser sentance everyone was pushy and rude. And then the fact that you go to my higher up for somthing like that knowing damn well the crime you did couldve got you 8 instead of 6 years but you got revived, i mean really? You guys are fully aware of which crimes get which times. I dont give princess treatment not even to my friends. 


    And for the second thing. We were told over radio that said Tac unit saying one of you were activly and consistently following him to the point where the Tac unit feared his safety, I respond to the call as useal get on scene and I see the guy following the tac unit, I go up and detain him, Question him, find that hes acting suspcious and cannot provide a good reason to follow the Tac unit. Then another person shows up I tell them to backup multiple times and he backs up but stays in the area so I moved the questioning to the car drove around the cornor away from the other citizens to prevent chaos, as im driving he is still detained not arrested I question him more and he finnally says his goal was to go up and kiss the tac unit which is ERP and Sexual harassment which couldve led to sexual assault if lets say we did not get there on time. So I then tell the Tac unit what their intentions were because they had 3 things that couldve got done to them 1. Aressted for sexual harassment 2. Reported to an admin for ERP 3. Forgiven, warned, and let go. This Tac unit went ahead and decided that he was not going to charge him for said act so that is when we took him back to his spot and let him go.


    For the last thing you said. I patrol the whole map this includes the dead end to your base at the time and did not linger there for any longer than a minute. While I am there im looking at all the cars (there was alot of cars) useally to see if any match a bolo we have out if not I go about my day.

  3. "My family called out in Teamspeak where Russtime was in Tunnel"

    Examples of Metagame:

    - You're being arrested, and you tell your friends over Discord/TeamSpeak where you're being arrested.
    - Using information from Dark Web on gov while no FBI are monitoring adverts
    - Hearing printers inside a base
    -Using your push to talk to see who is near you and using it to your advantage
    - Looking through a wall in third person to view inside basses
    -Using OOC information and putting it into RP


    I mean how is this NOT metagaming?

    Mabye im missing somthing in the rules but please show me where it says your allowed to call out your location in teamspeak when your under fire, even theough metagame rules say its not allowed. Not only that but what Russtime mentioned above.

    Is this UMC attempting to find loop-holes in the rules? Correct me if im wrong please. 


    UMC (Mabye not all of UMC but this was more than 4 ppl) has been trying to get special treatment all day yesterday.

    They robbed a bank and murdered people I put all of em in for 6 years and they go to my higher up to complain about how long they have been put in for.

    One UMC member tryed following a tac unit we get called over there I detain him and I ask what hes doing and he said he was trying to kiss the Tac unit. Not only is it inappropiate but its ERP. And THEY were saying "oh im going to go to your higher up again and complain". UMC has got another thing coming... 

    And then I see this post. Yikes yall, yikes.

  4. What you want to see? - Increasing the walk speed a little bit when dragging a cuffed or restrained person. (If its even possible)

    Why should we add it? - Saves time, Makes things go smoother.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Saves time

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

    Links to any content - N/A

  5. What you want to see? - This goes similar with my other suggestion about the PD System. But I would like the CAD option to have a option to lookup player by name

    Why should we add it? - Right now the only way to identify a persons background is by getting their ID. Looking up their license plate # only show their name car type and if the car is stolen. After gaining the knowledge of their name via looking up the plate you should then be able to lookup the name of the owner of the vehicle.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Helps to identify suspects background if for example your suspicious of a abandoned vehicle you wouldn't be able to look up their background or wanted status since there's no option to do a name lookup.

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

    Links to any content - N/A

  6. What you want to see? - Changing to Photon 2  

    Why should we add it? - Its superior, More cars, Better system, Simple to use. 

    What are the advantages of having this? - The addon itself is FREE. I know in the past photon was tried but that was years ago and there's now a newer improved version called Photon 2. Ease of use, better system overall.

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone. I have personally tested it out and it works good. 

    Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3128242636



    For it to work the best way you must have all required addons downloaded of course. 

    They REMOVED the option to edit the sirens so that wouldn't be an issue.

    Photon 2 can still work for previous photon cars without having to have the original Photon downloaded. (but it will have the look of the original one and allow people to change their sirens)


  7. -Support Not as big of an issue as you make it out to be. I'm sure maybe a rule can be added where like EMS cant call it in during like base raids. 

  8. @Ecott Hm maybe your right. I just thought it would be cool. Thanks for giving me different look at it. I understand a neutral job cant kill or arrest ppl. Like EMS. it would be so cool. I didnt join in hopes to kill people. i joined for the rp. 


    Do you see where im coming from atleast?

  9. @Ecott (sorry idk how to quote the thing) Why would it not be added its just another thing to add there is no cons. A gov CC will not work when its something that's supposed to be neutral becuase even if theres 20ppl involved in the rp theres always that 1 person that isnt for it and will ruin the rp. 

  10. What you want to see? - Adding a neutral CC 

    Why should we add it? - Would get more people interested in getting a CC, More RP. Why not.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Whole different and better approach to RP.

    Who is it mainly for? - Anyone interested in getting a CC as well as the people engaging in RP.

    Links to any content - N/A

  11. Resigning from SWAT and CRC. Im a more passive type of player. Swat's RP style is to aggressive for me at this moment. Thank you for Everything.



    @Crease 🫵👏

  12. What you want to see? - Lowering the Gov raid preparing time to 5mins and lowering the Gov Raiding to 10mins

    Why should we add it? - Right now its just simply way longer than it should be making it more annoying than fun. If its shorter it would be more enjoyable.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Less of a waste of time (most people give up going back and forth way sooner than when the raid ends causes whoever won to just be sitting there waiting with nothing happening. Makes it more enjoyable. 

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

    Links to any content - N/A

  13. Rank You are Applying For: Lieutenant 


    In-Game Name: CeCe

    SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199679429062/ 

    Current Rank: SM

    How long have you been in your current rank?: 3 Weeks as of today

    What timezone are you in?: Central 

    How many Warns do you have?: 0

    Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I am a reliable and trustworthy person; I am not biased; and I am always there to help those in need. I am capable of maintaining a professional attitude while still having empathy when dealing with any situation. I am usually very active. I am a great teacher and a positive influence for our peers and fellow officers. I follow the rules and handbook word for word. I think hosting meetings sounds pretty exciting, so that's something I would look forward to as well. My style of punishment is stern but informative. For example, if there was a situation where an officer had broken a rule and needed to be talked to, I would be firm and lean more towards educating the officer rather than going straight for a demotion. This would vary from situation to situation, of course. I will always try my best to be a great example of the PD. 

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

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  14. What you want to see? - A Fire Department I know the issue with that is the fires, I am not saying we should add fires to the server I think the fire department as a SUB department for EMS would be much more logical than a full on separate department. Here's some examples of what that sub department could bring to the server-

    ♥ Search and rescue 

    ♥ Assisting in talking down suspects to prevent a bigger situation 

    ♥ Assisting in Vehicle collisions

    ♥ Assisting people that are stuck

    ♥ Assisting EMS 

    ♥ Water rescue

    ♥ Air response (Not as needed but would be quite nice)

    ♥ Hazardous material response 

    ♥ And much more


    Why should we add it? - Adds the ability for more RP and a new Sub department to join

    What are the advantages of having this? - More engaging RP situations

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

    Links to any content - I can link some potential FD Models and Vehicles. 

    ♣ Models- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1919778146&searchtext=fire

    ♣ Trucks- https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1667769696

    ♣ Boat- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=975506888&searchtext=boat

    ♣ Air Heli- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2415969002&searchtext=air


  15. What you want to see? - Multiple things, such as-

    ♥ Stricter training protocol 

    ♥ Adding more to EMS such as being able to put a injured person on a stretcher and healing them at the hospital

    ♥ Adding Blood bags and medicine 

    Why should we add it? - EMS needs more RP. EMS currently doesn't even feel like a real department all their trained to do is drive to a dead guy defib them and wait for another dead guy. There is little to no RP involved. 

    What are the advantages of having this? - This opens up a lot more RP situations or aids in expanding the length of an RP situation. It also gives EMS a lot more to do. This means everyone involved would be a lot more engaged to participate in RP and people will value their lives more.  

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

    Links to any content - This is a good reference but does not have to be exactly like the addon in the link. But shows what my suggestion is leaning towards.  https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/amm-advanced-medic-mod-the-first-complete-and-realistic-medical-addon

  16. What you want to see? - A change to the current CAD system And other PD systems. Maybe not a complete change but maybe addon some things from this addon if that's possible? Specifically the following- 

    ♥ Police trunk system

    ♥ Police computer (more detailed than the CAD menu we use now)

    ♥ And this next one would be a custom addon as I cannot find a addon for it but while your in your cruiser there could be a option to have a scanner that you can manually activate where it scans any vehicle in front of it running the vehicle information and the wanted status of the owner. As well as adding a speed radar for the car only. 

    Why should we add it? - Adds more of an RP environment. 

    What are the advantages of having this? - More RP situations, Getting the officers more involved in the RP aspect. Ease of use. 

    Who is it mainly for? - PD/GOV

    Links to any contenthttps://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/realistic-police-the-best-realistic-police-script

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