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Everything posted by ible

  1. We do have approval from both Naval and Army command to propose this change, considering how the DC-19 is only a Deathtrooper weapon at the moment. Instead of buffing the frequently used TL-50, which might cause weapon balancing issues for multiple regiments, and thus the server as a whole, we're suggesting a new weapon entirely.
  2. Battalion Name - Stormtroopers Job/Class Name - Storm Commando Weapon Kit Current loadout - rw_sw_tl50 | rw_sw_dlt20a | rw_sw_dual_dc17ext | zeus_flashbang Add - rw_sw_dc19 | gmod_flashbang Remove - rw_sw_tl50 | zeus_flashbang Reason for change - I wanted to make this change because the TL-50, our current primary weapon for Storm Commandos, is relatively weak compared to the primary weapons of other Redacted Battalions and Sub-Battalions, which is not particularly ideal for a Black-Ops Detachment like Storm. On the other hand, the DC-19 is a strong alternative as the primary weapon for Storm. It shares many qualities with the TL-50 but offers increased damage output. Implementing this change would undoubtedly bring Storm Commandos up to par with the other Redacted Units in terms of firepower. (Edit - Additionally, the newer Flashbang grenade I've included offers enhanced usability and practicality compared to its predecessor. It boasts an extended blinding duration and a longer effective range. This grenade is already in use by other regiments, prompting its inclusion here.) Health Current - 400 New - 500 Armor Current - 150 New - 200 Reason for health/armor changes - The motivation behind this change is to address Storm Commandos' current vulnerability compared to other Redacted Units in terms of base Health and Armor. As with the prior change, the objective is to align Storm Commandos with the established standards of other Redacted Battalions and Sub-Battalions. Currently, Storm Commandos are notably susceptible to attacks from both troopers and event actors, which can be particularly frustrating given our role as a versatile Black-Ops Unit. Furthermore, it's worth noting that our HP and Armor are identical to those of our Scout Captain whitelist. This change would not only enhance our combat capabilities but also set us apart from our other Sub-Branch. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why? - I think these adjustments would elevate the status of the Storm Commandos on the server, making them more appealing and, in turn, enhancing the overall appeal of Stormtroopers, benefiting the server as a whole. Moreover, these changes are equitable when compared to other Redacted Battalions and Sub-Battalions, particularly due to their more robust kits and higher HP/Armor. The primary aim of these changes is to place Storm Commandos on a comparable level with other Redacted Battalions and Sub-Battalions.
  3. +Support Well known in the community, currently carrying SF when it desperately needs it, and definitely active on the server consistently.
  4. Battalion - Stormtroopers Link to current models that are requested to be replaced - The models being replaced are the Gaminglight Stormtrooper models, there is no link. Content size - 139.760 MB Link to new models - (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2807310910) How would this benefit the server? - On the overall server side of things, I believe that the updated enlisted model that is included in the addon not only may enhance overall appeal but also present a more polished image for newcomers, making a better first impression on them. If the new pack is larger in size, do you believe the benefits exceeds the risk of adding more content to the server and why? - The current Stormtrooper models appear outdated with lower-resolution textures and limited bodygroupers customization. These new models rejuvenate the Stormtrooper aesthetic, potentially attracting new players to the battalion and boosting overall player interest, as emphasized in the previous response with the new enlisted model. Job Name - Stormtrooper Current model - models/gaminglight/imperial_troopers/stormtrooper/stormtrooper_enlisted.mdl New model - models/bunny/stormtrooper_revamp/stormtrooper_trooper.mdl Reason for change - Compared to the current enlisted model, this new model presents a more sophisticated appearance with noticeably higher-resolution textures, resulting in an overall improved aesthetic. Description - The new enlisted model offers enhanced textures and improved light reflection, as well as hand models for weapons (Features that are shared with all other Stormtrooper models in this addon). Additionally, it includes a blaster holster on the belt. Job Name - Stormtrooper NCO Current model - models/gaminglight/imperial_troopers/stormtrooper/stormtrooper_officer.mdl New model - models/bunny/stormtrooper_revamp/stormtrooper_sergeant.mdl Reason for change - The current NCO model differs from the enlisted model by featuring only a single pauldron. In contrast, this new NCO model incorporates all the enhancements of the previously mentioned new enlisted model, along with multiple distinctive bodygroupers options that give it a noticeably different appearance. Description - The Sergeant model boasts a wide array of bodygroupers options, encompassing a backpack, ammo satchel, belt holster, and multiple colored pauldron choices. Job Name - Stormtrooper Captain Current model - models/gaminglight/imperial_troopers/stormtrooper/stormtrooper_command.mdl New model - models/bunny/stormtrooper_revamp/stormtrooper_officer.mdl Reason for change - The current captain model is virtually indistinguishable from the current NCO model, differing only in the color of the single pauldron. In contrast, this new captain model introduces a kama, as well as a cape for senior officers, providing it with a distinct appearance separate from the new NCO model. Description - This model shares the same bodygroupers options as the Sergeant model, with the inclusion of a Kama and Cape. Job Name - Stormtrooper Vice Commander Current model - models/gaminglight/imperial_troopers/stormtrooper/stormtrooper_commander.mdl New model - models/bunny/stormtrooper_revamp/stormtrooper_officer.mdl Reason for change - Like the NCO and Captain models, the current Vice Commander model shares an identical appearance, with the sole distinction being the red pauldron. The Captain and Vice Commander will both share the same new models, primarily because various bodygroupers options can be used to distinguish their ranks. The cape will be exclusively worn by senior officers. Description - This model is the same as the previous one. Job Name - Stormtrooper Commander Current model - models/gaminglight/imperial_troopers/stormtrooper/stormtrooper_commander.mdl New model - models/bunny/stormtrooper_revamp/stormtrooper_commander.mdl Reason for change - The Vice Commander and Commander currently utilize identical models. This new model only differs from the previous new Vice Commander model by including an additional, distinct pauldron. This addition serves as a means for distinguishing between the Vice Commander and Commander, should the current Commander choose to utilize it. Description - This model retains all the previous bodygroupers options while introducing an additional pauldron unique to the commander. Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why? - The current Stormtrooper models are notably outdated, featuring lower-resolution textures and limited customization options within the bodygroupers. These new models bring a revitalized appearance to the Stormtroopers and offer the regiment a fresh and appealing look that could be enticing to new players. Moreover, the new enlisted models not only look more appealing overall but also provide an improved presentation for newcomers, enhancing the initial impression for new players.
  5. +/- Support Do I think you would be a good officer? Yes, I do, however, I think that this application that you have written is fairly barebones. It does show me that you are committed, and I do think you offer good potential at being an officer, but your application could use some work.
  6. +Support I see you on the server literally every time I get on, always on Pyke promoting activity.
  7. +Support A lot of changes that we need here.
  8. +Mega Support Almost always on the server when I get on. Answers any questions I have with GM whenever I have them. Very dedicated member of the community overall and I 100% think he would be a great fit for this position!
  9. +Support I see him on the server basically every day, very active and dedicated member to DT and the community!
  10. + Support Dedicated and capable, ideal for the role, trustworthy for the position within the regiment.
  11. + Support I see him on the server basically every day. Very serious and dedicated member of Deathtroopers, would like to see what he can offer as a Vice Commander!
  12. +Support Active on server Dedicated to regiment Helpful to subordinates Overall good officer material
  13. + Support + Active + Dedicated to regiment + Serious when needed + Good officer material
  14. ( 1 ) What is your In Game Name? - ST MAJ ible 4469 / STRM Kilo 01 ( 2 ) What Regiment are you applying for? - Stormtroopers ( 3 ) Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? - The main reason for my application to this position is my strong desire to enhance the regiment in the best way possible. Throughout my entire stay on this server, I have remained dedicated to Stormtroopers, adoring the regiment considerably. I take pleasure in extending a helping hand to lower-ranking officers, NCOs, or enlisted troopers who face challenges with their daily duties. Moreover, I want to emphasize my commitment to putting forth my best effort whenever I take on a responsibility. My goal is to make a substantial impact with Stormtroopers and witness a continuous flow of progression within the regiment. ( 4 ) How much game time do you have on the server? - At the time of writing this, I have a total of 300 hours on the server, but a small amount of that total may be AFK hours. ( 5 ) What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? - The commander's role in a regiment is vital. They ensure a smooth flow of trooper activities by organizing tasks that contribute to the regiment's representation on the server, fostering purpose and commitment among the troops. Additionally, the commander acts as the public face and representative of the regiment, making major decisions beyond lower command's authority. They serve as a communication link between lower command officers and high command, maintaining the chain of command while effectively transmitting ideas and suggestions. Furthermore, the commander hosts meetings, leads discussions, and facilitates open communication among troops, NCOs, and officers. They must also set a positive example, serving as a good role model for everyone below them, exemplifying the qualities of a good trooper. ( 6 ) Why should we trust you to be a commander? - With ample experience on this server and in lower command positions, I am devoted to enhancing the regiment with my full effort. As a former Death Trooper Lieutenant Colonel for around half a year on my previous server, along with holding other leadership positions on earlier servers, I believe I bring valuable leadership experience to the table. My dedication to leadership and fostering progress extends beyond the regiment I am applying to, encompassing a larger commitment to positively contribute to the community overall. Currently, I lead Storm Commandos with active dedication, focusing on crucial document changes and policy reworks, as well as other general quality of life improvements to elevate its state. My passion for making positive contributions and driving progress in the regiment strongly motivates me in my leadership role. ( 7 ) How often can you be online? - When it comes to activity I can usually be on the server for 2-8 hours usually every day. ( 8 ) Do you have any Warnings? - I have not received any verbal or written warnings currently.
  15. (?) Two Major+ Permission - Talren -= Questions =- (1) What's your in-game name? - ible (2) What is your SteamID as shown on roster? - STEAM_0:1:562154198 (3) How long have you been on the server? - Almost a month now, about 3 weeks. (4) How many warns on Gaminglight servers do you have? - None, and no verbal warnings either. (5) Why do you want to be an Officer? - I want to increase my contribution to the battalion. As an NCO, I have already been doing my part, but I believe I have the potential to make an even greater impact in a higher position. Specifically, I excel in roster and document management, and I enjoy interacting with enlisted personnel and NCOs, providing guidance on basic duties. (6) What time zone are you in? - Pacific Standard Time (7) What can you do to improve the battalion? - As previously stated, I am well-equipped to support the battalion in various capacities, particularly in managing rosters and documents. Additionally, I am more than capable of providing assistance to lower-ranking troopers with their assigned tasks and other responsibilities. (8) How do you differ from other applicants? - I am extremely dedicated in my role in this battalion, and can assist with anything needed. With my active involvement, I will try my best to propel our battalion forward and contribute to its overall success, as well as providing more activity to the officer core as a whole.
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