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Maskedfoxgamer last won the day on July 3

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About Maskedfoxgamer

  • Birthday 06/17/2005

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  1. I am back and I should have some time to get on hoping to have more fun and more rp
  2. dear gaminglight I am going to have to have leave due to stress and irl stuff and I am sad to go but I had a lot of fun @aaron for his fun and help @craft for working with me @russtime for running ems and making it fun @ducky for be a good HC @leaky for keeping things fun I have a lot more but I won't go into those but thank you for the fun time
  3. - support they had it before but it was removed and if they it to where you can do drive bys it would lag out the sever when people shoot out the windows
  4. O7 sucks to see you leave tac but it was a pleasure to work with you
  5. -support the light in the map is already bad adding a darker night would break it by making it too dark to the point where we can not see I do get where you are coming drom but it just wouldn't work out
  6. +support about time great guy and definitely deserves it
  7. that means a lot coming from you scor thanks
  8. Maskedfoxgamer


    this is general @GoblinYT
  9. Hey guy I’m wondering how you guys like my gov work in the server my in game name is nick ham and I was curious if I am doing a good job on it because I have not been able to read what people think about me when I’m talking to them so please share any thoughts about improvements or if you think I am good
  10. O7 glad to see you still well and take care of yourself O7 glad to see you still well and take care of yourself
  11. Your in game name: Nick ham The player's in game name: High The player's steam ID (required): 76561198144421139 What did the player do: Disrespect evidence: What do you believe should happen to the player: warned and remove from state command Any extra information: he was also rdming as ems
  12. you attacked me with out reason and warren protected me is all
  13. -support EMS is running out of things to do we do not call out crime unless it starts next to us and if you see anyone doing so report them to command but you can not control how people respond on the job it is a instinct to call it out so removing it won't help
  14. Rank You are Applying For: Captain In-Game Name: Nick Ham SteamID: STEAM_0:1:546564777 Current Rank: LT How long have you been in your current rank?: about 2 months What timezone are you in?: PST How many Warns do you have?: 3 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I should be promoted because I have always been there to help people when they need it and have solve many issues through out the department and I feel like it is time for me to move up and start having more responsibility and to be able to do more at meetings I have been encourage by ducky to keep going and others have encouraged me as well I am always willing to pick up any slack that happens and I try to fix any mistakes made I have host multiple meetings a month and I was able to get through one on my own before so I believe I am ready for captain I will always be able to help anyone who needs it even if it is another low command as I have helped the new command members when they needed it I am also a quick learner so I learned the map the day it came out and have helped people find there way around since You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): yes
  15. +support EMS needs more rp because I train people to rp but no one ever wants to
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