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Everything posted by Shaken

  1. This is a problem I have heard of a lot from other IQ and RG. Sometimes on one client side, some sabers only appear as just the blade and no modifications can be done to the saber. However, on some other client sides, some players will see the sabers working just fine. Clip below shows what it is like when the sabers are not working. I have tried relogging, and validating files, and updating steam. None of these have worked. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/UP8FXQC0et_DK/d1337ae4esuz?invite=cr-MSxmbHYsMTA2ODMxNTc5LA
  2. What do you want to see?: As opposed to a physical item that needs to be coded in, it would more be a minor update to the server rules regarding arresting droids. Allow Shock to arrest droids through the use of roleplay restraining bolts. When requesting an AOS on a droid, it could be phrased as," Requesting the use of restraining bolts on droid unit [name/designation here]. Reason: trespassing/malfunctioning/failure to comply to orders" Why should we add it?: There have been an increasing number of instances of people using jobs like the mouse droid to run around and go into restricted areas or damage other players with little to no consequence. In universe explanation being that restraining bolts were very commonly used in order to keep some droids under control What are the advantages of having this?: This would greatly discourage further minging on droid jobs and gives a more immediate solution if someone is causing problems on a droid job, as opposed to waiting for the person on the droid job to be a sever enough repeat offender for an admin to get involved. Who is it mainly for?: Shock battalion and security officers
  3. A large amount of editing has now taken place. I have followed your advice, as well as that of the other responders, and vastly edited my application.
  4. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) Derthal 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Purge/IQ 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? As I've spent time on the server, I only have spent any serious time within Purge/IQ. I enjoy the time I've spent within the battalion and the friends I have made during said time here. I would like to aid in the development of the battalion to the best of my ability, as I have come to see Purge/IQ as my online community that I would like to maintain it at its best. At this time I believe that Purge/IQ are in a good position, but I believe it is hurting in terms of numbers. I would like to focus my efforts on increasing the number of players that are being brought in and, more importantly, maintaining long term players within the enlisted/NCO ranks. In summary, I would like to be in a command position within Purge/IQ because I want to use every resource I have available to advance the development of the battalion and provide an enjoyable experience for the members of the battalion. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? I currently have 9 weeks on the server [roughly 1250 hours] 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a battalion commander is to set an example for the battalion as a whole, maintain order by addressing problems within the battalion, and maintaining/editing documents. A commander is the head of the battalion and acts as the leader and primary role model of what members of the battalion should strive to be. Commanders also act as a voice for the battalion members among the command members during meetings. This of course allows issues within the commander's battalion to be brought forth to higher ranking, more experienced members who may be able to aid in solving any inner issues. While maintaining order within the battalion, the commander must know how to properly communicate with their battalion. Being too strict or too lenient each have their own set problems, so it is important to find a firm balance between the two that allows for the battalion's standards to be upheld while also keeping a calm atmosphere that is more welcoming for new players. Being capable of mediating between players within your battalion is also very important for keeping the peace within the battalion, as arguments are sure to escalate within the battalion at any given point in time and the commander must be capable of de-escalating the situation. This does not solely remain within their own battalion of course. As issues have been known to come up between battalions and their members, it is important for a commander to be able to rationally come to a compromise or general solution to the matter with the input of any other battalion's commander who may be involved. Communication outside of the commander's own battalion is just as important as their ability to communicate with the members of their own battalion. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I have had time to grow with the battalion and have become familiar with its inner-workings. I wish for nothing more than the battalions continued growth and development. As such, I would like to aid the battalion to the best of my abilities. That being said, I believe I have developed a good relationship with all of the serious members of Purge/IQ. I also have a firm grasp on when to be heavy handed and when to keep a light hearted tone, so as to maintain a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for newer players while also keeping players in line in order to keep order and respect within the battalion. Regarding my personal responsibilities on the server as well, I have always strived to meet my quota to the best of my ability while also providing an entertaining experience for players. I enjoy bringing the community together for an activity that is enjoyable for the players. When presented with a situation that requires me to make a choice that impacts multiple people, in real life as well as in game, I take in the opinions of those around me so that I may make a decision that either reaches a compromise among the people or satisfies that majority party. I am highly active on the server and when I am not active, I am using my AFK hours to build funds for sims and trainings. I actively accrue a relatively large amount of GC specifically for this, as I have no personal use for it. I use it as a motivator for not just my own battalion, as I prefer hosting sims that include more of the server, but for all players. I see it as an incentive for them to engage each other in a social, OOC environment. I am highly dedicated to this server, as I have come to love the community I have found here. I wish to see my battalion, as well as the others, grow and flourish. And so long as it is within my power, I will do what I can do make that happen. 7. How often can you be Online? : I am typically online around 4pm-9:30pm Pacific Time M-F, and I am usually available from 12pm PT Saturday and Sunday. During the weekend the amount of time I play varies, depending on my personal life. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : None.
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