In Game Name: Vivaldi
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:26580780
Discord ID: Venomizer#1397
Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian
Current RP Ranks Held: CI MSGT
Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): Sierra 11
If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here:
How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof):
Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I would love to join RRH dude to them being one of the more friendly people to both encounter and fight against as CI on the server, and I would live to be able to promote that atmosphere and be able to have my attitude also encourage other people to apply for the program. I am also interested in furthering my RP on the server as RRH, as I believe it would really help me refine my RP since it has been rusty for a long time.
Why should we accept you: I have had alot of experience in the role that RRH takes, as well as more PvP experience in various games than I'd like to proudly admit. I'd like to think I bring a steady head and hand to the program and an ability to think outside of the box and take obtuse approaches to problems in order to better solve them. My goal would be to put the RRH program in a more than positive light, and give favorable opinions to everyone I interact with, and fight against, no matter their branch or stance against the foundation. I am also very active, as I am on whenever I can be outside of work, and I would be sure to represent the program at every available chance I get.