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Everything posted by JackForPrez

  1. 1. Steam Name: [GL] JackForPrez 2. Ingame Name: JackForPM / JackForPrez 3. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:507145431 4. Ban Length: n/a, it was a warn 5. Admin that Banned you: [GL] Iceberkk 6. Reason for Ban: FailRP Not Following Criminal MOTD 7. Dispute: Okay so I was reported for Opening the door in Tatooiene, I did do this I am aware this breaks the MOTD but I was not aware at the time. When I made it on ship I was told the situation by someone in the Teams Speak ( [GL] Tuna the Great ) and he said there were issues with people constantly making it on the Ship. After I heard this I immediately kill binded. I admit here I was in the wrong but I have learnt from it and more thoughrouly read the MOTD. However, I was not brought into a sit to explain that I had never been on the job before and I didn't know that opening the door triggered a raid so I had no chance to explain my side of the story. Although, I know I was in the wrong and I will never make the mistake again I just think a warn without even speaking to the admin who dealt with the ban is a bit harsh Thank you for considering - JackForPrezz Proof (ish) I wasn't brought into a sit: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/z90U8-S8sMKc8/d1337EK0Jgbv?invite=cr-MSw0SXIsNzk4MDY0Njcs (Also, I have a cold at the moment and my mic is supper sensitive so sorry for the noise)
  2. Completely agree you've come far in this Battalion try and add a bit more
  3. [In-Game Name] JackForPrez [Call-sign] MP4 [Rank] 1SG [Which lore squad member are you applying for] DT V07 [Why do you believe you deserve this position] I feel as I deserve the position because of the hard work and dedication that I put into the DT Battalion and I have worked hard to get to this position. I also try and be on a lot so I am on daily (work dependant) on the server. I also complete every order I am given without question. If I do make it into the position I will ensure that I uphold the Standards of being in TI-23 and I will treat it as the great honour in which it is. I also aim to exceed all expectations of me whenever I can. I also believe I have trained extensively within DT with that being doing things like: learning the SOP, Trying to attend all trainings done by the officers, representing DT in Special Operations Missions etc... Moreover, I have shown consistency throughout my time in DT and holding up the values for DT. As I represent DT every day when going around the server whether that's helping out a brand new ST that has loaded into the game and doesn't fully understand how it works or making sure the V.I.P that we're assigned is well guarded and we don't let them down. I also believe that as much as I can I try and spark communication between the more Senior NCOs and the Junior members of DT as this in combat means they will be a more efficient fighting force as they feel more comfortable with their fellow Death Troopers. I also feel as If I try and make myself open to fellow DT or anyone that needs to talk about anything whether that's an Issue or there's something they want to vent about, regardless of whether I get this position I'm always here and always will be on job or not. Finally, I think I am ready for the Role of DT V07 and I will be more than willing to learn the future challenges that will come as V07. I also believe I can complete the Task Expected of me as a Member of TI-23. [Why do you want to be a part of Unit TI-23] I want to be a member of TI-23 because I want to be a member of an Elite Squad that is close knit. This is because I believe strongly in Communication and being given the opportunity to work in a small team I would be able to strongly utilise this as I would be able to be the close recognisance and fire support in battle. But we would all have the ability to support each other outside of combat as we would be able to know each other closely. I also want the position of DT V07 because I can then better use my weapons to ensure the V.I.P is safe at all times. Also, providing intelligence as a sniper and scouting ahead sounds like a lot of fun as I'll be engaged trying to keep the rest of my squad safe. I also think it will further hone down my skills to work within a team and leadership skills. I also think it will help make me a better DT. [What does Unit TI-23 do] TI-23 "The Undying" are an Elite Squad of Death Troopers that are considered the the Best of the Battalion. Each member had there own unique set of skills and equipment that help them complete the objective. They would complete missions that would be of High Importance to the Takin Initiative. An Example of this is when F16 and her Squad where tasked with escorting a Large Kyber Crystal to be used in Operation Star Dust. However, they where attacked in the Cargo Bay and only F16 made it away but she was later killed after a Valiant Effort to try and stop the Rebels. Also, DT L21 was entrusted with Guarding Grand Admiral Thrawn and the Tie Defender on Jhothal. DT F16 - In lore she is a Commander and the Squadron Leader of TI-21. She is responsible for her Squad and would give them orders in battle and working out the most efficient way of completing the objective. F16 is equip with a DP-23, detonator, flash bang, booster bacta kit, deployable shield, and a E-11s. DT M36 - DT M36 is the Squad medic it was his job to ensure that the inquires of people in his squad were treated swiftly delivering the first aid to the squad. M36 is equip with the E-11D as a primary weapon, bacta kit, armour kit, shield generator and duel RK3 pistols. DT L21 - DT L21 is the Demolitions Specialist and is responsible for demolishing anything required to complete the objective. He also has the capacity to act as an Engineer with his fusion cutters. DT L21 was also equip with an E-11D, Thermal detonator, a detonator, a DLT-19 and Dual RK3s. DT C37 - DT C37 is the Close Quarters Battle Specialist (CQB) in this role he is the primary DT for Breaching and Combat inside buildings, to do this he has specialist equipment like a DP-23 Shot Gun, a deployable shield and a flash bang. He is also equip with the standard equipment for TI-23 like the E-11D and the Dual RK3s. DT V07 - DT V07 is the final member of the squad and he is the Elite Marksmen. In this role he is responsible for providing Overwatch to TI-23, he will do this by relaying information down to the Squad and providing covering fire. He is the first in to his overwatch position and he will not leave it till the rest of his team has Evacuated. Like the other members of TI-23 he has his own specialist equipment that help him be self sufficient this includes an E-11s, Deployable shield, Dual RK3s and an E-11D for when he is needed for close to mid range combat. (^^^ Sorry if that's Death by lore, I really like reading DT {and all} lore) [How active can you be] Daily for at least two hours but days I'm not in work I try to be on at least 6 hours. [Do you understand that if you are accepted into Unit TI-23, you will be on a 1-strike system] Absolutely, I am to be held to the highest standard Thank you for Reading my Application I know it's a lot - MP4
  4. In-Game name: JackForPrez / MP4 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:507145431 Rank: 1SG How long have you been in your current rank?: 1 day What experiences in leadership do you have?: I am a 2LT in Shock and I have gained valuable experience about leadership by: helping enlisted, delivering trainings, sims and I would also say that I am approachable within Shock and DT. I was also appointed as the first ever Elite Response Unit Vice Lead this shows that I can be entrusted with helping develop a very new sub branch within Shock. Also, When I was in the Imperial Navy on Gaming Light where I was responsible for helping to encourage and train the newer Crewmen. Also, In the real world I am a Senior Line Chef. What this means is that I am placed in charge of a certain area of the kitchen, usually Back line and Kitchen Porter (for anyone who is unsure what they are: Kitchen Porter are responsible for cleaning plates, restocking plates and baskets etc.. and Back Line are the Chefs that are make deserts and some other items like smoking the ribs or pork). This job has taught me about resource management and how to use my teams time to better advantage the kitchen. I have also developed skills of communication as it has highlighted the importance of Communication. Why do you want to be an officer?(150+ Word minimum) I want to be an Officer in the Death Troopers because I feel as if I can aid the battalion more efficiently as an Officer, I will be able to do this by hosting trainings, sims and hopefully missions that will be fun for DT and other Special Operations Units. As an Officer I would be able to work with the NCOs to help them better their Skills and how they can pass on skills I hope to teach them to enlisted and each other. I also feel as if I am an officer I will also be able to help out other officers and provide opinions on different aspects of the battalion. Most Importantly of all I feel as if I am approachable and I am can be approachable for other more Junior DT to come and talk to me if they had an issue with something or even if they want to vent and "Blow off some steam", That being said if anyone wants to talk I'm always here. I also think as an officer I can use my resource management skills and communication skills to help better the battalion. Also, I love DT and everyone in it and I want to make sure that everyone feels happy in this Battalion and people are reaching their full potential. What makes you stand out amongst the others?(130+Word minimum) I feel as if I stand out as I try to go above and beyond what is expected of me to try and keep the standards of the DT Battalion. I also feel as I'm always asking questions to help ensure that what we're doing is right and make situations better in the future. I also would Say If I am wrong I will own up to may mistake and reflect on it in the future and if I see something else that is wrong then I wouldn't immediately scold someone for a mistake that could have been an accident instead I prefer to talk to them explaining why that particular thing can't be done and how it could be done differently in the future. I also know a fairly large amount of the lore for Star wars and I would say I'm very knowledgeable in DT. I also try and help out the newer players on the server If they talk about how they cannot do a try-out because of formations etc... I will try to the best of my ability to explain it to them. Also, I feel that whatever rank I am I will continue to try my hardest even through tough times to try and improve the Battalion. Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an officer you can be removed from your position? Absolutely if I am an Officer I am to be held to the highest standard. Do you understand that receiving a strike will result in an immediate demotion? I understand Completely Thank you for Taking the Time to read my Application - MP4
  5. In-game name: JackForPrezz SteamID: STEAM_0:0:507145431 Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: CSM (SGT in second life) Have you donated to the server?: Yes Have you been banned on any GL server before?: No Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: No How much time do you have on the server?: 217:10hrs How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I would say I have a very good knowledge of the lore. This is because I have seen all the Lore Films (including Solo and Rouge One). I have also seen the other Lore film series The Mandalorian and Obiwan. I have also read the Star Wars Comics on Thrawn, Maul (doesn't really apply for 20BBY - 0BBy but I thought I'd mention it anyway and Vader to name a few. Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I think it would be really fun to host; Events, Sims, Missions. Also, I think that me being a GM will allow others on the server to have fun. I will also be able to bring my ideas to the GM team. I would also be active so I can host many events for the server and in my opinion this will make the server more enjoyable. I also would really like to create my own storyline events as it would allow me to be creative. Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: I think I could be trusteed as a game master because I love the community and I will always try and help the community improve so I will never do anything to hurt the community. Also, on all three gaming light servers I have 0 warnings or bans. I also want to make the server a more fun place then it already is so I think becoming a GM will help in this. Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: I have 500+ hours on GMOD so that has given me a brief experience but I am more than willing to learn new things. Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: I have no real experience in being a GM but I would love to learn. Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: [On-Ship] [Passive Switch] [Host: Hopefully: JackForPrezz] "Specialist Repairs" After a Solar Storm has Crippled some of the Equipment on the ISD some of the Systems are in need of Immediate and Quick Repairs. But, With the war machine raging on and securing parts of the Galaxy recourses In this sector are stretched thin so a team of reprogramed Commando Droids are brought In to repair the Ship. However, mid way through the repairs the droids start sabotaging the ship by disabling the Ship's Shields and Communications. The Imperial High Command Order an immediate Kill On Sight Order. But, these droids were meant for combat and reek Havoc across the ship until they are eventually captured. The Inferno Squadron slice the droids' home base and believe it to be a back water insurgent cell on Tatooine. [Off-Ship] [Combat [Host: Hopefully: JackForPrezz] "Specialist Repairs Pt.2" After the Inferno Squadron Sliced Information out of a Commando Droid that was sent on the Ship we have learnt that the Location of this small cell is located in a small town near our Outpost on Tatooine. The Mission is for a task force to be sent down to clear the town and surrounding area from any Insurgent Activity. However, the force will need to watch out as the Tinkerer has reprogramed many B1 Battle droids and they may look old but they are still deadly.. Also, the Tinkerer has also modified and Reprogramed some Commando Droids (Players that are modeled). Also, there may be some Civilians on the Planet as this will raise a challenge for the troops as they will have to deal with as they will need to treat them in an appropriate manor to allow their loyalty to the Empire. Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): !give @ rw_sw_dual_dc17s Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): !model ^ <model name> Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes
  6. Thank you for Advising Shy and Ent. I've Extended it per your advice I appreciate you guys.
  7. + Support +Active Mark is one of the Best and Nicest Officers that we have and is well loved by all of shock and it's troopers. This man is a Goat.
  8. What is your in-game name? JackForPrez What is your current rank? Command Sergeant Major How long have you been in Shock? 4 Weeks (roughly) How much time do you have on the server? 168:22 hrs Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer? I feel that I am dedicated to shock and I have put in effort in the form of try outs and suggestions to Shock, as I've met my quota every week since I became an NCO. I would also say that I am responsible and a friendly face to shock helping teach new recruits what it means to be a good shock trooper and how to deal with situations without an immediate arrest. I am also an active member of the community who is often on the shock job even in the down hours of the server. I have also recruited multiple people into Shock and I try to get 5+ people into shock each week. I try and perform several try-outs each day to the point where I could read the try-out guide by memory. Also, I'm my Sub Battalions I have been Promoted to K2S5 and EJT as I am active in both of my Sub-Battalions. I have also ensured that I have stayed up to date with the current guidelines for shock by regularly reading the SOP. I also feel that if I achieve the position of Officer then I will have a higher Activity on the server. I also feel that I am a good role model to the Enlisted and NCOs in Shock. I have also made several suggestions to Shock and I've helped promote de-escalation and talking as apposed to using Professor Arrest Baton (PHD) straight away and I feel like if we all keep this up then it will create a community that is friendly and hospitable to all members and people across the server. Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position? I feel I can be trusted because I an an active member of shock that aims to help improve shock, one of the ways I do this is by regular trainings (AOS) and Try-outs, becoming an Officer will allow me to improve this and I will be able to improve on this even more. I would also say that I am a trustworthy person and new trainees and Enlisted have came to me with some of the issues that they have had and I've been able to help or point them in the direction of someone who can (like taking a TRN to Mark who had questions about ENG). I would also say that I try and get beyond the levels that are reasonably expected as an NCO in Shock and I feel that I could go even further if I got the position of Shock Officer. I also am a responsible person across the Gaminglight Servers as I have No warns across the Three servers. I would also say that I have never abused my power whether that be as a Shock NCO or as a Staff Member on the server. I would also say that I have the integrity of a Shock Officer If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't? I Think I will be able to add a variety of sims and Trainings to the Shock Battalion (I want to so an Descalation Sim that should train some of the newer shock on how to deal with a delicate situation. I also feel as if I can help Aid the Shock Battalion by being very active and I will be able to lead the NCOs. I also can help make suggestions to the battalion and help it develop to improve the battalion, I feel as if being an officer will give me more of a voice. Also, Being an officer will allow me to host sims and this will give me a better reach to interact with other battalions and this builds a better relationship with other battalions and allows for recruiting Opportunities as Sims can get a range of newer players as they don't really have the money. I would also want to help in how to manage the sectors resource's more efficiently. I also think I have a good perspective on dealing with STs because people may not understand what they are doing is wrong and it needs to be explained to them and as a battalion we shouldn't assume that everyone is a minge (obviously some people are and have no intention of role playing but that is different). Also, I would say I'm friendly when it comes to guiding newer TRNs and being Patient with them as they may not know faces etc.. so ill help them before a try-out know all the basics of the server. How active can you be? Almost Every Day Work Dependant
  9. In-game name: JackForPrezz SteamID: STEAM_0:507145431 Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: PFC Have you donated to the server?: Yes Have you been banned on any GL server before?: No Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: n/a How much time do you have on the server?: About a 2-3 days give or take How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I know that Commander Orson Krenic (at the time) was put in charge for the Death Star Project (codename Star dust) at about 20BBY. He was then later Promoted to the Director of Imperial Weapons Research. He then later died at the battle of Scariff were he had found that the plans for Project Star Dust had been leaked. Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I want the ability to create fun events. Particularly in times where there are no other GMs on because I'm in BST and there are usually not that many events when I'm on because of time zone difference. Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: Because I am responsible to create events that people will enjoy and will not abuse my power Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: I'm not too sure what it stands for Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: yes, i was a GM on a server a while ago Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: An on ship event could be: A smuggler brings on bored two cleaning droids but he is actually a Rebel Smuggler and the droids are Assassin Droids. An off ship event: Assaulting an abandoned Jedi temple to eliminate the rebels and secure a holocron Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): Yes, You would go into the menu and then copy the weapon into the clipboard and then use the tool gun to shoot it at someone. Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): c menu then right click Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes
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