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Everything posted by Kestoren

  1. What you want to see? - Rules regarding Money Silo's, updated or fixed. Why should we add it? - There's almost no rules to Money Silo's minus the portion regarding Families defending bases and being unable to defend their family members inside a base. So, this brings a attention of having a lack of rules regarding Money Silo's, I'll be attaching a video of a clip that in other words demonstrates what happens with the lack of rules- In the current state, a Money Silo doesn't require a base at all, and with the rules regarding a Money Silo being so lacking, a criminal can place down a Money Silo ANYWHERE and gun down any Government in the general vicinity, we had a situation where SL placed a Money Silo in the Sewers without any 'Fading Doors or signs' thus it mustn't be a base, allowing them to run up to GOV outside of the Sewers and gun them down because 'It's a Money Silo', as well as meaning that when family members leave spawn, if they see their family members in combat just across the street then they can advert and assist their family killing any and all cops, preventing a Money Silo raid from even happening. In this way, a Money Silo can be placed in a Neutral Zone persay and Government are not allowed by the rules to engage in any combat in that zone, meaning that they have to allow a Money Silo to continue in a Neutral zone and outside of the Neutral zone, any family member can immediately gun down Police or GOV without any interaction or Roleplay because 'Money Silo'. This also gives people a way to freely 'RDM' police by walking up to them and placing a Money Silo next to them before gunning them down claiming that they're just defending their Money Silo without any repercussions. In essence, having a Money Silo up allows any family conducting the Silo to avoid the Priority rules for having to RP out situations, when Police cannot identify whom owns the Silo, allows them to shoot at police before police can identify who is involved and where it is since it's not in an identified or marked location where Police have to take the risk of losing people trying to identify who is apart of a location without just metagaming the information from death screens and that NLR is only really required for the 3 minutes before family members can just reengage into a situation, avoiding any type of TDM scenario where who has the most people wins since they can do it closer to the main spawn then for police to be physically able to respond after NLR. What are the advantages of having this? - This would resolve a lot of issues regarding Silo's as well as avoiding frustration from GOV having to go up to a situation and just get completely gunned down by 10+ people, because they claim they're just helping their family with a Money Silo where they otherwise would have had to follow the guidelines for Base Raiding here: "(ONLY CRIM) A Rule of NLR is active base raiding, no family members may return to the base being raided by the Government for 5min if you die. You may not sit around a couple feet from the active raid "waiting" for your NLR to run out. You also can not go to another building and assist in defending a raid outside of the actual base. " This will also have some more guidelines that will help guide people's gameplay, rather then to just set up a situation to bait police over and gun them down repeatedly because Police can't arrest people for having the same Family name of a group actively doing a Criminal act that they might have just died at and are hanging around the 'KOS' sign, for their NLR to be up to jump back straight into the combat. Although this isn't a gripe at SL, this is more of a thing that all Criminals should adhere to with some better rules, such as Money Silos having to be in clearly identified bases and avoids grey area RDM, along with the prevention of just allowing a family that starts a Money Silo to have a free pass to RDM any Government official that they see because of the Money Silo, whether it's in an 'undetermined range around the Silo' or whether it's because GOV go near the entrance to a unmarked Money Silo location, GOV only knowing of the Silo itself. Who is it mainly for? - Criminals. Links to any content - https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/zMLKMUYGGqCiH/d1337lcz7Lki?invite=cr-MSxGRmQsNjY5MTgzMDMs -- Evidence of a situation in which 6 SL members, some of which had just died within 2-3 minutes of being inside the Sewers, coming back and fighting GOV outside of the Money Silo location adverting and fighting GOV at a ' (As a side note, there might be a few things repeated in this sentiment, but in essence. Doing a Silo without a base is a free pass to make an entire area straight KOS for all GOV without any roleplay or interaction, whether GOV are responding to the situation or not. If they wanted, they could do it inside the Bank and just gun people down from outside of the bank because they aren't actively doing the bank, without setting up any kind of base at all, or setting it up outside of PD or Tac base, and gunning down anyone coming out because "Silo", makes it very unfun or frustrating for GOV, making some leave when these situations happen leaving it to a few officers that are outmatched to even try and stop the Silo, not to mention there's no limit to doing Silos where you can do multiple at once 'per base', but without a base don't have to follow the cooldown but also no requirement for a certain amount of police to be on... Meaning that a Family of 15 can start a Silo with 6 police on and no physical way for Police to respond and stop it.)
  2. In-game Name: Kestoren SteamID: STEAM_0:1:40776066 DiscordID: Kestoren#1234 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?: I've learnt a bit about a decent amount but certainly not nearly comparable to half of all SCP's/Lore. So probably an overall 4/10. Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency?: I've got a bit of experience and I've played a bunch of Gensec, I've played a bit of SCP: Secret Laboratory as both MTF and Chaos Insurgency, I've had a bit of an interest in Chaos Insurgency as a faction since they're against the SCP Foundation but can come together to fight certain dangerous SCP's, I'd like to explore that roleplay and get away from Gen-Sec, I've experience with combat so there's no loss on taking me onboard either. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?: I'm Australian, so that's already a bonus. But I've had a few years of experience in roleplay for things like ImperialRP/ClonewarsRP, etc. So I'm pretty adaptive. How active can you be?: As Active as I need to be (Just for the purposes of letting you guys know, I am on an LOA at least for the PoliceRP server, don't really need it for Gensec but I'm not going to be home until roughly the 16th/17th AEST since I'm in a different state and there's no chance for getting G-Mod on this computer that I have access to.) I'm able to play actively but also I'm able to play in hours that're not the primary uptime since I'm a whole 14 hours ahead of EST. Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes
  3. -Support. No cap, we were 'Impersonating' police which we're allowed to do and were just having a fun time trying to get Slasher to pull over for the simple point of trying to grab him to mug/kidnap. This is before we had a chat with Mar and as Mar said, it's frowned upon. However in this instance we were trying to roleplay and you can even hear us 'impersonating' using radios that didn't even exist for the 'RP'. We had an intent behind our actions and we weren't just trying to cop bait into a firefight, as there were more of us then Slasher and over VC we even said 'let's kidnap him' when we rolled up.
  4. In game name: Kestoren Discord: Kestoren#1234 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:40776066 Rate your activity 1-10 (1 being lowest 10 being highest): 10 Anything we should know?(If your activity is below a 5 this is a good place to explain why): I am on, a lot even when others aren't on
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