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Infinity Foxlet

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Everything posted by Infinity Foxlet

  1. I may have never met you but I still wanna say goodbye, I hope that everyone will continue to remember you for your work.
  2. Hey if you need any help with anything then my username in game is Infinity Foxlet The 3rd
  3. out of the 6 people I asked 1/2 of them said it was because they wanted to help get rid of prop minges, ect. 1 person said that they because of their friends being staff too, the final two people thought it would be fun (this is an assumed response because of them not giving any information because of them not remembering why) to be staff. What is your response of this? I really want to hear your opinions on this. Is this good or bad? Note this may not be accurate
  4. This is a very simple question, It's completely fine if you can't answer it.
  5. Sad to hear that! Hope it will be better soon!
  6. Infinity Foxlet


    do it for the vine...
  7. 1. What is your in-game name?: Infinity Foxlet The 3rd 2. What is your steam name?: Infinity Foxlet 3. What is your steam ID?: 76561198799644253 4. What is your discord username?: (Infinity Foxlet#4750) 5. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: No, but I am willing to follow the handbook to my best ability and to learn from my higher ups. 6. What date did you start playing on the community?: Roughly around mid February 2022 7. What date did you make your forums account?: 5/30/2022 8: How many warnings do you have on all GL servers? 8 9. What is your donor rank? User 10. Are you a staff member in another community? No 11: Have you read the staff handbook? Yes 12. CST 13. What rank are you applying for? Trial moderator 14. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? I feel that I deserve this rank because of my ability to learn and keep an upheld sense of maturity. I also feel that I deserve this role because I am able to handle tough situations such as someone being really annoying, I can keep myself calm during those situations. Even though I have no prior experience with staffing, I am still completely willing to give up as much time necessary to make sure I will be the best as I can and even try to do things better than I thought I could. I have a lot of free time past 5:00 pm all the way up to 10:00 pm. I think having this much free time can help me be a better mod because I will have more time to practice and learn from my higher-ups. These are truly the reasons why I think I deserve this rank I am applying for. Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when they bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would firstly bring the player who got reported and the person who reported them to a sit and then If all the person who got reported just kept cursing over me I would gag the player so they can’t be talk over me and then tell them what they did wrong. I would then proceed to tell them why they are getting a 5 day ban (after requesting an admin+) I would then let the admin ban them and then continue on with my sits and responding to reports. If they came back on an alt and I had proof of this account being an alt I would bring them to a sit and request a higher up to give them a perma-ban for ban evasion. I would then explain to the person again why they are getting a ban. After that I would let the admin ban them after calling them again. Q2 You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation? I would first separate all the players and then try to calm them down and then next go to each one talking about the situation and if they had video evidence if the player had proof of another player doing the thing they reported that person for. I would then proceed to bring them back to together after after talking to each one and telling them the conclusion based on all the evidence and if they were gonna get warned or not and the reason if one of the people was gonna get warned (due to evidence showing them doing that makes them deserving of the warn) If no evidence is presented I would just give them a verbal warning but if they did I would give that person a formal warning (if they are new or may not understand that it was a rule) a verbal warning would be given otherwise. I would then return them and return to responding to reports and making sits if I need to.
  8. I think I might have been that hobo. I am not certain though
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