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Posts posted by K I W I

  1. 8 minutes ago, GarGar said:


    if you add dropshotting onto this laggy ass server im resigning


    46 minutes ago, Grеg said:


    I really don’t want to have to fight dropshotting CI and D-Class. There’s really no need for it except on surface, combat is very fast paced on the server and could only see this being used to make hitboxes smaller.

    I’d rather see leaning be added, now that I could get behind.

    I used the addon bout a year or two ago n you couldn't just drop shot, you get stuck in a animation when you go prone and drop, you can't just spam like you can with crouch 

  2. What are you suggesting? - Adding a Prone system to the server

    How would this change better the server? - Adds a whole layer of immersion and combat situations into the server, allowing people to play it more stealthy and tactical when it comes to combat scenarios, Escaping SCP's, hiding, etc.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Potential bugs I suppose, I'm unsure if the prone mod affects anything in the server aside from animations.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Server wide, all branches aside from SCP's, which shouldn't be allowed to prone

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion:


  3. 8 hours ago, Cosmic The Italian said:


    Sit should have been handled by a different staff to avoid branch bias.

    You don't just close a sit on somebody while he's trying to state his point.


    Tanks not a bad guy n probably didn't mean any ill intentions, but this was handled poorly for reasons stated by cosmic

  4. 10 hours ago, Nydekore said:


    RDM | It’s not RDM, he didn’t have an escort and therefore his dclass should be terminated and him likely arrested. It’s expected that research get escorts BEFORE dclass

    FailRP | Security can refuse researchers escorts

    It doesn't say this in the MOTD under security/research section for some reason but the general consensus for GENSEC and MTF is that if a researcher has a D-Class with no escort then the D-Class is KOS, unless this is incorrect and just a wide spread false understanding. HOWEVER it is metagame to refuse Dr. Maynard a escort just because they're Dr. Maynard. A reason should be stated for why Gensec/MTF is refusing to escort a researcher, in the clip it's Code Black so the MTF has reason other than the one stated but he's not really in a position to handle Securities job if he's on a MTF job

  5. Just now, PryingTree said:


    Ok let me word that better, RnD was a branch that got made up, so was D5. If your going to get rid of a branch that was made exactly the same way, and made the same amount of fun to people, then it is hypocritical. Why should one branch get removed because it removes activity from other people when D5 does that too. I love D5, it is a amazing branch. Do you get what im saying? 

    I gotcha now, just the wording threw me off, my point still stands on the D5 topic just completely unrelated to what you had said since the clarification made it understandable

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, PryingTree said:

    D5 is literally pay to win

    Not to split hairs or take away from the discussion currently but this isn't the case at all, no one in D5 currently paid to be in D5, they all earned their way to get the ranks to achieve where they are now thanks to Jack and Price wanting to make an additional branch for the server.

  7. Removing RND will do nothing but leave a blank space for free roam RP that the branch brings greatly, RND is a huge aspect of chaos, the only reason it doesn't seem so at the moment is because the activity is at a low point, CI in general has had 5 command members recently leave for various reasons, It's not RND's fault where it's at right now. RND isn't perfect and could use a few changes but removing or turning it back into a sub branch isn't going to help at all, plenty of people who love Roleplaying that live and breath RND will do what's best for the branch, Let command and the members potentially moving into Gamma Command deal with making RND great again, it's a great branch just needs to be fixed around a bit and brought back to life from those who care deeply for it.

    • Like 1
  8. What are you suggesting? - Putting a 5 to 10 second timer rule on elevators that can kill people to be called again, akin to the red warehouse door. I don't believe this can be implemented functionally alike to the D-Block elevator timer but at least a rule will give a general consensus people who attempt to call up an elevator quickly and end up killing people. It takes roughly 9-10 seconds from when you press the button till you're taken and the door opens, so a total of 15 second timer from when the elevator is called would be a good timer.

    How would this change better the server? - Less people die to the elevator and have to wait timers, I understand it's already Fail Rp but it's hard to implement and find the absolute solution to the issue, and even then when you do die or be brought back it's still annoying as the CI raid is going to continue without you and for Foundation members it sucks to have your progress in a research test or bringing a D-Class to feed an SCP completely halted by being killed by it, I've seen in the last week like 5-10 CI, round 10 MTF, 2 utility all fall victim to the elevator, if there was a timer that people kept in their head when they watched an elevator go down could've prevented it with a little patience. plus there really is no way to prove if someone intentionally is abusing the elevator to kill people cause they can just claim it is an accident, at least a timer will force players (accidentally calling it or not) to wait the timer.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Only disadvantage I see is adding another rule into the MOTD that may not be seen/known to newer players

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - MTF/CI/Research/Security/Utility

  9. 1 hour ago, Nydekore said:

    +Support for the SWEP if testing it goes fine (doesn’t cause lag or other issues)

    -Support for 

    20 minutes between femur (way too long)

    research working to contain the SCP (researchers should only interact with SCPs they may test on, only RRH Analysts may freely test on 106. 
    343 level health as all Euclid/keter SCPs should be containable through micros


    • Like 1
  10. -Support
    This has probably been discussed to death, moving the discussion to lifting the 2 Life rule to a higher rank for some branches might make more sense and actually get somewhere, at that point though you'd want to talk to HCMD for those branches specifically, but the chance of getting command in 3 different branches is a crazy idea and having to spread your time amongst them is insane.

  11. -Support
    No point in restricting all other cloaking classes. Zeta-6 Is the only one that really shouldn't be there because why should a cloaker be put in D-Block just to kill D-Class?
    If the suggestion was just Zeta-6 then I'd +Support but no reason to restrict any other one since all besides Zeta-6 have restrictions on them anyways

  12. 22 hours ago, Pills said:


    to make it more like the lore and so people like this Idea more. Why not give it like a "Permanent Thermal Vision" due to its ability to see so well and give it a much more powerful zombie claws as 323 is very strong in the lore. 


  13. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-457

    2. Link(s) to player models:

    Actual 457 addon: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2479308133&searchtext=457
    (I don't know if this addon comes with a playermodel, and if it does I'm unsure how it would be implemented)

    3. Link(s) to SWEPs: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2421708309&searchtext=SCP-457

    4. How much health/armor do you think it should have?: 1000 / 500

    5. Why should we add this SCP?: SCP 457 is Sentient and can be interacted with akin to 049, 035 and 682 which brings more Rp scenarios and research ideas to the server, also as of right now IMO the SCP Job pack is lacking a lot, doesn't seem really worth it to purchase, the three in there it seem like no one wants to play them in comparison to the MTF Job pack, plus 457's ability is not just a standard insta-kill like a lot of the hostile SCP's, Giving MTF and CI a chance to actually fight back if caught off guard.

    6. Basic summary of the SCP: SCP-457 Is a burning man who can light others on fire, it is to be contained in a cell made fire proof materials, with a sprinkler system built inside to flood the room if the SCP ever gets out of control and tries to break free.

    7. Extra information: To prevent 457 from breaching, maintenance has get down to his Cell and attempt to extinguish SCP-457 Via either roll off or roll to see if the water would be enough to put him out for a bit. I hate to really not be able to come up with a creative Idea to re-contain him other than standard termination but I don't really have a good idea on how to stop a man on fire really. 

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