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Posts posted by Saam

  1. On 10/7/2022 at 12:28 AM, HuskyLover said:


    You're a very creative person from what I've seen. The event suggestion you made on the main Discord was exciting and the info you sent me for it was incredible! I would love to have you join the team, and for that you have my support.


  2. 4 hours ago, GaIaxy said:


    He clearly broke a few of the MOTD rules.
    You also listed the MOTD rules in chat and he should of checked the MOTD and realized his mistake.

    However I would not say he broke NLR as you camped his spawn area and didn't give him a chance to leave the bridge after respawning as you guys shot him the second he opened the door.


  3. 34 minutes ago, SethyTheSasquatch said:


    Although I am not in any Army branch, I know the amount of hard work you've put into HC. The Army troopers have massive respect for you. I have massive respect for you, I genuinely think you are the best candidate for this position!

    Goodluck Suns!!!


  4. 8 hours ago, Frosty_ said:


    - Is kind and respectful to all members and a all around amazing guy.

    - Amazing General helps so many people.

    - One of the most trusted members of the community. 

    - He 100% knows what he's doing and is fully capable of the job.



  5. On 9/21/2022 at 5:41 PM, Iceberkk said:


    I think this is a good application from what I have read you seem to be committed to do the best that you can to be a good Vice Commander for this branch as well as you are a nice guy and a good person to interact with.



  6. On 9/14/2022 at 2:28 PM, SilonMist said:

    It is worth mentioning, unfortunately, you only mentioned the fact it happened. Would be good to list the kind of medical experience you have, since it is absolutely relevant to a medical/medic position.

    Well done on your application. Try in the future formatting your application to be less blocky for the reader too!



  7. On 9/12/2022 at 4:54 PM, Harr y said:

    Massive +Support 

    -Has shown to be serious and calculated with matters

    -Understands what the main purposes of a commander is 

    -Great activity

    -Has shown to be trustworthy 

    Is just a great person overall and the perfect fit for the next shock commander

    + Massive Support, Mark is an amazing guy, im believe he deserved it.



    Admiral Sam

  8. 18 minutes ago, Parkerxxx said:

    Racism is unacceptable. Most of the time my thoughts are even if you are not a racist , you are purposely doing things to get yourself banned which is what most trolls do. Overall anyone in my eyes who does this wanted to get banned, I've been playing gmod for a long time and it has this as a common theme among all servers. Racism is used after or during trolling to intentionally get banned.


    While I don't know the situation overall - Support 


  9. 10 hours ago, Crunch said:


    You are a continuous minge who provided no proof or solid explanation of what happened. In my experience, Rux is more forgiving that 90% of the other staff here so him being aggressive, abusive or otherwise failing to do his job is not what happened here. You deserved your punishment.


  10. 4 hours ago, moosewinn said:

    - Support for now
    I love that you are applying for TMod! for now though, though I dont feel like I learned enough from this app to + Support this. I personally recommend editing this document in order to put more personality into your answer. (Mainly the why do you believe that you deserve the rank.) Best of luck to you, and if you rewrite this I will be more than happy to review again. Best of luck to you!


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