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Saam last won the day on February 19

Saam had the most liked content!

About Saam

  • Birthday 01/24/2002

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Saam's Achievements

Community Regular

Community Regular (8/14)

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  1. Saam

    Pinks NCO App

    +Mega Support +Very Active +Passionate +Very helpful
  2. Saam

    Pinks SO app

    + mega support + Active + former DOS + have experience In my opinion, Pink will be a very good Security Officer!
  3. + support + active NCO + very respectful + Good application In my opinion, Jerry will be a good officer! Good luck!
  4. + Support + Has experience +active + good application Good luck!
  5. o7 Pink goodbye friend! I will miss you
  6. - support Agree with Clarence and Resin too. The ban is only less than a month ago. Just wait more time before you can apply again.
  7. + support +active officer + active SSO + good app Good luck
  8. + support + good application + active enlisted Good luck!
  9. o7, it was a pleasure working with you Red. You will be missed! Hope one day you will come to visit us! Good luck in real life friend
  10. - support - Short application In my opinion, you need more time to be in the community and next time try to improve your application. Good luck!
  11. Saam

    Jerry's NCO App

    + Support + Active Enlisted + Being friendly Good luck!
  12. + support + active + doing good nco duties + friendly Good luck friend, i believe you deserve to become an Officer!
  13. + Support + Active + Good application Good luck Mr Man! The Naval still needs more NCOs.
  14. + Mega Support + Very friendly guy + Works very hard + Amazing GM!! I hope you will get it Coolnic, you deserve it!
  15. + Support + Active In my opinion, Scopes looks like a nice guy, and seems he understands what is duty of a staff member. Good luck!
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