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  1. -Support The purpose of having a restricted number of cars per rank is to motivate players to play the game and progress through the ranks. If we add more cars for lower tier players, it would eliminate the challenge of "grinding" to earn those cars, which could ultimately cause additional issues down the line.
  2. + Support This is completely inappropriate behavior from a person who has been on the server for a long time.
  3. +/- Support Were taxes over than 20%, or were there three PPD members? If not, you violated the rules in just about any case. I'm leaning more towards - Support on this since I'm not sure why the President is roaming about without any government officials. In some ways, this was warranted, however rules were violated if the tax / ppd standards were not met.
  4. I'm afraid there will be no replacement for Nick.
  5. - Support As indicated previously. The matter was resolved in-game. I believe that this report was unnecessary.
  6. Questions Your In-game: complex The player's name in-game: Homer Owen The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:47896723 What did the player do: 24 Warns Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/6e120d6ec8ea262195bf78d1cd0f6926 What do you believe should happen to the player: Ban Any extra information: N/A
  7. Questions Your In-game: complex The player's name in-game: Jaymes The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:50080463 What did the player do: 40 Warn Threshold Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/8b4c35d9a346c8307fcf97fa4603fb26 What do you believe should happen to the player: Permanent Ban Any extra information: N/A
  8. @Dumpster Fire Your Side Of The Story Please
  9. The creator of this project is the owner of the current awarn system we have implemented in the server. There is ways to port over the current warns database to this new one, and I believe if PoliceRP will be getting this, then so will the other servers.
  10. + Support This would urge families to be cautious when recruiting and not just recruit anyone in order to expand their family.
  11. - Support I do not think Echo broke the rules, here is my reasoning 1 . Players, or groups of players, may not be put under FearRP unless they are outnumbered by the opposing group. Which in this case, he was. 2 . This applies both ways. You are not obligated to surrender to kidnapping or mugging if your gun is out, on or off safety, and you are not outnumbered His weapon was out, was he outnumbered? Yes, he was. I also don't know why you didn't deal with this ingame Correct, me if I'm wrong, but I do not believe any rule was broken
  12. - Support This has been a thing in PoliceRP from 2017 to 2018. It was removed for a reason, and I don't see it returning anytime soon.
  13. - Support I can see this being misused frequently.
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