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Posts posted by Clarence

  1. On 4/11/2022 at 9:44 PM, 99 dead raccoons said:

    + Support

    - In-depth answers

    - Seems like they have a good grasp of expectations

    - Took criticism well


    Before your app was barren, but after your edits I can see that you are willing to put forth the effort. I hope to see you on the team, best of luck!


  2. On 4/10/2022 at 11:51 AM, lomaxld5 said:

    +/- Support


    +Good app

    +Good record on purge, very chill guy

    -No prior officer experience, skipping over a lot of experience that you gain from being an NCO.

    -Room for improvement with punctuation and spelling

    Overall, I think you'd make a great addition to the Purge officer team, but I'd still suggest the NCO Ranking up path for that extra experience. Good luck!




  3. 22 hours ago, Katsimaru said:

    Hes active when I was in RG he was the one doing the most sims and keeping battalions relations and people together guiding people always helping as much as he could but he can always do better and he does Hes a great officer and I think he is very competent for this roll as well Hes nice and approachable and just great overall Hes a great friend to me and is serious when need be and can always have some fun when it's the right time he also has a very big and detailed application.


  4. On 4/10/2022 at 2:52 AM, Katsimaru said:

    Hes very active ill see him on from 6 to 12 hours almost everyday Hes a great officer does his quota is strict when need be nice and approachable has a pretty good application and when I was in RG, he was willing to help me out a lot Hes a great friend and very competent.


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. On 4/3/2022 at 1:58 AM, Darby said:

    - Support

    • There is little to no effort in this application.
    • I do not believe that you understand the purpose of a Security Director.
    • Answering questions and helping Shock & Deathtroopers are the basics of being an SO, not why you should be trusted with it.
    • You did not explain very well how you will improve all three battalions you are assigned to.
    • I have not seen much out of you in terms of Security recently.

    Brine, you are a great guy but this application is extremely bad. I thought you would have put more effort into something like this. How disappointing.


    Good Luck Brine.

    ~ Darby


  6. On 4/3/2022 at 8:37 PM, Bobby Boy said:


    + Good app

    + Always exceeds quota

    + Has goals 

    + Serious when needed 

    + Very active 

    + Past experience

    I think Slasha/XT5 would be a great officer. He has set goals for himself and always reaches or exceeds those goals. Quota is always well above the minimum. Knows when he needs to be serious and switches off any jokes to complete the objective or corrective action as needed, definitely one of the best NCO's from what I've seen. The past experience is also a big plus.


    - Burrito | DT CPT RX6



  7. On 3/26/2022 at 11:39 PM, Kando said:

    + Support

    - Known the guy for almost 3 years now. He's extremely dedicated to communities he likes, and Gaminglight is one of them.

    - Has plenty of experience being a elite unit and has extensive RP Medical expertise.

    - Active, I see him on daily.

    - Nice guy to talk to and definitely knows what he's doing!

    I believe he deserves this position as he's worked hard for this community as a whole; whether it be on ImperialRP, PoliceRP, or other servers he's extremely dedicated.


  8. On 3/26/2022 at 8:53 PM, Kio said:


    -Hasn't shown dedication to the Battalion

    Here's a couple of reasons why I don't think ur fully ready yet.

    1.) Anytime you are on, you are basically AFK the entire time I see you, In which I'm on a lot and I just don't see you doing anything. But whenever I do see you during events you just don't show what a Leader can do for their Battalion, and to say SF needs good leaders for what they do and without that the battalion will die.
    2.) You don't help anyone when they need it, you basically argue with them and always say that ur right about the situation, in which we're all guilty about but a real leader tells others about their Mistakes and then they make it better for their respected Battalion.

    3.) The way you treat people, is the way we see you in the command team, as a VCMDR I can say that leading Battalions isn't hard but also not easy, as you need to be able to listen an help ur battalion at any given time without any complaint, and to say you've ignored a lot of people for littles reasons.

    4.) Event if you hate or dislike someone you should always help them no matter what, even if their not great show them what it means to be a leader instead of making the situation any worse than it needs to be, also you shouldn't hate anyone for a little mistake you should always find a way to forgive them if they mess up. 


    Side Note

    ur a cool person, but you just don't show the skill of being a leader just yet, so Just learn a little more before you jump out to something that might make ur Gaminglight career harder.


  9. 19 hours ago, Bepiks said:

    Massive +support!
    Did I scare you? 🙂

    +Very active
    +Knows what he is doing and how to operate purge
    +When I think of purge command, I think of this man!
    + Very easy to get along with and will help when asked!

    Best of luck Lukas!!!!


  10. On 3/26/2022 at 11:48 PM, Bepiks said:

    Huge +support!

    +Great guy and shows great initiative for the battalion 

    +Been around long enough to fully know the ins and outs of Purge

    +very nice and approachable 

    -App is on the shorter side



    GOOD LUCK!!!!



  11. On 3/18/2022 at 6:44 PM, CollectiveWorld said:

    -Missed the 4th last question the most important question
    -After checking battlemetrics you have 2 months on the server not an hour but it varies from very little time


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