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Everything posted by Quinnn

  1. I feel its time to make my leave, Police is fun to play....but at least was for me...I'm burnt out completely and for another reason, I'll won't stay but god bless y'all and hope you have a great time in the future. @Shell SimpsonYou were always fun to play with, yes we may had some weird moments but it was fun. Srry if i didn't mention anyone else, its either i couldn't find u on the @ or i didn't know you that well.
  2. Your name: Ashley Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): the_project29 Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136): 873635171843334174 Which discord server were you banned on? Main GL discord What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? I don't know Why do you deserve to be unbanned? I didn't mean to make anyone upset i just wanted to show my battle metrics showing that i had played more than 24 hours on SCP to get my donator rank transferred, I'm sorry if I made anyone upset that was on me. I'm not a bad person i would like to be able to join back. I'll stop bringing it up if you give me another chance. I'm just confuse why i was ban is the other thing, i wasn't told why nor know why i was banned.
  3. + Support shows great potential as a future leader, always willing to help improve the community as a whole. + Active and will remain professional most of the time and a fun person overall.
  4. Good luck on your travels, remember to stay out of any trouble
  5. + Support - Have worked with him in the past as medical command, he is a great person for staff. If accepted.
  6. What is your In-Game name? Quinn What is your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)? STEAM_0:1:617289120 What is your rank? (Medical and/or Maintenance) Manager How many strikes do you currently have? 0 How many warnings do you have on GL? (Post a screenshot of your warnings) 1 technically the other was a mistake by staff Who gave you permission to apply? Me Why are you a good fit for Trauma Engineer (75+ Words)? I can get work done, I'm almost always on every day and remain active. I'm the kind of guy who would be active and help others when they'll in need of it and I like helping others with out a doubt, I don't know much about the maintenance side but I am away willing to learn new things and take advice from other. The meaning of being a leader isn't about being in charge it means you help others by being a role model and inspire them to be great in many ways. Scenario Questions: Q1: An MTF Nu7 Corporal is in dire need of surgical attention (5% health) but an MTF E11 Captain has asked you to come to SCP-966’s containment cell and fix its doors. What should you prioritize? Nu7 cause your main job is heal and that's always your priority over normal thing. But if you're a few steps closer to the CC then you can do that then rush to heal the Nu7 mainly depends on distance. Q2: SCP-106 is on its last advert and is about to breach. As you are enroute to 106’s cell, a squad of MTF D5 Gladiators requests that you squad up with them. What should you prioritize? Squad up with D5 cause you won't be able to make it to stop 106 in time also helps you when you're a non-combatant in general.
  7. I'm on the fence I've heard great things when you're in command but my only problem is activity since you haven't been very active at all. But if you become more active then you will have my + Support
  8. + Support and is always putting out there best in the branch and more active than anyone.
  9. Quinnn

    BlackWing's LOA

    Name: Blackwing Rank: SGT Start Date: today (7/17/2023) End Date: 7/29/2023 Length: 2 weeks Reason: Marching band camp
  10. + Support + Over-all the best person for command
  11. Sadly gonna give a -support -Was just unbanned -Mains vlad and has a weird history with minging -Not enough time in medical since his return -Short and undetailed application • I do agree with ecto on this, my advice is to wait a but until this is resolved and you can fix all these issues.
  12. +/- Support + Active on medical - Too short and incomplete application - History of being more minge • Advice try to work on more seriousness on certain things and less than a minge but overall, I would say wait until these things can improve
  13. + Support + Knows what he's doing and always engage with rp. + Patients always request him. + Active most of the time. - Needs to work on Spelling or grammar (jk) + Overall perfect fit for command
  14. +/- Support + Knows what he's doing and will follow orders when told to or ask to do something. +/- sometimes active - Too short of an App +/- Needs to work on being a little more serious on certain things. • Overall I'm on the fence but is always nice seeing people applying
  15. +/- Support + Does know what he's doing most of the time and is engage with RP - Way too short for a command application +/- Overall I would see you as a good surgeon, also CI aren't allowed to kill medical unless there E4 (Special Forces) only.
  16. 1. What’s your In-Game Name: Quinn 2. What’s your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:617289120 3. What is your Rank: AM (note: It's now AM according to the SOP, the format needs to be updated) 4. What timezone are you in: CST 5. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 0 or 1 i can't view the roster currently, so idk right now. 6. How many warnings do you have on GL: 0 7. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you: 8 ( i can be on when my game decides to allow me to load in.) 8. Why do you believe you should become a Medical Command member (100+ words): I believe I would be a good candidate for the position because I can help improve the battalion and help set straight some issues that may happen. I do have experience as Captain from Imperial RP in the medical field. And if i mess up i’ll try again and make sure it will be completed if its the right thing. If i see someone breaking to SOP or MOTD and Gen sec rules, i’ll correct them and try to make sure they don’t do it again. Also if you find me unfit for the position i under stand and will not be mad over, i’ll would just want the reason why and what i should improve. [The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.] 9-1. You have found a Resident Medic in HCZ, what do you do? I would ask them first why they are here and second how they open the lvl 3 door. then i'll start escorting them out of HCZ. Once we get back to medbay i'll ask to tell the full story of what happened if they say they didn't know they aren't allowed in there i'll tell them not to go in there again and read the SOP. But if they're fear rp by CI and taken hostage i'll just confirm with CI this did happen if not they'll be warned not to do it again and if they do it on purpose they'll be punished accordingly. 9-2. There is a Medic requesting to be trained for Field Work, how would you train them? I'll try to see if i can get someone from the sub-branch that can train for it, then i'll see if a Doctor+ can train them for it. 9-3. You see an Experienced Medic shooting D-Class in D-Block, what do you do? I'll ask them why they're doing it and if they were armed. I'll say if you truly feel threatened by the Armed D-class , then i'll tell them to make sure it's in self defense, according to MOTD all non-combat personnel may shoot back at armed D-class in self-defense and if the D-class wasn't armed i'll warned them to stop then call staff for ARDM or MARDM since they're breaking the SOP and MOTD, and they'll be punished for they're actions.
  17. Dear Shock command, Hello my name is Quinn and I'm a 1SGT in Shock and wish to apply for officer since i do want to gain an officer experience in shock and help improve the Regiment. so take your time to read over my application and i wish you a happy day. I've been in Shock 27 Days but i've been in shock for 3 times now.and So far i have 7 weeks on the server so far and it will increase day by day and the reason why i feel that you deserve the position of officer is to be honest i feel like i deserved the possition because i'm more than cable to be one since i do have background experience of being one in the past since i was a CPT in medical, LTCOL in IQ and i'm currently a 1LT in DT. Also i want to be able to improve shock and make it a better place than currently is. And I like shock alot & i don't want to see it go into chaos at all when all hell breaks loose some day, so i would like to wish to become ann= officer so i can impprove not just me but the regiment as a whole, but i can do little but as an officer i will be able to do a alot more than i normally can. Also the reason why I can be trusted to hold this position is because When i'm active and doing my job. I'll always be watching and making sure nobdy is doing what they aren't sussposed to. and if they are breaking sop or server rules i'll have a talk with them to sort the issued out in a peaceful way instead of rude and iggorant way. If i get chosen, I'll will make sure as previously state keep and eye out for those who miss behave and if i get a report or i see them breaking sop/server rules i'll have a talk with him about and make sure it will get resolved in a peaceful way without violence or getting worst. but if i fail what i say, your free to remove me from officer position if you feel like i haven't been doing my job which is fine and under standable so it's up to you. and as i stated i won't let you down as many people might have. And i can be active from 5:30pm EST to 11:00PM EST on week days and for weekend i can on whatever between 8:00am EST and 11:00pm EST for the weekend and I thank you fpr reading my application and if you wish to deind this appication,it's very understandable since this is my first Application ever, and i hope you have a nice day. - From Shock ENG 1SGT Quinn SK129
  18. - Support but it doesn't make any sense for Purge to have E-11D but everything else is good but it's just the E-11D is a DT weapon not Purge so makes more sense if it had a flame thrower more than E-11D, Also it's not lore nor cannon and Legend multiple sources proves it
  19. + Support this You are doing a awsome job in DT and i hope to see you exceed in the regiment
  20. Lead Researcher: Quinn Assistant Researcher(s): N/A Test Subject(s): 2 Experiments Name: Phoenix Rise project Targeted Results: A Bio weapon that can attack the enemy forces by attacking the DNA chain of the subject so which in a way it will only effect the people who's DNA is in the target list and they will be deleted from Existence. Actual Results: Redacted by order of the ISB. Procedures performed: Alternate the list and add the DNA of subject 1 to it so the weapon will only attack him and him alone without harming others. Then I had both Subjects step into the gas chamber to be exposed to the gas of the weapon and release the weapon into the chamber. Outcome: Subject 1 was killed and his body was deleted from existence. But it took 2 minutes until he was killed and subject 2 was fine but at the end he was Redacted reasons .
  21. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) 69th DPD CPT Richard 1129 2. What Regiment are you applying for? 69th Medical Corps Vice-Commander 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? The main reason why i want to be the 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 3 weeks worth according to the server thing or what ever it's called, Also i have joined the server December 30th 2021. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a Vice-commander for a branch? The Main purpose a Vice-commander is to make sure everything is running smoothly, also to improve the regiment and assist the Commanders any way possible. cause without them the regiment will be thrown into chaos and it can put and heavy ammount of stress on the commander of the time which isn't good at all so they're here to relief some of the stress from the higher ups. also to be a role model for others and correctthe wrong doings to make it right again, cause everyone deservese a 2nd chance and on forward. 6. Why should we trust you to be a Vice-commander? : The reason why i believe that you should trust is because i can do things that need to be done to insure that it gets done property and the correct, also i'm willing to get it done even if looks like it can't be done i'll make it will be done. also even something seems to be imposible i won't give up until it is posible for the everyday person. 7. How often can you be Online? : Most times after 4:00pm CST and when i'm not working on weekends, so basically about 30 hours week days and 7 hours and 30 mins on weekend depending on my work schedule is for that weeked and 6 hours for each week day. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 0 Warns as i can see. (Sorry if it's bad this is my first time applying for something)
  22. My in game name is Aaron and my rank is MSG , i have 3 days on the server in total, I feel like i deserve this rank is because i'll be able get men into battle ready and prepare them for what's to come. I feel like you can trust me because when no higher ranking is on during events or on ship battles i can get people into positions and encourage them to keep fighting and to hold them ground. If i get chosen i would add more training sestions with the men and sims to help them with things such as target practice or raids/combat on the battle field and formations sense some of the stuff needs to be in prove and i want to help them with so we can be the most proffesional group on the server and still able have fun with others. I would try to be on every day of the week when i'm not busy with school or work.
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