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Posts posted by FBI-01

  1. On 9/17/2021 at 10:46 AM, Coltable said:

    We removed lights within the map to decrease are overall entity count on the server as we had crashing issues, since that fix back in july we have had much less crashes and i see no need for us to undo that work. 

    Coltable has spoken, and I don't think more lighting is necessary based on what I've seen while in D-block. 

  2. On 9/15/2021 at 12:02 AM, Right Twix Bar said:

    It seems clear enough, like Chief said:

    I mean, "If cuffed, you are prohibited from breaking out of the handcuffs until five minutes have passed since being cuffed, or if left alone and unattended by Foundation/CI personnel" seems clear enough.

    If you can give an example of what you would want it change to to clear it up, I might +Support

    But, for now, it seems clear enough, I don't see how it could be clearer. -Support

    Clarification is already present.


  3. On 9/14/2021 at 2:09 AM, Train Overlord said:

    To summarize the event. MTF bought a unique portal from two anomalous door salesman under the thought that a high-ranking Foundation official was trapped inside the portal injured. MTF forces entered the portal and found themselves trapped inside as the portal itself was a trap. MTF found out that to exit the portal they had to collect 4 ‘cores’ from various trials inside the room. Firstly, they had to survive a few hordes of Zombies in order to proceed. Before proceeding, however, MTF had to offer a 'sacrifice' to proceed. Originally a sacrifice was required however, they opted to take a harder wave of zombies instead which I compromised on.


    There were 3 trials. Trial of ‘Wit’, ‘Strength’ and ‘Knowledge’.

    Trial of ‘Wit’ - MTF had to answer 3 increasingly difficult riddles and whoever answered them incorrectly was killed. = They survived the trial and gained the first core


    Trial of ‘Strength’ – MTF had to kill a large dog-like creature. = They survived with causalities and gained the second core


    Trial of ‘Knowledge’ – MTF had to answer questions to proceed.  = Once again survived granting the third core



    After overcoming these trials MTF forces had dwelled. They were, however, given the option to bring back the fallen MTF as the consequence of undergoing a significantly harder wave of Zombies. MTF had accepted and their brothers were resurrected. However, the wave was gruelling, and one could argue its worth.


    Afterwards, MTF had to fight the two demonic creatures. MTF had come victorious however, only 2 had survived the ordeal. The last core was dropped, and the survivors exited the portal leading it to collapse in behind them.

    I played in this event. It was well thought out and fun, and I hope for more events like it.


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Kvist said:

    A million times yes. The bland, dreary nature of D-Block is exactly why D-Class have little else to do except riot constantly. Anytime there's some props put down, the effect is almost instantaneous and things calm down considerably. I'm not opposed to PVP action, but I think this is the type of suggestion that needs to be implemented in order to turn down the dial down from 11.

    Like previous posters have suggested, the props should make sense. However, I'm all for making them plentiful and creative. D-Block is one of the most, if not the most important areas in the server.


  5. On 9/7/2021 at 5:39 PM, CI Cosmic said:

    -Support it's a level 100 job and has a limit of 2 slots , it's supposed to be strong this has been said many times.
    Also Lightweights have a 60 second nlr, making it 90 seconds makes no sense.

    Nobody will play on a lvl 100 job if you had a 90 second nlr and will more than likely play on their cc with a lower nlr.

    Y'all already removed the Cuffs from it, do you just want it to be 0 fun? Jeez y'all really hate D-class.


  6. On 8/27/2021 at 5:05 PM, Ya Boi Sawrunner said:

    I believe he just thought of examples. The point of the suggestion seems mainly to be a donator item or something that is a small concept, something harmless. A little item for players with a couple credits laying around, his suggestion revolving more about just finding a use for the credits more than anything


  7. On 8/24/2021 at 1:40 PM, ScootyBoop22 said:

    -Very Fun to be around
    -Very Active
    -Very Professional
    -Good Overall Experience

    I’ve seen fusion around on Nu7 and he knows his stuff. His app is a little short, but I think he still deserves RRH.

    • Like 1
  8. On 8/19/2021 at 6:19 PM, DooM Guy said:

    This is entirely true, killing gensec is getting harder especially when a CC is on. Gensec CC's have more health than a normal Nu7 or E11 so it becomes a chore to kill them. 200 200 is very challenging to kill and you can usually only kill them in groups.



    Regardless if D-Class get a buff, gensec will get buffed either way.


    It's been a real struggle for D-Class for a while and I'm glad someone stepped up and made a suggestion for them to get buffed. D-Class are way underpowered and it takes sheer skill just to even get kills cause of how strong gensec are. "Just get good 😂" OK mister 200 200, how about you play with only a melee weapon cause all of the guns you get are hot garbage (excluding a few ofc)
    Plus hitreg is almost RNG based at this point so fighting becomes even more diffcult

    And istg if one more mf says "D-Class are meant to be weak" I will bend your toe nail upwards 



  9. 14 hours ago, Right Twix Bar said:

    I'm gonna have to -Support this. 

    So, the ethereal isn't even the greatest weapon. If you're experienced with dodging and aren't running down a long ass hallway, then it's quite hard to get killed by it.

    Even so, the only class that spawns with it, is the Coldsilver Alpha Unit, which can only come into the Facility on Code Red and is a whitelist given to only a few people.
    And, it's 150k from the Quartermaster, which is quite pricey for most players.


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