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Posts posted by Gyara

  1. Pillercat is a very mean person and I think he should be punished, he is abusing my 30th amendment right and that is mean. Pillercat is very mean, pls punish. He mean, did I mention that he is not cool? He's mean just wanted to let you know that. Did I mention that he is very mean? I think I did not ever say such a thing. I also got proof he mean, I can't show it cause it is on my computer. He's mean btw, he is abusing his 0th amendment right and that is illegal in the state of Canada. He's mean. Water is illegal because of him please ban, Food is legal cause of him please don't ban. He's illegal. Have you tried Mind gum? He's mean and should be banned from the 56 states of New Mexico. I just got a new dog today he's kinda cute ngl but that terrible, good-looking cat thing is different. He's mean and punishable, did you know that water is good for the body and the state of mind. Thy shall be discipline by the wing of my foot if thy doesn't respect thy great gyara. He's mean. All I wanted to say is that Pillercat is not a great dude, instead he is an Amazing dude (That was a lie he is mean)

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  2. In Game Name: Gyara

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:430213684

    Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian

    Current RP Ranks Held: MTF DHFE Nu7 1LT / MTF E11 PFC

    If applying for Guardian preferred O5 to guard: N/A

    If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: N/A

    How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) : None


    Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: 
    I have been wanting to join RRH for over a month now. Most of the time when I am on Gaminglight I haven't been able to do anything different other than playing MTF or being a Class D. I've tried out multiple different branches like Research, Gensec, and Maintenance but ended up leaving all of them because they simply didn't suit me, I want to try out something different. RRH is more lore-based than other branches and I would love to immerse myself in a more serious roleplay point of view instead of messing around all of the time. RRH would also be a good way to get to know more people on the server, I've already met a lot of kind-hearted people and I want to meet more people in the Gaminglight Community, RRH in general will just show me a whole new world of opportunities and I would want to experience that new world.

    Why should we accept you: 
    The reason you should accept me is that I am a dedicated member of the server, I play every single week and I believe that I would be a good fit for Red Right Hand. I can ensure that I will not abuse any of my powers, I haven't gotten one warning on the server nor have I gotten one warning in any branch which shows that I am trusted to show up to meetings and not break most rules. There are also a lot of good qualities I have such as; I can listen and be quiet in important situations, I am friendly with people, I can deal with important roleplay situations, and that I just want to have fun. I am also quite confident in my PVP skills, I am not the best of course but I will help out the site as much as I can.

    Things to know:
    I am going, to be honest, but I like having fun which means I am a minge. I love to mess around and have fun with my friends, I'm not someone that would break any rules just for fun regardless I can promise that I will not mess around on RRH unless it's an OOC situation. I have also gotten into multiple arguments on the server isn't anything too serious, but I have talked with most of the people that I got into an argument with to make sure that we both made up and that we are both ok with each other.


  3. +support I've experienced this multiple times when I've been playing Field Expert, this goes for the same when I have been playing SCP's.


    On 8/27/2021 at 6:34 PM, Nydekore said:

    -Support to SCPs, while waiting for staff sucks, having an SCP OOC for that duration of time would be harmful to gameplay/RP, MTF would have to wait around forever to get the site back to fully functioning, even though the SCP is causing minimal harm. Also, not every SCP player I've seen is honest with actually waiting the time of breaking so I could see them using it as an excuse to be OOC even if the door breach is invalid, thus keeping them out longer and possibly getting MTF killed another way. Of course maintenance could be using it is an OOC excuse but if they were to get caught doing that, that could always be a branch punishment.

  4. 12 hours ago, Pillercat said:


    15 hours ago, russianweeb69 said:

    I was just watching SCP Vids and thought "Wouldn't it be cool to like work for the foundation" and just thought ima try out SCPRP and just got on gmod

    Actually same here. I had previously played on this server before for like a day two years prior and I believe it was still in my history.


    Ay wait? Same here 🤔

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