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Posts posted by Gyara

  1. +support
    I remember ceese; he never did anything terrible and had no warnings. He never had any "alt account" that I am aware of either, which makes me think the console accidentally made a mistake and falsely banned him. (I also can't find any reason for the ban on "Gaminglight Tools." website)


    1 hour ago, FusionThunder said:

    CBRN are only really used when theres an incentive like a mass test for ctf to go to or 610 to recontain for CBRN. I’ve constantly seen in my time as MTF Command/HCMD that sub branches with a purpose like this struggle with activity. 

    You are overestimating the use and activity of multiple sub-branches, such as CBRN and MCU. These classes are rarely used due to the drawbacks and rank/lvl requirements you would need for these. For example, you must be an MSGT+ even to be allowed to get trained for CBRN. It takes at least more than 1 month+ to get to the rank of MSGT, and even if people get trained for the job, there is rarely anyone that plays it, and that is excluding the fact that you can only flag onto the job when 049 or 610 is breached you can't play it whenever. This also goes for MCU; when is the last time you've seen someone play MCU? It rarely gets played due to the level requirement of the job, and it would be much easier to join Medical instead of reaching lvl 50+. It's the same for FE. FE also has its limitations as a sub-branch.

  3. +support

    Why should someone get warned for saying "you seem like you suck the exhaust out of cars" and "you fucking idiots," "are you mental?", "get a grip on reality" it seems stupid.

  4. On 5/27/2022 at 8:54 PM, FusionThunder said:


    You need a better phone, that is the lowest quality picture I've ever seen in my entire life you fricken loser.

    +support, I changed my mind I think this dude does deserve a second chance at least


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    Please, I am Begging for 2191 to get nerfed; he is overpowered, and it's absurdly annoying. Every time 2191 gets breached, it's so irritating to deal with. It takes hours literally to re-contain him, and during off-hours, it is physically and mentally impossible to actually re-contain him. The site goes to hell every time he is breached; 2191 is an actual problem that needs to be dealt with. Not to mention even if you have a MASSIVE group of people, its still absurdly hard to re-contain him it's just so annoying

  6. 11 hours ago, Cecil Stedmen said:

    - support

    I'll be honest,  I'm not sure if this is enough to prove he DELIBERATELY abused the glitch mentioned. I'm always on the side of "rather have a guilty person go free than an innocent person get locked up", and here I just don't see enough to say beyond a reasonable doubt he abused the glitch.

    However I do think this report brings up a couple of key points that need to be discussed about the sword itself. I do 100% agree with Pure's sentiment that "High Command shouldn't be easy to kill", but I think this sentiment can be accomplished without making high command miniature SCPs. This is seen with how the Nu-7 and E-11 commanders are setup in stats/weaponry alongside Site Administration + O5. Gonna take a quote from Panda's response where he said "The second clip you were using a bolt action sniper. the swords block cooldown would have been over by the time you cycled the bolt, aimed in, and fired again.", I think the fact the block cooldown ends so quickly is the issue. I think the sword block drain should be similar to how it works with wiltOS lightsabers to where it can block a set amount of damage and if the sword doesn't block damage for a good period of time (typically around 5 seconds), it can regen the amount of dmg it can block slowly but surely instead of instantly like it seems to be occuring in the clips. Regardless, I would +support a temporary restriction on the sword while SMT looks into it and in exchange temporarily buff the HP and Armor of the D5 Commander until a decision is made by SMT in regards to the sword.

    TLDR: Don't see proof Fusion is abusing a glitch but the parry cooldown feature should 100% be investigated by SMT for balance purposes. If I got any facts wrong about the sword in this then feel free to correct me.


  7. 2 hours ago, Sparkle said:


    I think it would be better to hammer it home to those individuals that certain actions are not okay. I preach that strikes are verbal warnings and once that firm hand is shown, they will reel themselves back. I rather the few not hurt the many cause we often times don't get anything fun implemented due to "possible abuse" .


  8. 2 hours ago, FusionThunder said:


    If you found your doppelgänger wouldnt you have an adverse reaction? Plus you only roll for fakes and lies in interro theres no need for baeto to roll id check when its his id and valid

    2 hours ago, Ozzzie said:


    I was one of the Delta-5 present in this situation. I don't believe this is warn worthy, however I don't think Baeto should have used his HCMD status to confuse the players present.
    Chineseman and CyanicZed are really at no fault here, nonetheless I think Baeto, CyanicZed and Chineseman should all weigh in. 


  9. 2 hours ago, PryingTree said:

    What I didn't know was that you had to wait 15 seconds if there was 2 people. I thought it stacked on. For example; one person = 5 seconds, two people = 10 seconds, three people = can't move at all. 

    Did they change this rule? I didn't know that either tbh.

    +Support, It should've at least been a verbal!

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