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About The_Brit

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  1. +support -Active -Great leader -Knows what he is doing -Loyal to the Batt -Always helping others Rev is a great RG and would be perfect for this role within the battalion.
  2. Questions 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : IC OSL VCMDR 1140 Fixer / Brit 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Imperial Commando 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I have dedicated most of my time on the server to Imperial Commandos and have put all my time into the battalion ever since i first got Darth in server i come on server daily unless im having a short break but even then i will still get on server every other day it is the only battalion i would strive to become Commander of so that i can further help the battalion as a whole grow and expand. I would also love to share and give the same amazing experiance i have had in IC to others who join this battalion. IC is the only battalion i have been in for a while apart from when helping out the STs a little when they needed it. I spend pretty much all my time on the IC job when on server and am constantly trying to get more new members doing missions and Sims when we have the numbers are trying to make sure all my IC have a great time when on server. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 4 weeks 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a branch commander is to lead his guys and show the best example of what it is to be a commando while leading and dealing with any and all problems the other IC cannot giving the IC everything they need to be encouraging and outstanding while doing it. Nothing comes above the Commander branch and the Commanders own branch should always take priority that being said a Commander should always be open to help other people and battalions whenever needed or can also keeping good relations with the others on the server. Never be bias or unfair to anyone and give everyone an equal chance to rise through the ranks to one day hopefully be ready to take over as commander. The Commander should be making sure his troops are acting good and following all the rule and keep an eye out for any problems that could start while giving the troops plenty of stuff to do like missions SIMs ect. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I have never given a real reason to be untrust worthy i have always been following the server rules and have been helping out with IC the best i can since joining by doing daily try outs to grow numbers whenever i can doing SIMs / Missions to keep my guys entertained when no events are happening and been doing all i can to keep moral high so not to see people want to stop playing on IC or the server. I helped the STs when i could and have been playing as a Commando since i first got Darth while trying to get as many people involed with our activites as i can to show that we are a great battalion to join. I do whatever i can for my fellow IC and help them whenever they come to me with whatever they need. As i commander i would be trying to spread the same enjoyment i got from my time rising through the ranks and do everything i can for the IC as a whole. Before i was a VCMDR i was also the only Omega Squad Vice lead showing i could be trusted with a high ranking spot back when i was a MAJ since then i have been learning and doing more to better myself at leading and being a person people can trust. 7. How often can you be Online? : 5/6 days a week 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 0 current warnings to my knowledge
  3. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Brit/Delta 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Imperial Commandos 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? i strongly believe i could help the battalion as a whole to grow in numbers and activity while keeping the battalion professional and how a commando should be while also dealing with any and all problems reported to me asap. I will also help the other commanders and members with anything and everything i can while keeping spirits up and leading by example. I am also dedicated to this battalion it is the only battalion i play on actively everyday and can't think of another battalion i would rather be a VCMDR in. I can giving out promos to those who deserve them and hosting try-outs and trainings at every possibility to keep all members entertained. I worked my way up from the bottom starting as a PVT and putting the time and effort in to get the the rank I am now. I had no rank transfers or anything to boost me up faster this just adding to show how dedicated I am towards the IC and how much I want to help the battalion as a whole to enjoy the same experience I have had in the Imperial Commandos. I also want to open new possibilities for the battalion to assist in growing the activity of the IC and professionalism as a whole while showing the server what being a commando actually means and what we can do when needed too. I will also go above and beyond to help the IC with anything that is needed to keep activity high and moral high. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 2weeks time played (what it says on the tab menu) 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The purpose of a commander is to , lead by example , deal with all problems within the battalion , provide activity to the battalion , and ensure all members are not breaking rules and are acting how they should and promote people who deserve it and keep a stable and steady ranking structure. when not dealing with their battalion they should be reaching out to other battalions keeping good relations with them and helping them however they can as a commander/vice commander you should always help everyone and other battalions whenever its needed but focusing on their respected battalion. As a Vice Commander it is your job to go above and beyond what is expected of you to exceed expectations to prove yourself to everyone that you can do what is needed and run/help run the battalion correctly and effectively while bringing out more ideas and possibilities for the whole battalion and for others who want to join in on the activities the VCMDR hosts. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I am a Major within IC and the Vice Lead of Omega squad the redacted sub battalion within IC showing i have proven i can be trusted to all the IC higher ups and know what i am doing within the Imperial Commandos. I have also been dedicated since i joined and have no reasons not to trust me i follow the server rules , chain of command and help everyone however i can while doing my best to keep everyone happy and feeling safe within the server as a whole. As I stated earlier I worked my way up from the very bottom and stuck with the IC the entire time making it my main focus on the server and have every reason to do nothing but help and support the IC battalion. I also have great leadership skills when it comes to keeping people acting in a professional manner when needed and be able to have fun and keep spirits high when we have nothing going on but will always keep the Commandos in a professional manner when the time calls and hand out punishments to those who take advantage of the fun. I also have no problem acting and fulfilling the role of a VCMDR infront of large groups of people meaning I can host large missions , Sims and all that fun stuff without getting nervous or cracking under the pressure as some people may do who are not as confident infront of people. 7. How often can you be Online? : 6 days a week around 6+ hours when i have nothing going on in my IRL life. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : not that i know of.
  4. The IC would still be very Unique as similar to DT the try outs would be very difficult to pass unless you was a donator then it is much easier. To keep the Uniqueness of the battalion the try outs would be extremely hard to pass ensuring it is not some easy access job they would still need to be very experienced and know what they are doing before they can even consider trying out. so i do not believe the IC would loose any uniqueness in fact i believe it would stand to gain more uniqueness and actually mean more to be in and improve how people see the IC; by this i mean people will see the IC as a battalion that is the very best and can do anything needed of them without fail and not as some job that is just pay to get in. As we stand yes we are liked within the community and respected but people will non the less just see us as no better than a beefy Stormtrooper that people with money can be. as for the numbers yes we have decent number for a donator battalion but that isn't enough as we can hardly do as many activates with pure IC. i guarantee 8/10 Sims and mission IC host another battalion is there to boost numbers so we can actually do it and this is not ideal for any battalion why yes its good as more battalions can join us we cannot do anything with the stuff an IC should do like missions that in lore an IC would do ect p.s thank you for your opinions on this
  5. What do you want to see?: What i would like to see is the ability for non donators to join IC but with restrictions of course. For example non donator IC can only achieve the rank of SGT and no higher and cannot join any sub battalions without donating so they can get a feel for the battalion before deciding if they want to donate to get it and allow people who may not have money to spare to join without issue; with this restriction it is still very much fair for the people who donated since they can get any rank and join the sub battalions with out any restrictions. Why should we add it?: The Imperial Commandos are an amazing battalion but is let down by its lack of numbers and constant need for more people to get online but this idea will solve that problem allowing more members to join and allow the IC to do much more and better activities making the role/job of IC much better and active with missions sims ect and will at the same time encourage more people to buy the Darth role to get the full experience of this amazing battalion. What are the advantages of having this?: More active and dedicated members Better and interesting mission possibilities Open a range of new possibilities that lack of numbers wouldn't allow More to do on the IC job Improve the worth of the IC and much more Who is it mainly for?: This is for the Imperial Commandos and people who want to join but may be short on money and unable to purchase the Darth Role.
  6. Format: What is your in-game name? Brit What is your current rank? Master Sergeant How much time do you have on the server`? 1 week Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer? I feel i deserve the position of Officer as i have been more than active every day since i join Shock Troopers and have always done everything i can to help the battalion as a whole and have teaching new shock what to do and how to do stuff in certain scenarios. while having a DT and IC life as well i easily play on my shock the most to keep the player count (within shock) as good as possible especially when the numbers are low on the server and to always ensure the Shocks who are online have someone they can come too if they need anything. Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position? i have been loyal to the battalion and have helped it in everyway i could and never given the higher ups a reason not to trust me i follow orders given as they are given unless i feel that the order is questionable in that i would bring the said order to question with the person who gave it ensuring that everything is done correctly and to a great standard. If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't? i can be on most days of the week and for long periods of meaning i will always be available to help the shock and i have great communication skills meaning i can easily talk to higher ups and sort stuff out like making sims and dealing with problems when needed. I will make it my goal to keep the shock professional and affective within the server making sure the shock do their jobs properly with minimum mistakes and complaints. How active can you be? 6 days a week but times will Varey as i do have college and things can change.
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