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Mark Long

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Everything posted by Mark Long

  1. -support. I have tried this add-on without it on the server and on another server. It makes me crash and very laggy. If you want it then enable it your self but some people can't have it because of performance reasons. Do not add.
  2. +support. You have changed. -support. You need more time to have this chance.
  3. +support This should be added and addressed to all gov regarding @Tactical 's thoughts. This would really clear up some things.
  4. The last thing I'm going to say. If your going to make one side fair then fix up your side.
  5. -support I believe that this would be making things more realistic. But, you also need to realize that gov low ranks are only allowed to have bad guns and we don't have a choice to get better guns. Unless gov is going to get better guns then it isn't fair that you guys get to use the termanater and we only get to use a hard to aim gun.
  6. What you want to see? - The PRP Discord Announcement channel be changed so we can click on it to subscribe to it. Why should we add it? - Because people would like to subscribe to it so we can view updates in another server. What are the advantages of having this? - Other servers can follow this channel and get the announcements from the PRP server. Who is it mainly for? - Discord users that like the PRP Discord. Links to any content - https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360032008192-Announcement-Channels- this is a walk thru on how do set it up. This is what you would click (image)
  7. In Game Name: Cuke Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): STEAM_0:1:460259112 Discord Name (Bread#0001): Cuke#0467 If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): I have three. One for exploiting (Pd server) Another for Lie'n to staff (Scprp) (I did not lie) And I'm not sure on the last one (it was for police RP) When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): 2 years ago I think Why do you want to join Nu-7? (75 word minimum): The reason I would love to join Nu7 is because of the fun things we got to do before and all the nice people I was working with before I took my long LOA. I loved the PVP with CI and CD. It was a fun thing in the time that I played, and I enjoyed it very much. I like the fun extra things that we did like raid CI or getting captured by CI and stuff like that. Just to end this up, I'm just saying that I love the people that I played with. If you have any Branch Strikes/Punishments, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): I don't think I do, but I might be wrong I'm not sure where to check. If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): Scrp: Junior Medical thing Junior Maintenance PD server: Was State trooper Am SNR Star Wars thing: Am like 501 branch or something. Do you understand getting on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here — but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: Yes Just an extra thing to say: I am I former MTF Nu7 Private and I got kicked for inactivity. And I wish to be on this team again. Forgot to add but Im a low rank in sec (Same rank when I got accepted before into MTF Nu7)
  8. Cuke STEAM_0:1:460259112 473690811607941131 Military 0 The few reasons why I should be CI is... One, every time I'm on a site job CI wipes us all out and it's a very strong group of people. Two, CI seems like a friendly group of people. When I'm on a site job and I see someone that I know is in CI (not at that time) they are very nice. I also want to join because at the time of me setting this up there was 20~ CI online and when they raided they did fairly good, but I did manage to kill 5-7 of them. I think myself that I would be a good person to help out CI and them doing better at raiding and such related. My skill amount with the guns that are on the server are very good. And I'm very friendly and willing to learn. Almost every week-day for a good 8 hours. Yes. My discord is Cuke#0467 I understand.
  9. Cuke STEAM_0:1:460259112 Cuke#0467 Failrp and lieing to staff (I never lied but got warned) Good year ago Many of the reasons I would want to join Nu7 is one, I like how the department works strongly together and never gives up and always relies on each other. I wish to be a part of this team because It's an extremely strong group of players and works well with each other. I also want to join because as many of the members are very, very, very nice to people. Furthermore, I also wanted to join because of the tasks that you can do. Because the other jobs just get boring, and so does LCZ. With a new job comes new Responsibilities and I think I can handle them and I think it will be fun to have a brand-new job to do and new people to work for. Got 5 day'ed in SEC for something I never should have gotten 5 day'ed for. (standing on fence when D block lockdown) PD: Pd, State, EMS SCP: Medical, SEC, maintenance, Research. Star Wars: Trooper, 501. Yes. I wish whoever reads this (if you accept it or not) has a great day.
  10. Steam Name: Cuke Ingame Name: Cuke SteamID: STEAM_0:1:460259112 Ban Length: week Admin that Banned you: Mikey Reason for Ban: The wrenches everywhere. Dispute: The person that warned me the 1st time (Chipdale) told me that I would get a warn and this is a bannable offence and he said I would not be banned for it. I was told to stop after the sit and I did stop. Then I got stuck on a wall and Phisguned a admin over to unstuck me. He proceded to move me to a roof and ask me if the wrenches are my doing. I said yes, He then proceded to ban me.
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