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Donovan 1973

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Posts posted by Donovan 1973

  1. On 5/25/2023 at 8:36 PM, PopoMyNamo said:

    Great guy taught me a lot about being officer
    Has past experience in command
    Great Application


    On 5/21/2023 at 9:37 PM, ENT said:

    Fits the role of VCMDR

    been working with him when he was shock and he pretty good

    good luck(that all i have for u lel)



  2. On 5/20/2023 at 5:47 PM, Ganrik said:


    While under current leadership of Harry Jr. we have seen many of combat situations and leadership intensive scenarios.  When no one else would step up Harry Jr. did and did very well!

    Harry Jr has shown good leadership and we need someone in this role of medical so it can grow and become better! Their responses to the questions I felt were well thought out and they took their time in thinking about the answers and not just quickly filled out the application.  Harry Jr. Has made changes to the Medical SOP and they made sure that those changes were implemented well! 



  3. What is your in game name? 


    What is your in game rank?


    What is your STEAM ID? 


    How long have you been in Naval?

    I joined on 5/23/23 so 5 days

    Why do you wish to become a Junior Officer?

    In all honesty I really just want to join the starfighter battalion (if you can even call it that anymore) basically i hate seeing SF in its current dead state I really just want to work with command and do everything possible to fix the battalion. I also just want to make it clear that although a lot of the new players don't know me and my past with SF but basically i used to be WCMDR back when it was the highest officer rank and I spent a lot of time in SF and I really just want to bring it back to the way it used to be because right now its just a fragment of its potential.

    What are the duties of a Junior Officer? 

    As a naval Junior officer or NCO it would be my duty to host tryouts for new players wanting to join naval as well as host sims to keep current naval entertained and interested. It would also be my duty to keep enlisted in line as well as work with officers to help assist them with anything they might need.

    How will you assist the battalion as a Junior Officer?  

    I mostly will do my best to help better SF in whatever way it might be needed as well as doing the previously mentioned tryout hosting's and sim hosting's.  

  4. Custom Job Name: Imperial Senate Guard

    Server: ImperialRP 

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:450139978

    CC Owners SteamID: STEAM_0:1:465696965

    Reason for Report: So I stopped playing on the server for a few months now and noticed the CC I was on got marked inactive and now the model is gone I was wondering what that means and how I can get it marked active again also I tried to contact the old owner of the CC but I and others had no luck someone told me that because it was marked inactive it is now up for auction and would like to ask how much I could acquire the CC for

    Screenshots/Evidence of Issue: N/A

  5. 1 hour ago, Kuria said:


    Your Punishment was unfair in my opinion, should not have been as severe as it was. o7

    you and me both home boy im gonna miss you. Absolute legend of a Vice Marshall hmu to play some chivalry or VR or some shit love you bbg ❤️

  6. On 2/19/2022 at 8:39 PM, ShadowNaval said:

    MEGA +++++ SUPPORT
    + this guys has done alot for Havoc
    + He helped Revive havc
    + Dedicated ALOT
    + Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
    + Only Suitable Canidite
    + Respectfull
    + Kind
    + Understanding
    + All in general a great guy
    + Good guy to vent to 
    + Knows what hes doing
    + Funny and cool guy
    + This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
    + Was with havoc till the end



    • Gaminglight Love 1
  7. who tf even cares if he has a stupid sawtooth crystal enough with this bullshit drama already even if he did do it why does it matter honestly everyone is just getting pissed at each other and trying to get each other banned constantly it is so petty

    • Like 2
  8. On 1/31/2022 at 2:26 PM, ArcanineGoat said:

    As it stands right now, very few actively buy permanent pistol crates anymore, even with the addition of the Blurrg to the crates. However with the sheer strength and power this pistol offers (A very balanced weapon as it is very inaccurate and has essentially no sight picture) I believe perm. pistol crates would return as this would become a staple icon that everyone desires !


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