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Donovan 1973

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Posts posted by Donovan 1973

  1. 17 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

    + support 

    - Fantastic application

    - might be new to Naval but looks like he would be a good Aviation Officer 

    - looks like a guy who would put effort into helping SF grow

    - pluse from what I've seen there is only one other AO so they could us the extra help. 

    Over all as a Former CAO you get my approval in the AO department 

    Good luck 👍


  2. On 1/16/2022 at 10:17 PM, Darth Zefer said:

    + support 

    - competent Naval 

    - great application 

    - as a former Chief Aviation Officer I feel he do I good job at the job 

    Good luck


    He has improved a lot since he first joined AO originally I wanted another person to get CAO but I have since seen Elias improve a great deal 

  3. 17 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

    + support 

    - was a former Vice Marshall 

    - has the experience needed for a Officer 

    - Good leader 

    - a good person

    - Decently good application 

    Overall in my opinion he's a instead Accept if I were in charge of SF. 


    Lol imagine being vice Marshall 

  4. 16 minutes ago, TheBigWeeb said:

    Racial slurs are a 0 tolerance policy. However, your ticket leads me to believe you acted rashly in your actions and could possibly be a performative member of the server if you got your act together. You need to realize that people on this server are human beings behind keyboards and that your words have tangible repercussions.

    If you determine to be a stellar member of the server after this, I see no reason to Perma you.


    + Support

    Don't accept this for like another week or 2 but then I would appeal if he promises to be a good boy

  5. On 1/12/2022 at 1:13 AM, CollectiveWorld said:

    +/- Support
    - Seems to know star wars law
    - loves the GL community and wants to help

    - has zero activity on forums and just made acc
    - really rushed application, could re-edit and fix it up
    - really really short and basic offship event when you clearly state you dont want a boring one where "An off ship event we go kill jedi and rebels on endor" is clearly boring and done 100+ times 

    Overall if its not accepted just spend more time on this app, because you represent the GM Team
    Goodluck Hagrid!!!


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