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Donovan 1973

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Posts posted by Donovan 1973

  1. 20 hours ago, Carson said:


    Lol Carson this is really upsetting to see but I wish you well for whatever lies ahead of you I hope to see you every now and then but for now, go relax because GL is very demanding lol


    Also, check out the senate guard CC when you get a chance we updated it and got a ship

  2. 10 hours ago, Shery said:

    + Support

    - Has a basic idea of GM ideas

    - Seems to have good intentions for the community

    - Though you don't have much time in the server, I believe we can let you have a try at being a GM

    I'm in SF with him he is a nice guy and would be a great GM

  3. 12 hours ago, [DPG] Bennet10 the Pigeon said:

    + Support 

    Give this man the job, he is by far the Navy Member who fits best and he is the only reason im not doing a app as i know that he will gets it

    GURR GURR @Odin


    10 hours ago, Vice Marshall Manjini said:



    +One of the most serious people you can meet (so he can be serious and when he needs to be in a way very serious to people he will be)

    +Shows dedication

    +HAS BEEN COMMAND FOR A LONG TIME (Was command for both DT and now Naval)

    Honestly Odin even though he is mean to me some times, he does it in a way for me to look at my self as a command member and how to improve my self as a person, he makes you think you cant be a person who cant be changed as a person, but can be fixed to be a better person in life and to have a brain, he has showed me how to become a good person and that translated into becoming a better command member, Thanks odin ❤️





  4. 9 hours ago, Vice Marshall Manjini said:



    +Great person

    +Knows whats asked of him

    +Does sims like pretty much every day

    +good command member

    +Deserves it like a fuck ton

    +And honestly, he has been helping me as a command member and person a lot

    +he puts all his dedication into the server

    +and honestly has been command for longer than people think

    +has been command in 2 battalions

    +in improving SF everyday

    +Revived SF

    Given, You have helped me and @Brandmore than we can even say thanks, we honestly say thank you for everything you have done, you helped us become better command members and people, and if it was not for you SF would be very very different, We all want you to finally get HC as you have been honestly the best to us, and even though you say this is false its true, you have made SF great again! and with this i say thanks

    “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'” —Muhammad Ali

    I think given would do great but I will miss him in SF 😥

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. 2 hours ago, CAO Penguin said:

    - support

    Heres why now don't get my wrong he's a good Grand IQ but 

    He tends to go on the chimera job alot to minge  about the other day he was fight a group of CCs in the hallways with Rocket launchers. Not really a good look for SHC 


    There are better choices out there 

    I have my own reasons and I also agree their are better choices Jaeger if you reading this I think your a great guy but I would rather see this job go to other people

    • Like 1
  6. On 11/21/2021 at 7:45 PM, Sir Azrael said:


    Dead server hours or not you should still follow the MOTD. it applies through out any time.


    On 11/19/2021 at 10:56 AM, River said:


     What you have said here does not apply this server at all and a staff member would never tell anyone to do that as it could lead to the removal of that staff member. Overall RDM'ing a Bunch of AFK people is not allowed and brakes server rules which is what yo done and have been punished for. However the time for this should not be two weeks for MRDM unless someone can provide evidence of how many people you killed in spawn i think it should be reduced to a week.


    • Dislike 1
  7. On 11/19/2021 at 11:31 PM, Vice Marshall Manjini said:


    +good person

    +has experience

    +Good GM

    +Good quality

    +Has command experience so he knows how to control people witch are going out of track


    +and has a brain



    On 11/22/2021 at 3:52 AM, TheRiceMan said:


    while your an amazing game master I feel your very confrontational which can leave a bad taste in people’s mouths. I’ve witnessed it a few times and have heard others mention this, this shows a lack of composure which is on key thing for GMs. On the bright side you know how to tell a story through events as-well as making them entertaining. You also have a natural skill in voice acting. 

    Full +support but what rice said was true 

  8. 8 hours ago, Vice Marshall Manjini said:


    +Even though what caps said in some ways is true, seaman has holded most active members caps, in SF he hosted with 24!, and then in naval for 30.


    +Shows dedication

    +has experience

    +good person

    +shows that he wants the position

    +one of the best marshalls SF has had.




    Seaman has shown day to day what people need, and honestly there is a lot of people fit for this position, and one of them is you, i wish you luck and honestly i hope you get it, good luck with everything and I wanna say thanks for everything you do to the community ALSO SHOW US YOUR PICTURE WITH THE CAT HEADPHONES!!!!!!!


    • Dislike 2
  9. On 11/20/2021 at 6:24 PM, MrPickle said:

    +/- Support

    -This could be a Cool and unique idea that could be expanded apon by Server Leadership and The GM Team.

    -Could bring back "Planetary Deployments" that we used to do way back then. Where we would switch to a Basemap for a few days and do on ground events to get off the ship and give players something new to do.


  10. 21 hours ago, 0din said:


    By far one of the most active Non commissioned officers I see on, they come off as dedicated to the cause & goal of death troopers and allowing them the rank of officer would allow them more autonomy to contribute to the regiment. Best of luck in your application!


  11. 13 hours ago, Proteus said:

    - Has a solid understanding of an SO
    - Very active
    - Has shown a want to help Shock during these times before making this app
    - Has improved since last being an AO, so if Kit was to be accepted, I trust he can perform well and meet the expectations of an SO


  12. 20 hours ago, M A N D O said:

    +/- Support

    + I haven't seen/heard anything but good things about him

    + He seems interested in following our rules regarding minge/professionalism

    + Follows orders

    - This app is just very short

    Haven't seen him on once but if mando likes him the sure

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