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Donovan 1973

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Posts posted by Donovan 1973

  1. 6 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

    - support 

    Those models look weird they are just Naval heads on weird armor and you want this for the Rebel Event troopers? Yeah no not for me. 

    It's the same as the current rebel heads just on rebel pilot armor

  2. 2 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

    + Major Support 

    this guy is the best choice for the job 

    - great leader 

    - great person

    - dose gods work with Havoc 

    overall deserves it  



    1 hour ago, Lydus said:

    Dedicated member of the community.
    - Active and keeps his battalion active.
    - Is a incredibly great guy to talk to and interact with.
    - Has the required experience and is extremely invested into Havoc.
    - Understands what is required of the position and knows the battalion like the back of his hand.


  3. 12 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

    + support 

    - good application 

    - Sounds like he's a decent NCO and would make a good Officer 

    Good luck 👍

    Very active 

    IF needs more officers (only got 2)

    Nice guy he trained me

    Surprised he's not already officer

  4. +support 

    +eh why not he does good in game and he follows orders what more can you ask for lol

    Edit* this is a very small app but it's an NCO application so it's not really a big deal but next time I would put in a bit more effort 

    • Like 1


    +Easy to talk to

    +Great Guy

    +Been on the server forever!

    +Raised SF from the dead

    I honestly think Manjini is great for the job I know frog will most likely get it but i would love to see Manjini get HC as i really think he deserves it hes worked so hard on SF and he would be a great improvement to HC

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, Steeley said:


    -People say hes dedicated but really hes just inactive.
    -I never see the guy doing anything extra or anything that amazes me so i feel some other people deserve it more.

    -He says "I would like to get more involved with the other Naval battalions" But in reality he needs to work on getting involved with his own regiment.

    I would like to say that you obviously have experience but you also need to be able to be active and available as HC, maybe you might change your activity and be more active/Available to help naval if you get HC. This isn't anything personal as I barely know you and I don't ever remember talking to you that much so i don't know what kind of person you are. You could be the nicest guy in the world but without being more active than usual then there's no point, HC is also extremely demanding which you probably already know but you need to understand people want someone who can devote a lot of time. Like I said this is nothing personal and I'm probably gonna look like a massive dick but I'm just saying my opinion. Good luck anyway !


    I dont have an issue against Frog i just want mando to get it

  7. On 1/7/2022 at 10:56 AM, Darth Zefer said:

    + Major support 

    Yes please give us a new HUD the current one is hot garbage and the ones shown here are perfect pick one and let us see are names. 

    It would be a Buff for Medical and CC's on the fact that they can see health bars again finally be able to properly heal people on the battlefield.  

    Honestly is none of these get added I would be pretty pissed cause our current HUD sucks

  8. Link to new pack(s): 


    How would this benefit the server (will it help events or is it purely for decorations and how?): 

    The following model is a rebel pilot model a variant to the models we currently have I believe this should be added as it can freshen up events with a some different models as well as give GM a bit more options for events for example they could say a rebel pilot crashed and we are now taking it prisoner and they would use this model


    Do you believe the benefits exceeds the risk of adding more content to the server (risking loading times and possible performance) and why?:

    I don't know much about gmod when it comes to packs and loading times but if we add models for CCs I don't see why this would be any different 

  9. On 1/3/2022 at 10:18 AM, Ravix said:

    +/- Support

    • Has officer experience in other regiment's
    • Overall good soldier, knows his place on the battlefield. 
    • Certified and experienced in both IC Subclasses  
    • Lacking unique plans and advantages, in what you would bring to IC as an Officer 
    • App needs more work, you are applying for Officer's rank. 
    • Being an officer in 2 other battalion's would this effect activity? (You would have to give up one).

    You got the Commando part down my man! We just need to work on the app, let us truly know what you can do! I will change my vote within the next 48 hours, if you can change my mind! 


  10. 1 hour ago, TheClusterCharge said:

    It was the song with the rat. "Four Big Guys"


    If that is the ONLY song you played I think it would fall under mic spam the song does however say the N-word twice but it wasn't intended as racism so you get my +support on this only because a warning for racism is a very extreme thing that can affect your time on gaminglight extremely however I advise you to be more careful next time

    *edit* I also think he should serve the one week ban as a lesson for his mistakes 

  11. 6 hours ago, Neptune said:


    -Could save IF before going completely  
    -Would make more  sense due to the fact That IF is apart of Navy
    -Could make If more interesting for new People

    Also for some People Its Perfect because some People Can't decide Between Navy or IF and The decision would Be a lot easier


    I personally think it would be a weird job what if you just have all IF use that backup model and they take off their gear for when they are doing rp on defcon 5

  12. 20 hours ago, Marshall Manjini said:



    +Semms Nice

    +Has good experience

    +has came to me to ask about the battalion and what AO is all about (really wants the position)
    +Would make a pretty nice AO

    +and over all jaeger is a trustworthy person that i honestly want to see in AO

    Yooo Jaeger this means we can work more closely with each other 😘

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