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Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Tactical

  1. Its sad to say but i am retiring from DEA it has been fun but due to moving up in other departments i dont have the time for DEA anymore.

    This doesnt mean i wont play on DEA with you guys i will hop on once in a while an play with you all.

    just wanna say a thanks to @Pvp_Savage6767 and DrDuck for helping me learn command stuff u guys really helped me become who i am today, i also wanna say a thankyou to all other DEA members as you guys are fun to patrol with. thank you guys for giving me this chnace and keep the great work up.


  2. On 7/25/2021 at 7:54 PM, GL Travis Sandman said:



    -Does a good job

    -Never had an issue with him

    -Good App

    cool guy knows what hes doing great person for the spot of captain highly deserves this position in my opinion best of luck tayson ❤️ 

  3. Unfortunately due to moving up in other departments i don't have the time for state anymore 😞 this doesn't mean i am resigning from the server it just means i am leaving state, i have perms from hanxi.

    i do just want to say a huge thankyou to all the members in state for being apart of my journey and it will be sad for me to leave but all good things come to an end. 

    i would name people but it would be 90000 words but thankyou everyone and the best of luck to all of you ❤️ 

  4. On 7/25/2021 at 5:55 AM, OGBlazey said:


    +haven't personally talked to you vice, but from what I’ve see you play a major part within the servers RP.

    +active within the server

    + Amazing application showing effort and dedication to your position


    goodluck Vice!


    VICE is a good guy hes very easy to approach and very easy to talk with he does deserve this position best of luck VICE ❤️ 

    • Like 1
  5. Rank You are Applying For: Colonel 


    In-Game Name: Tactical

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:238559553

    Current Rank: MAJ

    How long have you been in your current rank?: 4 Weeks

    What timezone are you in?: BST

    How many Warns do you have?: 0

    Permission: Deputy Commissioner solomon 1K-6

    Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): So there are many reasons why i believe i deserve the spot as a Colonel. First off i am very active, not just on PD but the whole server in general, this helps as i can be keeping an eye on all potential new Low command members and make sure they are ready when its there time to apply. The second reason would be i am very professional at what i do and know when to have a laugh. The third reason would be i have 0 warns showing that i know the rules and from the day i started to now and the future i will still have no warns, this helps as i can guide all PD and show them the rules making sure they are not breaking any. I am a Admin, Forums diplomat, support and Event team showing i'm dedicated to what i do, i put the same amount of dedication into every department and thing i do on PoliceRP. I truly am a very active and good member of PoliceRP and would like to keep pushing through the ranks in PD. I also feel i make great decisions While working with PD, such as making sure to hear both sides and see evidence of a report about doing something about it, as not taking that seriously could make the wrong decision happen and upset a lot of people, so making sure i listen carefully and make the right decision is key and i feel i do very well at that. . I feel i can be the best Colonel High command are looking for and am ready to take this next step.

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): yes

  6. damn man it was great meeting u and great playing with you i still remember meeting u when i was an OFC it was good fun always remember if u wanna come back and rp hmu ill be more then happy to play with u man best of luck to you see u soon my guy

  7. -support

    ive only just really met u and think you are very professional, you also know when to have a laugh but i have not really seen you on  PD too much once you bring your PD activity up ill happily +support your a cool guy just think u need to be just a little more active first ❤️ 

  8. 5 hours ago, Pillow said:


    -Low Activity

    -4 forum posts

    -Edited Application

    -No Screenshot of Warnings

    get some more activity and forums post and explain on why you deserve to become staff a bit more then that should be good. overall i dont feel you are ready yet so im agreeing with pillow. best of luck tho ❤️ 

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