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Posts posted by Tactical

  1. On 8/18/2021 at 7:42 AM, ICE said:

    You said a Racial Slur and than when I picked you up you proceeded to leave the server knowing that you have obviously broken a rule
    than you were warned and banned for "Racism | LTAP"
    Any type of slur will not be tolerated on Gaminglight


    12 hours ago, BruceyBoyo said:


    And then you got banned from ImperialRP last night/early today for mass RDM... and racism. Based on the fact that you were warned for RDM before you got banned for racism+LTAP, and the fact you then went on another one of our servers and got banned for mass RDMing and being racist there while this appeal was open, I'm not satisfied that you've learned from this enough to warrant a reduction in length.

    after seeing this and reading your appeal i would wait the week that your banned and come back with a better motive. end of the day you said a racist slur that is not tolerated on our server and especially the community.  

  2. 4 hours ago, Ȥero said:


    If what you are saying is true this warn should be removed

    This is equivalent to calling an EMS a School Nurse, the difference is the EMS would not get mad because they are a neutral class not an officer in a position of power (seems like a bit of over reaction)

    This sit could have easily been handled by telling Lazer to try and be a bit more chill and telling the officer if it happens again create a sit, but for something like this no warn should have been issued.

    i do not see why you was given a warn for this a jail maybe but a straight warn is a bit harsh.

  3. 21 hours ago, BruceyBoyo said:

    Major -Support

    -Still receiving warnings relatively frequently

    -Lists a Discord ID instead of SteamID

    -Not very mature or ready for staff in my opinion

    -But the main reason for my strong -support is that the entire last two questions are copied and pasted word-for-word from ChilledGod's staff application: https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/74242-chilledgods-trial-moderator-application-accepted/?tab=comments#comment-511609


    i would personally try wright out your own application on why you would be a good staff member, i would also go without being warned for a month or more.

  4. On 8/18/2021 at 2:05 AM, Corky said:


    Driving an unmarked car. If he did it repeatedly and you have evidence of it then it would be a different story but it is an unmarked car and  you can expect stuff like this to happen if its not marked

    if it was a marked car i would +support but undercover u just wouldnt know

  5. 3 hours ago, Lime King said:

    What you want to see? -  Escape Artist Inmate class that spawns with a lockpick 

    Why should we add it? -  give more RP to inmates and DOC 

    What are the advantages of having this? -  First of all the  big change would be for the secret tunnel in DOC to be changed to a lockpicked door versus anyone being able to open it (besides gov) Make the entrance a gov owned door that way it must be lockpicked. Make the escape artist have a lockpick to assist inmates in escaping. Because anytime there are inmates on they try to escape immediately because they can just open the escape route. 

    Who is it mainly for? - Inmates and DOC 

    Links to any content -  N/A

    +support i feel it brings more rp for doc and as an ex prison officer inmates do craft lockpics etc so it would bring some more rp maybe lock it to level 40-50 so new players dont abuse it and add a rule of 15 mins per escape attempt with lockpick

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  6. 6 hours ago, Senku said:

    if you are going to be unbanned please give me a free burger :3
    Jokes aside I believe that you've changed and you won't make this same mistakes twice

    i believe they deserve another chance everyone makes mistakes and learns from them maybe not straight away but they do so its a + support from me


  7. 13 hours ago, Vader said:


    I asked you "do you wanna do a 1v1 negev fight?" 

    Your answer was " Yeah sure,Ima kill you in real life, give me your adress bro. Ima pull up"

    That is threatening someone to kill them...

    You should stay off the Server.


    never say u "gonna pull up" on someone in our community that doesnt get you far 

  8. 3 hours ago, Solomon said:

    You could have said it was staff who took away your wanted status, and it was kind of a joke but I was arresting you anyways whether or not there was a wanted status. Once King told me the situation you got let go plus wasn't this already dealt with in game?


    im agreeing with solomon here as u was unwanted and he was simply wanting u again, he didnt have too and still couldve taken you to jail even tho your wanted status went after you were in cuffs 

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